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You preach the Gospel of the baptism of the Holy Ghost to a lot of these old formal, ungodly churches, and watch them, "We don't believe in no such a thing. I don't believe in no..." Why? You know what you are at the beginning. That's right. That's exactly right.
I'm not saying nothing against your church; brother, you got people in there that's jewels. I ain't saying nothing against the Catholic people. I love the Catholic people the same as I love the Branham Tabernacle people. It ain't you, friend, I'm trying to holler at. It isn't you, Methodist, and Baptist, and Branham Tabernacle. It isn't you that I holler at. It's the sin that you're letting the Devil put over you. Just because you go to church you think you're saved. Jesus can't accept a man be borned of the water and Spirit, he will in no wise enter the Kingdom. Then when you receive the baptism of the Holy Ghost, "These signs shall follow them that believe." That's straight from the shoulder, brother. It's not from the shoulder; it's straight from the Bible. Jesus never said, "Maybe these signs will follow some," He said, "They shall follow them."

William Branham, Sermon"The Mark Of The Beast"
