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what if the postal man in the morning, or say the railroad express agent would come up to your house and say, "Miss John Doe?"
"I have something here was sent to you." And you look at it.
And you say, "What is that?" And you look into it, it's a big box. And in there's a big box of rattlesnakes. "Why," you say, "I don't want those things."
"But they're yours; somebody sent them to you."
"Why," you say, "I don't want them."

"But now, Miss Doe, here's your name on it. Somebody sent them to you; they're yours." And he will do everything he can to make you take them. Now, in one sense they're yours, in another sense they're not. They're not yours till you sign for them. But if you refuse to sign for them, he have to take them back to express agent; he has to send them back to the one that sent them.
Don't you sign for nothing the devil brought; refuse to have it. Don't have it. No, sir. The devil put that affliction. The devil put that disease there; just refuse to see it. Just say, "No, sir. I won't sign. I won't testify for nothing you said. I will testify by His stripes I am healed." Brother, he will take it back.

"Oh," you say, "yeah, but I know. But here it is." Oh, sure, the snakes are there too. Your name is penned unto it. He might've marked you for a death with a cancer, with anything else. But refuse to see it. No, sir. "By His stripes I'm healed."
"Testify" means "say the same thing." If I testify in court, something another, I got the say the thing that I seen. And "testify" means "say the same thing God said." And I've got to say what He said. He said, "By His stripes I'm healed." And I believe it. Amen. Then I will tell you. Listen to this children. The Word of God will--will defeat Satan anywhere, any place, on any conditions, anytime.

William Branham, Sermon «Expectations»
