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Won't you love Him today with all your heart, so you can walk out of this worldly condition that you set in? You women, you men, oh, what did you set here all of this time for? It goes to show there's something down in you; there's something there hungering and thirsting. You wouldn't have set here these two or three hours, setting in this building like this; there's something. Won't you just heed to it today? Let the fashions and science, and all the things of the world, pass away from your mind right now, brother dear or sister dear. The churches are uniting, The great nations are breaking, Israel is awakening, The signs that the prophets foretold; The Gentile days numbered, with horrors encumbered; "Return, O dispersed, to your own." The day of redemption is near. Men's hearts are failing for fear; Be filled with the Spirit, Have your lamps trimmed and clear, Look up, your redemption is near! False prophets are lying, God's Truth they're denying, That Jesus the Christ is our God.
Now, that's true. You know that, all of us, the day that we're living... But He said. It shall be Light about the evening time, The way to Glory you will surely find.
Wherever you are, I want you to receive Christ out there, as your personal Saviour and be filled with His Spirit. The words that's been said this morning, may they drop into your heart. And may there you receive Jesus. And you watch your life, and you see what you live afterwards. And take the thinking man's Filter here. When you see yourself doing something that's contrary to this Word, move from it, right quick. See? Because there is a Filter that keeps death away from you; that's God's Word. His Words are Life, and they will keep you from death.

William Branham, Sermon "God's Power To Transform"
