Prayer Line

Date: 53-0500 | Duration: 36 minutes
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Prayer Line / W.M.Branham0:000:00
Sermon translation in French: 53-0500 - Shp
E-1 All right, do you believe that to be the truth? Do you believe it? Do you believe if--if--if the Angel of the Lord, Who I've been testifying about, sent me here to pray for you, that what I tell you is the truth? He told me to go pray for the people. Now, not go heal the people, go pray for the people. And the prayer of faith shall save the sick, God shall raise them up, not me: God. If you'll just believe, and I'll pray, be sincere with every one of you. Do you believe you'll get well now? Now, you don't. It don't matter, the Holy Spirit, if He doesn't tell you one thing, still you believe that it's the truth, is that right? The rest of you out there, you believe the same thing? All right, then just be reverent. All right, now, Billy if you'll help lead them up here. Now, you believe. Believe God will heal you? Now, I. You're here and you're sincere, I am too. [James 5:15]
E-2 Now I want you to be well, God knows that. And I believe you want to be well, or you wouldn't be here. Now, if I'll ask God to heal you, do you believe He'll do it? All right, I'm going to ask you, what's your trouble? [The sister says, "Arthritis in the spine."--Ed.] Um-hm, and you have arthritis in the spine, um-hm, [The sister continues telling her condition--Ed.] and yes, uh-uh, yes, um- hm. Now, you believe I knowed that before you told me? I certainly did. If God's my Judge, I knowed you, when you, before you walked up there, you had it, see. But. ["Mine too."] Yes sir. But now look lady, let's let that go, see, we... That's right. But will you believe that the truth of it is, that--that if I pray for you God will heal you? ["Yes, sir."--Ed.] You do? All right, come here.
E-3 Now, our Heavenly Father, here's something new, but I'm doing just what You told me. You said, "Get the people to believe, and then pray for the sick." And if. And You said You'd heal them, if I could get to believe and would be sincere when I prayed, that not even cancer would stand at the prayer. Lord, I'm not responsible for that, but Thou art. And I'm doing what You told me, and I pray that You'll heal this woman with her, all of her conditions, and will make her well, in Jesus Christ's Name. Amen. God bless you now, sister, go believing.
Now wait, just a. You believe that you're healed with the arthritis? Let's just move your feet up and down. Do you believe right now you're healed? Why sure you are. There, now you're healed, aren't you? Now, here let the lady testify. Are you healed, sister? ["Yes sir."--Ed.] Now, raise your hands up like this. Now say, is that right? You see, it isn't discernment, it's the prayer of faith that saved the sick. He's. God bless you, now go rejoicing, and never have arthritis no more.
E-4 Now, come, sir. It isn't. It isn't discernment, now, don't think that He's not here. He is. He's here, can do anything that He wishes to. That's exactly the truth. Just have faith. Now, this man here, now, you know, I don't, I don't have to tell you what's wrong with you. You know what's wrong with you, but I can tell you what's wrong with you. You believe that? By the gift of God, you believe that? [The brother says, "Yeah."--Ed.] Sir? ["Yeah."--Ed.]
All right, what's wrong with you, you have stomach trouble. Is that right? ["Yeah"] You been operated on, and they took a big portion of your stomach away, and it was caused by an ulcer. And the ulcer's come back, is that right? And you have a habit that you're doing: smoking. And you shouldn't do it because that nicotine goes right into your stomach and keeping your ulcer going all the time. Will you forsake it all? Then go, get healed, in the Name of the Lord Jesus. Amen. Let's say, "Praise the Lord," see.
E-5 All right, come, lady. Now I don't have to tell you what's wrong with you. You know what's wrong with you, don't you? But do you want me to tell you what's wrong with you? Well, you have TB. Is that right? Then go on and get healed. I say. Let's see, now come, see. Now, you don't have to do that...?... do you believe sir? If--if I tell you, yes or no, don't make any difference, or anything about you, you believe if I pray and ask God, He'll make you well? Lord Jesus, I pray that You'll heal the man. He's got faith, he believes that, he wants to get well. Go heal him, Lord, in Jesus' Name. Go right on, sir, believe with all your heart.
All right, come, you believe, sir? Without saying a word, if I ask God, God will make you well, is that right? Come here. Lord Jesus, with the sincerity of my heart, I pray that You'll heal this man. Now, he's come here sincere. He's come wanting to be made well, and I ask that You'll do it. In Jesus' Name, I lay my hands on him. []
E-6 I ask with the sincerity of my heart, that this heart trouble will leave him. Grant it, Lord, through Jesus' Name I ask it. Amen. God bless you, brother. Now, go believing with all your heart.
