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I watched a little while, and watched that pine squirrel chatter at the old eagle.
You can see God anywhere, if you just look for Him.
After while he got enough of that little old chatter, chatter of that little old pine squirrel. He made one big jump, flopped his wings about twice. He never flopped from place to place, from place to place, and place to place. He knowed how to set his wings. He set his wings, and a roar of wind come in, why, he just lifted up. Another roar come; he never flopped his wings, he just lifted up, on, on, on, till he become a speck, leaving that little old earthbound chipmunk setting there, pine squirrel going, "Chatter, chatter, chatter; chatter, chatter, chatter."

William Branham, Sermon"The Inter-Veil"
