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If any thing is a ignorant thing, is a mule. He don't know who's papa or mama is. He's a hybrid thing (See?); he don't know who, what papa, mama. He don't know where he belongs. That's like some of these hybrid Christians, so-called, bred in by denominations. But a good thoroughbred horse is pedigreed; he knows what it's all about. And a good thoroughbred Christian knows where the Storehouse of God is. They know that they're borned of the Word. The Word is made flesh in them. Every Word that God says, they don't different with It; they say, "It's right. Amen, and amen." They punctuate It with an "amen," every time. "Amen. Amen." Something in them punctuates It Himself. "Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today, and forever." "Amen." "He that believeth in Me, the works that I do shall he do also." "Amen." "Go ye into all the world, preach the Gospel to every creature. He that believeth and is baptized, shall be saved. These signs shall follow them that believe." "Amen." The old hen said, "Cluck-cluck-cluck, the days of miracles is past." But, "Honk-honk-honk, I smell the water."...?... That's right. See? Why? You are putting God to the test. See, that's it. God first, act upon His Word, and see if It's right. That's true.

William Branham, Sermon "If God Be With Us, Then Where Is All The Miracles?"
