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Women, I'm going to say this, and I want you to listen. And men and women, you might disagree with this, but I feel led to say it. Did you know, any woman that undresses herself like that is not in her right mind? Do you know she is, whether she believes it or not or thinks it or not, she is a prostitute? Though the woman might stand with her hand before God and swear that she's never been touched by any other man but her husband, and that might be the honest truth, but still she is a prostitute. Jesus said, "Whosoever looketh upon a woman to lust after her has committed adultery with her already." And the woman may be...
See, she's naked, the Bible said, and don't know it. The Spirit that's anointing her to do such things is a evil, prostitute spirit. Her outward being, her physical body, her flesh, she might be clean. She might not commit any adultery and could swear to God--and be the truth--that she never, but her spirit is a prostitute spirit. She has been so blinded by the god of this world of fashion; she dressed herself sexy and got out there.

50 The other day Brother Wood and I were putting our boat in the river. I was to get away from the house for a few minutes to go up on the river. And wherever you went, women with these little bunches of, called "kinis" or something around them... That is a disgrace. A woman can't be in her right mind and put on anything like that. She is possessed with a prostitute spirit. Now, you settle that with God, lady, 'cause you'll find out someday that that is the truth.
How could you, a lady, knowing how sacred your body is and expose it out there to these lustful, sinful, devils that walk the streets of this day? If sons of God was all still sons of God, your husband was a son of God, he'd either make you put on clothes or leave you. That's right. If a boy was a son of God, he'd never marry such a thing. See? You say, "You're making..." No, I'm telling you the truth. And someday you'll meet it. Naked, adulteress, don't know it.
"Oh, I swear that I never trespassed the vows of my husband." Your husband will judge you for it if you did. But God will judge you by what kind of a spirit you got in you, not judge you by your body, but by your spirit, that inner man.

53 The outside man is a physical being which is controlled by six senses, or five senses, rather. The inside man is a spirit man which is controlled by five senses: Conscience, and love, and so forth. The outside man: see, taste, feel, smell, hear. But the inside of that spirit is a soul, and it's controlled by one thing: your free will. You can accept what the devil says or accept what God says. And that'll determine what spirit's in there. If it's a spirit of God, it'll feed on the things of God, and it won't feed on anything of the world. Jesus said, "If you love the world or the things of the world, it's because the love of God's not even entered this inner part." Satan's deceived you. "And man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God."
William Branham, Sermons "The God Of This Evil Age"