Come on, brother. 'Course I know you, and know that you're nervous, but let this be the night it's over, will you? Yes, sir. God, be merciful to my dear brother. Knowing this nervousness was born in him from his mother and father before him, knowing his poor mother being a nervous woman, and here he is suffered all of his life, but may this be the night. And we know, Lord, that nothing short of a miracle will ever heal the man. And I pray, God, that if he's staggered, and tried, and bursted in, trying his best to get faith, I pray, God, that You'll somehow move back and accept the little faith that he has, and perform a miracle, and heal him. And may he return to his home and get well, in Jesus Christ's Name. Amen. Now, that was an hereditary thing. You been nervous all your life. Your mother was--before you was nervous. Now, you go and just beginning to thank God. I believe that God has healed you tonight, my brother. You won't have to do it. Yes, sir.
Don't never use tobaccos no more; just go ahead and serve the Lord. All right. You believe? You believe without saying one word about the baby or anything that God will heal it? Do you believe that? Lord Jesus, I pray that You'll heal both mother and baby, and may they go away from here tonight happy, rejoicing, and be made completely whole, in Jesus Christ's Name I ask it. Amen. Now, mother, go believing that God will make you and baby both well.
E-7 All right. Will you come, sister? Do you believe if I'll ask God with all my heart that... You believe the prayer of faith shall save the sick? I'll admit I'm just a little nervous (You see?), because I see things happening amongst the people, and I'm keeping it to myself. See? But now, what I want to do I want to get everybody prayed for as I promised. But you believe that God will make you well? You know that I know what's wrong with you, don't you? You know that. But I don't have to tell you. I know you're life. God would reveal it to me right now if I'd ask Him. But what about it? Let's just pray God to heal you and go ahead and be made well. Is that right? You believe that? Come here then. Lord Jesus, I pray that You'll heal the woman, believing that she's sincere, and I lay hands upon her and ask so that she'll get well. Grant, Lord; may the Holy Spirit take this case in His hand tonight, knowing that she's seriously sick. And I pray that You'll heal her, in Jesus Christ's Name. Amen. You believe you're healed? You believe you're healed. You believe the heart troubles left you and you won't have it no more. Is that right? All right, then go rejoicing in and be... All right.
E-8 Come now. You believe, lady? All right, then bow your head. Our Lord Jesus, I pray that You'll heal this poor nervous afflicted woman. And may she leave from here tonight, go home and be made well. May the Spirit of God come upon the woman and may she never no more doubt, and may she get completely whole. I lay my hands upon her in the Name of the Son of God and knowing this, that You said the prayer of faith shall save the sick, and God shall raise them up. You said Elijah the prophet was a man like we are, and he prayed earnestly that it might not rain. It didn't rain for three years and six months. And again he prayed and the heavens give rain. I ask for her healing, Lord, upon the merits of Jesus Christ's death at the cross. Amen. All right. God bless you, sister. Now, go rejoicing and get well. All right.
Bring the next patient if you will. All right. Come, lady. Our heavenly Father, I pray that You'll bless this woman, and may she go home made well tonight. May she be healed and never suffer no more, in Jesus Christ's Name. Amen. Now, you believe, sister. Do you accept your healing? Do you believe that it's the honest truth, if I--if God will confirm His Word and say It's the truth, when--then, you have no right to doubt it. That's right. Now, go believing and get well. God bless you. [James 5:17]
E-9 All right. Come. Now, every one just as reverent as you can be. You believe, lady? Won't have to tell you what's wrong with you, will I? Yes, uh-huh. What your troubled with is your arthritis that's a bothering you, and you have female trouble, and catch under your side which is spleen trouble in here, and cause... Just have everything wrong with you. But do you believe that God will make you well is the subject? All right. Come here. Lord Jesus, with all my heart I ask You to heal to woman. May she go away from here tonight knowing the poor thing can never be healed without You heal her. And I'm just laying my hands upon her as a mother and as... And I ask, Lord, that You'll heal her, in Jesus Christ's Name. You know the sincerity of my heart as I pray. Amen. God bless you now, sister. Go, rejoicing, be happy.
E-10 Now, do you believe, lady? With all your heart? Have you read that little book yet? Yes, you did. Did you like it? You enjoyed it. Well, I'm glad you did. Now, you know that I know what's wrong with you. But if I'll ask God, will you get well? You believe you will. You accept your healing? Now, heavenly Father, as seeing the mark behind this woman's life here, I pray that You'll heal her. May she go away from here tonight and get over this horrible stain that's bothering her. May it leave her tonight and never come to her again. I pray that it'll go away, in Jesus Christ's Name. Amen. You was conscious of what was wrong with you. Cancer, so you... But, now if you believe you're healed, go ahead, God will be with you. All right.
