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When God called His Name, "Lord God," it's in the word of "El, Elah, Elohim," which means "the self-existing One." There was nothing else existed but Him. There was no air; there was no light; there was no stars; there was no world; there was no nothing else. It was God, and God alone: El, Elah, Elohim. Now, He made that.
Inside of that was attributes, which meant that He was a... Inside of this great El, Elah, Elohim was an attribute or a... You know what an attribute is, or let me say it like this, was a nature. That's so the little fellow will get it. And I'm one of the little fellows that has to get it that way.
Inside of Him was the nature to be a Father. But He's self-existent, there ain't nothing for Him to be a Father by. And now, down inside of that was something else, that He was God; and a god is an object of worship; but He was self-existent: El, Elohim, Elah, Elohim, so there was nothing to worship Him. Inside of that, He was a Saviour. And there's nothing lost to be saved. See? Inside of that He was a Healer (See?), but there was nothing sick to be healed, or nothing to be sick. Now, do you get the picture? So His attributes, His nature produced what is today.
Now, He made that.
The first thing come around was Angels. Then Angels could do no more than worship. They couldn't be lost, so they couldn't be sick; they were immortal beings. So He couldn't display His healing power; He couldn't display His salvation.
Then after that, He said, "We'll make something tangible." So He made a earth. And when He made the earth, He made all the creatures of the earth, and then He made man. Everything that come up out of the earth, starting off with a--a polliwog or a jellyfish, just a form of flesh floating on the water, started from there, to--from that to a frog, which is the lowest type of life that we can find, they claim, is a frog. Highest type is human being. From the frog it started to the lizard, from a lizard on and on and on, and every time the Holy Ghost begin to "whew," breathe, life come again; "whew," greater life. And the first thing, something come up in the image of God; that was a man. Nothing has ever been, never was, never will be created anymore, anything higher than a man, because a man is in the image of God.

William Branham, Sermons "Manifested Sons Of God"
