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When you come up out of the world, you separate yourself from all your earthly associates, all the old parties you used to go to, the worldly amusements, drinking, smoking, gambling, all those things are separated. And you?€™re walking among a strange people that you haven?€™t known before, that say ?€?Amen,?€? and Spirit filled, believing in all things, hoping all things, waiting for the coming of the Lord, professing to be pilgrims and strangers, nothing of this world, don?€™t desire it, falling away from the things of the world. See what I mean?

Egypt. The children of Israel left the boasting physicians of Egypt to be with the great Physician. They left the garlic pots of Egypt to eat angel?€™s food. They left the muddy waters of Egypt to drink from the spiritual Rock. Amen. You get it? On the journey, cut loose from Egypt. Let them go.

William Branham, Sermon"This Great Warrior, Joshua"
