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Are you willing to let the master craftsman make out of you, that which He could use, and that which He could control, and that which He could power. If this certain little craft, that's been made different and been craft out by the Master's hand, should ever stick into some weeds along in shallow waters, there is a power behind it, a little boat that the Master can turn on and push it out into the deep waters again.
God wants to mold and make us what He wants us to be. But how can we do that, or how can God do that, when we won't even stand still for Him to do it. We want to be our own master. We want to think our own way of thinking. And many people come into the church, and join the church, and put their name on the book, and doesn't even consider what that church believes, or check up with that church, how they preach the Word of God, or whether they stand for the full Gospel or not, or just pick out a portion and add a creed, floating, drifting, and never be able to amount to anything.
But let me tell you something, tonight, you on the in and outside of this building, "You're going to wind up at a destination one of these days, that's going to be in the valley of the shadows of death. I would advise you at this hour, to prepare to meet the God that will have to meet you at that hour. You'll either meet Him as a masterpiece that He has worked on, or a floating piece of driftwood to go into your final destination. So don't you use this life just to drift around and float around, and--and get a better job, and to dress better, and to get a new television, or--or a better car. Life means more than that. Don't you try to use it just to say, "Well, I... If the rest of the them join church, I will too."

William Branham, Sermon "Faith Is Our Victory"
