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When I stood down there in the Saint Angelo catacombs, and looked laying there, oh, along, for a mile or more, on the ground, graves, where they have to bury their dead. And right on the corner was the little bitty graves, that was the children, where they put the children in the corner. And there was a little church there, where they had to hide away.
I went down into the old Roman cathedral where they burnt them to the stake, fed them to lions. I walked out there in the middle of that place and stood there. I looked around. I hadn't seen it yet. All the bricks was falling in there at the great places where the lions comes out. I walked right about where I thought maybe the lion pit was, where the Christians died. I raised up my hands; stood there. I said, "O Jesus, I'm such an unworthy creature, to think that my brothers sealed their testimony there, by the mouth of lions, and so forth, for the cause of Jesus Christ."

I happened to stand, look behind me, was somebody hoisted up the old rugged cross, standing there yonder. I begin to hum in my heart, "On a hill far away stood an old rugged cross, the emblem of suffering and shame."
I look... Men through the ages... The whole world is drenched with the blood of the martyrs of the Lord Jesus Christ. I thought, "What a little old thing that we are." Thinking about taking a little missionary trip, maybe have to stand a little persecution, somebody laugh at you. I'm becoming a football, that--that people kick me around a whole lot. That don't make any difference. They kicked around men before me. They did things like that, and called this, that, or the other. I've got a Gospel to preach of our Lord that I love. I got a goal to make. And when I come to the end of road, I want to come with every one of you, saying this, "I have fought a good fight." Some of you tonight...
No doubt, I'll be standing at the pulpit, when my face will turn pale, my lips will seal, and I'll... I've always wanted to go across the pulpit like that, home to glory. Some of these days I'll preach my last sermon. I'll make my last altar call. I'll pray for the last sick person. I want to die with a Bible in my hand, calling on the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Fight a good fight; finish the course.

William Branham, Sermons "Jubilee Year"
