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Now notice now, in this, we find that she was to be mother, not married. So, to Joseph, it seemed like that Mary was trying to get him to be her shield from the scoffers and scorners, see, Joseph was to be her shield; go ahead and marry her, anyhow, and be her shield, but not to be a husband to her in the--the of family relation, but it was to be... he was to be a--a shield for her.

He wanted to believe her, I--I really believe that. He wanted to believe her, but her story was so unusual. It was hard to, for that believer, to believe.

And you pardon me, men. And so is it today! The story of the Power of the Holy Ghost upon the earth today, in the Church, is so unusual to the organization and the denominational mind; till that they want to believe It, but It's too unusual, It's too fantastic. But it's the Truth! The Bible said it would be this way, and here It is. Many men tied up in some creed, really wants to believe That, but It's so unusual he just can't hardly do it. He--he--he don't know what to do. He's just in a--in a predicament like Joseph was.

The Bible said, "While he was thinking on these things," see, he was a good man, and he didn't want his own name marred; and yet he knowed, if that woman was that way, that he couldn't marry her, she was to be mother by another man. "And yet," he said, "that innocent, little woman, her life has been like a pure as a lily, and I want to believe her, but I--I don't know what to do."

"While he thought on these things, he was minded then to put her away privately. He said, 'I won't cause any great disturbance about it.'" Now remember, he had never took the oath yet, but he was espoused. But he'd put her away privately. "And while he was thinking on these things, 'put her away privately,'" see, it come to the best of his knowledge. See, he was a just man, and a good man.

Brother, sister, let me say this. If you are just, if you are honest in your heart, then God is obligated to reveal the thing to you.

Joseph, her husband, being a just man, he pondered on the things. It was so unusual, as I said, he--he could hardly comprehend that. "How could those things be?" But he, no doubt, sat down, prayed over it, studied it in the Scriptures. "How could these things be?" While he was studying, the Angel of the Lord appeared to him, in a dream. He wasn't a prophet. And there wasn't a prophet on the earth in those days, no one who could come to him with THUS SAITH THE LORD, so the Lord took the secondarily way. That's the reason God took the welfare of His Own Son, to a man, by a dream; and put Him in Egypt, and brought Him back out; and hid Him, from the wise men, or the wise men went another way. There was no prophet in the land, so He took secondarily, the dream. But there was men who wasn't born to be a seer, but they were good men, and, when they did, God visit them in their subconscience, and revealed Himself.

If you'll just yield yourself to God, God has got many ways that He can reveal Hisself to you. See? Might not, you might not be a prophet, you might not be a teacher, you might not be a Sunday school teacher, you might not be a preacher, but there's ways that God can reveal Himself to you, you see. Whether it might be dreams, it might be in some other way, if you'll just submit yourself like Joseph did.

No doubt he said, "O Great Jehovah, God, I--I come through the lineage of David. And I--I'm a righteous man; I hope I am, I'm trusting in what You said to be the Truth. And my beloved, little sweetheart here, that I have, I'm espoused to. I, to put her away otherwise, I--I'm guilty of committing adultery. And she's to be mother, and I don't know her as a wife. What is these things, Lord?"

See, he was not a prophet, so He couldn't speak to him that way. So He--He let him get to sleep, and sent the Angel of the Lord to him, in a dream. Amen. The Angel of the Lord came to him, in a dream, and touched him, and said, "Joseph, thou son of David, fear not to take unto thee Mary thy wife, for That which is conceived in her is of the Holy Ghost." There you are, "That which is in her, is not some man, the Holy Ghost has done this. The woman has told the truth. This unusual story, this unusual thing that's happened, Joseph, that's got you all tore up, it's of the Holy Ghost."

Oh, that same God still lives tonight! You still have subconscience. And you have... You Christians, if the thing seems unusual to you, that you see that, if it's still right exactly with the Word, then God can reveal the unusual things in many ways.

So He told Joseph, "Thou son of David, fear not to take unto thee thy Mary, thy wife." Remember, already his wife. "Take unto thee Mary, thy wife, for That which is conceived in her is of the Holy Ghost."

Now, then God sent His Angel, and revealed it, His revelation of the dream come to Joseph; he knowed, there was no mystery in it. The Angel came to him in a dream. He saw the Angel in his dream.

Now, a prophet, or seer, doesn't go to sleep, he sees the Angel standing here. The other man just goes to sleep, and he sees the Angel.

And the Angel said, "Now, Joseph, there ain't no riddle, there's nobody there can interpret it for you. So, I'm going to tell you about it. I'm going to make it real to you, 'cause there's nobody there can make it real. Now don't fear to take Mary, thy wife, for That which is conceived in her is of the Holy Ghost."

Then when Joseph rose from his sleep, oh, how his heart must have been full of newborn faith. That mystery that had bothered him, that something that he wanted to believe, but that something that he dared to believe, it was so unusual, yet was made known to him by a dream. New faith sprung up into his life. Oh, my! He had faith in God. He had faith in his wife, then; both faith in God, and love for his wife, and love in the one that he loved. There's no more question, no more question about it. He knew that was the Angel of the Lord. He knew that God had revealed to him just exactly the question that was in his mind, so all questions was gone.

And when God, in any way that He desires to do it, reveals to you the question that's in your mind, there's no more doubt, there's no more question about it. It's a revelation.

When you see something here in the Scripture, you say, "Well, now, I believe that was just for the apostles. I believe Jesus did that in the days gone by."

But the Bible said, "He's the same yesterday, today, and forever, just the same Jesus."
William Branham, Sermons We Have Seen His Star And Have Come To Worship Him
