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There at the end of the season, after she'd took her wheat and so forth, at the end of the season, she went back out, then that night, and here's where a beautiful type of the Gentile Church coming, I mean the true, Gentile Church. When she went out there that night, and found Boaz laying on the heap of wheat... What is it? In Him dwells all the Fulness of God, and the powers of God. Laying on the whole heap of the harvest. And she moved up, and absolutely exposed herself by laying down on his feet. The Gentile Church, the real, true Church of God has exposed herself to public persecution by taking God at His Word, and saying, "I believe that Divine healing and the power of the resurrection. I believe that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever." When all these old, cold, formal morgues say, "The days of miracles is past," we expose ourselves and lay it at His feet." Hallelujah!

William Branham, Sermon "God's Servant Job"
