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I can never, never get my prayers through till actually I get right into the real fellowship with the person I'm praying for. You've got to get down and feel that person's condition.

Here not long ago, down in Mexico, poor, old Mexican man, black, hair gray, and his mustache gray, never had, a probably, a decent meal in his life, and there he come to the platform; Catholic, by faith; moving around with a little shawl over him, no shoes on, his feet wrinkled. He was asking for me. And when he knelt down before me. I picked him up by the hands. And he reached to find his beads, and old wore-out looking beads, he'd rubbed over them so much to say his prayers. And I said, "That's not necessary, dad. You don't have to do that. Just put that away, just for a minute." The interpreter telling him. Then he felt around to me. I said, "Just come here, dad. I want you to believe on the Lord Jesus." And he put his old hands up; he got ahold of my shoulders, and leaned his head across my shoulder. I looked down at them old wrinkled feet, dusty, dirty. I flipped off one of my shoes to see if it would fit him. I'd rather go bare-footed than to see him walk off like that. See, and my heart went to him; he was blind.

Now, there's when you really get into it. All of our culture will fail. All of our signs will fail. All of our gifts will fail. But love never faileth. That's what takes to hold the grip.
And I thought, "Poor, old fellow, about the age my daddy would be if he was living." And I thought, "Maybe he's got a child too somewhere." And he was mumbling off something, and the interpreter didn't give it to me. And I looked at the old fellow, I just couldn't... Not in my eyes, but in my heart. I could just like teardrops dropping. "Poor, old thing," I thought, "he's probably never had a good meal in his life; ragged." And I entered in with him, entered into his affliction. I thought, "Besides being poor, besides his condition and his affliction, all that, yet in a dark world, can't see: blind." I thought, "O God, what if that was my daddy standing there?" Then I got the feeling of--of Him. I said, "Heavenly Father, be merciful to this poor blind man." It wasn't praying from my head. It was Something in my heart praying for that. See, but, love...

And I heard him going, [Brother Branham imitates the man's native language--Ed.]. And there the Mexicans, by the tens of thousands was screaming. I wondered what it was. He was screaming, "I can see. I can see." Then he turned around and knelt down and started to rubbing my shoes, trying to pat me on the foot, and I raised him up. And he run up and down, the old fellow stooped over, hollering [Brother Branham imitates the man's native language--Ed.], "I can see. I can see."
What was it? Entering into the fellowship with him. Love, that's what does it, no strain, just pure, unadulterated love. That'll beat all the gifts of laying on of hands. That'll beat all the interpretations and speaking with tongues. That'll beat all the... I'd say it, the melodious voices of singing. That'll beat everything, if you'll just enter into the love of God with the person you're trying to win to the Lord Jesus.

William Branham, Sermon "Revelation, Book Of Symbols"