The little boy? Sweet little fellow. Now, little boy, I want to ask you something. You believe the Lord Jesus here to make you well? You the mother of the child? All right. Did... Now look, sister, you know if there's anything I could do to help that little fellow, I'd do it. I got one standing there. I got two at home. See? But there's nothing I can do, mother, only point you to Someone Who's already did it, if you can draw from it with your faith. Let me talk to the little laddie. He's been very sick, so you--you... Yes, that's right. Look here, sonny boy. Jesus make you will, won't He, honey? Do you believe that? You believe Brother Branham will just ask Jesus all my heart that your heart trouble will leave you, and you'll get well? You believe that? All right. You come here now and lean right up against me like this. O God, be merciful Father. Poor little fellow in this condition right here, I pray as Your servant that You'll heal him. May he go home and get well. Father, I bless him, in the Name of Jesus Christ, that he'll get over this. Amen.
That's the way, sister. "I believe it, Lord." That's right. And God bless you, honey. Now, you go home and you go...?... take him...?... []
E-11 ... healing of this woman as I lay hands upon her. And will all my heart I'm trying, Lord, to pray the prayer of faith. May not be long, but You're not in so many words, just--just the sincerity of our heart. I ask for You to heal her, in Jesus' Name. Amen. God bless you, sister. I believe that your blessed...?... will go and be well. Don't you believe that? All right.
Well you come, sister. Do you believe with all your heart? You believe that He'll make you well? Now, I'm just joining my faith with yours for a little short prayer to God: won't have to be long, just so I ask Him and you ask Him too, and we stand in His Presence to believe. Is that right? All right, come here. Now, heavenly Father, I lay my hands upon the hand of this woman, Your servant, my sister, and I ask for her healing. And now, may she go from this building tonight and be made well. In the Name of Thy Son Jesus Christ I ask this blessing. Amen. Now, go believing with all your heart, thanking Him. Now, as you go, go thanking God. Go, say, "Thank You, Lord, for my healing." Be thankful for it.
E-12 All right. You believe, sir? Our heavenly Father, I ask You to heal him. May he go from here tonight, well, sound, may not have to use this thing no more. May it go away from him and may he be made completely whole, in Jesus' Name. Amen. God bless you. Now, you're going to be well if you believe it. Do you believe it? All right, sir. Then go and believe now.
Come, lady. Do you believe, sister, with all your heart? Lord Jesus, I pray that You'll heal her. I ask, in Christ's Name, for the power of God to come upon the women, and may she go away from here well. Amen. God bless you, sister. Go, believing with all your heart. Now, 'course you see it's on the little lad. Do you believe? You just accepted Christ as your personal Saviour, didn't you? See, the glory's still on you. Now, Lord Jesus, I pray that You'll bless them. May she go from here tonight, her and the little lad, and may they both be well, as I ask sincerely, along with hundreds of others who are in prayer right now for them, in Jesus' Name. Amen. God bless you. Now, go believing, it'll get all right.
E-13 All right. Come, little lady. You believe with all your heart? My, you're young to have that kind of a condition. How long you had this kidney trouble?...?... And how--how old are you? All right, do you believe He'll make you well? All right, come. Lord Jesus, I pray that You'll heal the girl. May she go from here tonight, be made completely whole. I pray this blessing, in the Name of Jesus Christ the Son of God. Amen. Now, go rejoicing. Go, believing, sister, and the infliction will leave you.
All right, do you believe, lady? Our heavenly Father, I bless our sister here tonight, in Jesus Christ's Name, that she'll go from here being made whole. In Christ's Name I ask it. Amen. Now, you accept your healing, sister? Go thanking Him.
Now, there's nothing like... You don't see miracles or something, just not hit that line yet. God could do it right anywhere you want to. But if you'll believe right out there, He'll do it. Don't you believe that? But the people are being healed. Just--just have faith in God.
E-14 All right come, lady. Do you believe with all your heart? O Lord, I pray that You'll heal the woman. May she go from here tonight and be made well, as I lay my hands upon her as a believer, asking that You'll confirm her faith to her and make her well, in Jesus' Name. Amen. Now, go thanking God. God bless you.
Now, sister, do you believe with all your heart? Lord, I pray for this poor little thin woman, and knowing her condition. I know, Lord, that You're the only One that can help her now. And I'll pray that You'll grant it. May Your servant's prayer come before You, in Jesus' Name. Amen. God bless you, sister. Go, believing now, and rejoicing, and God will hear.
