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A man said to me the other day, said, "I think you're just a fine man, Mr. Branham, but I believe you're sincerely wrong. You're all out of the will. Do you know you'll be condemned at the end?"
And I said, "Look I want to tell you something. I'm going to say that you--that you would be right, just to say for the argument's sake. If I am wrong, which I--I don't believe I am; but if I was wrong, and I knowed right now that I was going to live to be a hundred years old, and He was going to condemn me at the end of the road, and tell me, 'You don't deserve to come into My heaven, William Branham. Get out into outer darkness.' You know what? I'd serve Him every day of my life until I went anyhow. For I have received so much of His unmerited blessings, that He's more than life to me. He's everything that I..."

All that I am, all that I ever could hope to be, I have derived from His grace and mercy. I was wretched, miserable, poor, blind, but by grace He has healed me, and I am strong and healthy by the grace of God. I have good eyesight. I have eat, drink, have whatever I have need of. He never promised to supply my wants: my needs.
And if I am cast away at that day, and I knowed... I cannot see where I would be. But if I knew that I was wrong, and God has chose me to be wrong, I would want to stay wrong, and because that I want to do His will. It's... I love Him till I want His will to be done. Now, that's a big statement, but I hope you get it in the way, the spirit I said it in. See? I want to do His will. I ask Him for something some time, He shakes His head "no," I just rejoice so much about that as I can if He said, "yes." Because we always ought to ask, "Thy will be done." His no's is just as... If that's His will, that's just... It's a whole lot better than His yeses, if it's His will to do it. That's when you really love Him. Amen.

I get to talking about Him, I just can't stop now. Oh, He's so real, so real to me. Friends, He's--He's all that I am, all that I ever could be, all that I ever expect to be, is grounded in Christ Jesus, His Word.

William Branham, Sermon "The God Who Is Rich In Mercy"
