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And David here said, "I just... My soul just thirsts after Thee." Just listen.
O God, thou art my God; early will I seek Thee: my soul thirsteth for Thee, my flesh longeth for Thee in a dry and thirsty land where no water is;
Then he goes on to say,
Because Thy lovekindness is better than life...
Now, there's nothing seemingly any better than life. What could we estimate this morning would be better than life? But David says, "Thy lovekindness is better to me than life."
18 Now, we wonder then the word "life" must have a--a--a compound meaning to it, must mean more than--than--than one thing. Life itself means an existence. So then, if Thy lovekindness is better than life, then what could be any better? Because God alone has Eternal Life. God alone has Eternal Life. If we can get that straight now, it will be easy for us to see the great picture God sets before us. How that someday that everything that isn't of God will vanish and perish and go away.
Now, everything that had a beginning has an end. There's nothing that ever began but what has an end. But something that had no beginning has no end. And--and God alone is the only One that had a never beginning. He had no beginning of days nor ending of years. And therefore, we have to become a part of God by birth to live, have an eternal existence.
19 Then sin and suffering and everything must come to a place where it has no existence, because it had a beginning. There was a time when there was no sickness, no sin, no sorrow, no death. And then it come by perversion. So all the perversion must end back, and all that was--had the beginning has to end so that the Eternal can ever exist. Do you see what I mean?
That's the reason it's totally impossible for any persons to ever be saved outside of the new birth, because men are borned again of the Spirit of God and become a part of God. Their existence is eternal as God is eternal. "They can never perish," Jesus said. "No one can pluck them from My hand. They are of the Father Divine, and there's no one can take them or separate them, for they are a part of God."
William Branham, Sermons Life