All right come. Now, this woman here being a little deaf, I want you to keep your heads bowed every where...?... All right. Lord Jesus, I pray...?... May Your Spirit come to the woman, and make her whole, Lord. May the evil leave her; may it be cast away, in Jesus Christ's Name. You believe, sister? You hear me all right? Which ear was you hard of hearing? Can you hear me now? Can you hear me now? Can you hear me now? That's good. God bless you now. Go, believing with all your heart. You can hear. That's right. All right, sir. The Lord bless you. Thank you folks for bowing your head.
E-15 All right. A little baby? Yes, sir. You believe that God will heal it? Lord Jesus, I pray that You'll heal this baby. May it go from here tonight and be well. I bless it, in Jesus Christ's Name. Amen. God bless you, sister.
Come, lady. You believe with all your heart? Believe God will make you well? I know there is. Nervous as you could be, stomach trouble and everything, all upset. Lord Jesus, I pray that You'll heal her. May she go and get well; in Jesus Christ's Name, I ask it. Amen. God bless you. Now, the thing I want you to do, lady. Go out of here acting like it now. See? You--you--you got faith, have you? All right then, make--make your faith... Faith without works is dead just the same as the body without the spirit in it is dead. All right. Then go and act the same way, and God will bless you.
E-16 All right. You... The little boy? All right. You believe God will heal you and make him well? Lord Jesus, I bless this little laddie. Come a long way, down over the prairies and everything, get here, but Thou art here to make him well. I pray, God, that You'll do it. And may he return back, showing us how that God has healed him. Bless this mother, Lord, who's been faithful. I pray that You'll grant these blessings, in Jesus Christ's Name. Amen. You've longed for this a long time, lady. You come a long way to receive it, haven't you? Now, go believing; you'll have it. God bless you.
You believe, lady? God, I pray that You'll heal her and make her well tonight. May she leave from here happy and rejoicing, in Jesus' Name. Amen. Bless you, sister. Go, believing now. God will bless you. All right.
Come, lady. You believe with all your heart? Now, heavenly Father, I pray that You'll heal our sister. I'm here to ask Your blessings upon her. Pray that You'll grant it, in the Name of Your Son Jesus Christ. Amen. Now, go believing with all your heart; God will make it well.
All right, you believe now for the little baby and yourself too? All right. Lord Jesus, I pray that You'll bless both mother and child. May they go from here tonight and may Your blessings rest upon both of them and may they be well. In Jesus' Name I pray. Amen. Now, you going to believe? All right. Go rejoicing and being happy.
E-17 All right. Come, lady. All right. You believe with all your heart? Was you on the platform just now? Both of you? Oh, it's... What was your trouble, lady? What say? Varicose...?... That wasn't it. Hmm... Some... Are you connected with that woman setting there? Isn't that your mother-in-law or something like that? Isn't that right? She has cancer, don't she? That's what was touched just then. It's you, lady. It's you. All right. Stand up. That's... God bless you. I--I--I thought it was can...
You... Being that you ask, you--you want to believe to? A growth, do you believe it--it'll leave you? Believe God will heal you and make you well of chest trouble and make you--you go home and get well? You believe it? In your chest, and you believe God will make you well?
E-18 All right, sir, then you go home be well too. God bless you. Heavenly father, I pray that You'll heal this woman and may she go home and get well. I pray, in Jesus Christ's Name, that You'll grant it. Amen. God bless you now. Go, believing with all your heart. You believe, lady? Lord Jesus, I pray that You'll heal the woman and may she go home and get well, in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen. God bless you now. Go, believing with all your heart.
You believe, lady? Lord Jesus, I pray that You'll bless this woman and may she go home and get well as I bless her, in Jesus Christ's Name. Amen. God bless you now. Go, believing, having faith, and God will grant it to you. You believe that? All right, sir. Come, lady. You believe with all your heart now? Lord Jesus, I pray that You'll bless this woman. May she go home and get well, as I ask this blessing as Your humble servant, in Jesus' Name. Amen. Now, you can go and believe with all your heart and get well.
E-19 Do you believe, sir? Believe that God will make you well? Lord Jesus, I pray for my brother, that You'll send him home from here tonight, may he go and recover from this and be completely healed, in Jesus' Name. Amen. God bless you, sir. All right. You believe with all your heart now, do you, sir? Uh-huh. All right. I just wanted to check that I... Something hitting over there, I didn't know what it was. I see your kidney trouble though and things it's gone and you don't have... All right. Have faith.
