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You know, no matter how mysterious it seems, God always keeps His Word. No matter how unreasonable it may seem to people, God keeps His Word. And if God makes a promise of anything, God will keep that promise. You and I make a promise, we--we break it because we don't mean to have to do it, but sometimes circumstances causes us to do it.
But when God, being infinite, then He knows all the future from the beginning, and He can't... He don't make a--a promise 'less He--He knows what's going to happen. And He always keeps His promise. Sometimes it seems like it's--it's ridiculous the way that He would go around about to keep His promise, but God always does it.
17 How strange that the people might thought in the days of Noah when he was building away on an ark to save himself and his household, that there'd be rain come down out of the heaven. But God rained it just the same.
And I think of Moses, how that Moses, standing up there on the mount by the side of this burning bush, he'd lost all hopes of freedom. Didn't seem like that the freedom that the people he so gallantly stood for one time, was ever going to happen. But in the Light of God, standing by that burning bush, everything in him changed.

William Branham, Sermon "The Arrow Of God's Deliverance Shot From A Bow"
