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Lord Jesus, the only thing that He wants in for is to do something good for you. He wants to bless you, take away your evil and give you righteousness, and goodness, and mercy. That's all He could do. And to get into the heart, He knocks at the door. And the people say, "Oh, some other time."
Now, it would be nice for you to take in the Queen, or to take in one of the great people. But you'd never do anything better than take in Jesus, because when He comes in, He gives you Eternal Life. And to think of turning Him away from your heart... But we do it.

Now, if I come to your house and knocked at your door, and you raised up the little curtain or cracked the door, I'd said, "I'm Brother Branham. I'm cold, and I'm--I'm needy. Will you let me in?" And you would turn me away... Or if I would come and say this, "I have great gifts to give you. I can make you rich. I can make you well from your sickness. I've got great gifts for you."
And what if you would say, "Oh, some other time, Brother Branham." Now, I wouldn't come back much more; I'm afraid. And I'm afraid that you wouldn't come to my house if I treated you that way either.
But it isn't so with Jesus. He will just keep coming back, night after night, day after day, knocking, and knocking, and knocking continually, to do the best thing for you that could be done: give you Life, heal you.

William Branham, Sermon "Door To The Heart"
