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You could say anything about me and it'd be all right. I wouldn't care what you call me, but don't talk about my children. Don't be good to me, be good to them.

And God feels the same way. These are His children. We've got to be good to one another. We've got to be honest with one another. How can people be dishonest with each other, and then profess to be Christians? It's beyond my thoughts how you can be dishonest with your brother? How you can falsify something or another, and cut a brother off just because he doesn't agree with you on something? Oh, brother, I tell you...

Dear dying Lamb, Thy precious blood

Shall never lose it's power,

Though the ransomed Church of God

Be saved to sin no more.

Ever since by faith I saw the stream

Thy flowing wounds supplied

Redeeming love has been my theme,

And shall be till I die.
Love, God is love. "He that loveth is of God." Divine love, not affectionate love... There's two different kinds of love. Now, we know we get into this here "free love," and all kinds of stuff called love. But that's not Divine love. That's a mockery of the devil. You know that. There's two different loves: there's a love called "phileo love," and there's a love called "Agapao love."
A "phileo love," the Greek word, means "the love like I would have for you as a fellow, or my wife." You have for your wife a phileo love. Now, that love, if you'd catch a... You'd be jealous of her. If you'd catch a man insulting her, you'd kill the man for it. That's phileo love.

But Agapao love would make you pray for his lost soul. That's the difference. That's where people don't understand. See, it ain't some kind of an effectual, worked up mental condition. It's a absolutely, genuine Holy Spirit of God that binds our hearts together in Christian fellowship and love.
And when... I could give this a challenge. If every Methodist, Baptist, Presbyterian, and Pentecostal, and all in here, would just break down your thoughts of one another, and be real loving and kind to one another, and to treat each other as brothers and sisters, you'll see one of the greatest revivals sweep this valley that's ever been known over here. It can never come no other way.William Branham, Sermons Where I Think Pentecost Failed