Brother, you want to believe too? You want to stop a habit that you're doing? You want to quit smoking cigarettes? All right then. Go on. Your sins are forgiven. Go on in the Name of the Lord Jesus. Come. Do you believe, sir? Lord God, I pray that You'll heal the man and make him well. May he go home from here and get healed, in Jesus Christ's Name. Amen. Confess your sins 'fore you come in the line, friend. See? All right. Have faith in God. You believe? Oh, how God could just...
E-20 Who's got prayer card X? How many X's are there? Let's see your hand. Is that about out there, are you son? Oh, last one? Let the prayer card X's come down here next, and bring your... Ever who's got prayer card X come next right in here. All right. Believe with all your heart.
Come, sir. You believe me to be His prophet? You and I are strangers, aren't we? You're just a man. We met here together, and this is our first time knowing each other in life. That's right. You--you believe that God will--could tell me what was wrong with you? You're mighty young man, but you got arthritis. Isn't that right? All right. If I tell you Jesus had healed you, would you believe it? Then He has. Go and God bless you and make you well. That's right. All right, sir. Feel different about that now, don't you? That's right. You're healed, brother. Go on rejoicing.
E-21 Do you believe, sir, with all your heart? Lord Jesus, I pray that You'll heal the man. May he go away from here tonight and be made completely whole, through Jesus Christ's Name. Amen. God bless you. Go and rejoice now, be made happy.
You believe? Almighty God, Author of life, Giver of every good gift, this deaf spirit has deafened this woman's ear so she can't hear the Gospel. Come out of her, Satan, in Jesus Christ's Name. Can you hear me? How long you been that way? Can you hear me? [] Three years with... In this ear over here. Can you hear me? Say, "Amen." "I love the Lord." [The lady repeats after Brother Branham-- Ed.] Go; God bless you, lady. Come...?... That right? Does that satisfy you? You said tell me what's wrong with me. I told you. Is that right? Now, do you believe you're healed? Accept it and go on then, in the Name of...?... Let's say, "Praise the Lord." [Audience says, "Praise the Lord"--Ed]
God is here. God is full of mercy. God knows every one of you. That's right. And He can heal every one of you right now, if you believe it. Do you believe? Believe with all your heart. Have faith in God. God will grant it. Now, this seems to be better to me than the other. Amen. It really does. I--I see what's going on. God knows that's the truth. People pass by here, but it ain't necessary.
E-22 Come,sir. Here's a man coming here that's hard of hearing, a deaf one, and what... Bow your head. Satan, you who bound this man, thou devil, come out of him. He can't hear the Gospel. He can't hear the Word. He's deprived of this. You've done this so you could cause him to walk before a vehicle and be killed. But I come as God's servant, challenging you by a Divine gift, which is ministered to me by an Angel. You're exposed. Come out of him, in Jesus Christ's Name. You hear me? You hear me now? You hear me all right? Say, "Amen." "I love the Lord." Perfectly normal and well. How long you been that way there? Both ears?...?... This one here? You hear me now? Normally? I'm going whisper to him and watch him through here now hear now. I'm going to say, "I love the Lord." "Praise God" You're healed, sir. You also was a little nervous too...?... That true? I seen you when when you was going... Is that the truth? You're healed of that also...?...
E-23 Let's say thanks be to God, everybody. You believe, lady? Lord Jesus, I pray that You'll heal the little lady. May she go from here and be made completely well. In Jesus Christ's Name I ask it. Amen. Now, go believing with all your heart. All right. You believe, lady? Lord Jesus, I pray that You'll heal her. And as she passes over this platform tonight, may she go and be made well, in Jesus Christ's Name I ask it. Amen. God bless you, sister. Go believing now. Have faith. You believe, young lady, as you coming? Father, I pray that You'll heal her. As Your servant stands here, I've laid my hands on here to bless this poor mortal; in Jesus' Name may she get well. Amen. Go believing now, sister, with all your heart. All right.
You come, lady. You believe with all your heart? Lord Jesus, I pray that You'll bless this woman, and may she go from here tonight and be made completely whole, in Jesus Christ's Name. Amen. Now you... You've tried for a long time. It's happened to you now, so go on and believe. God bless you. Go, get...?... All right. Amen.
Come now. All right, sister. 'Course you--you realize it's your trouble; it's your eyes; you're going blind. And you believe that God's going to make you well? Lord Jesus, I pray that You'll heal the girl. May her sight not leave. Thou blind spirit, leave the girl. I pray, in Jesus Christ's Name, Who I represent that this child's sight will be spared. Amen. God bless you, little lady. Go, believing now. You'll never go blind if you believe.
E-24 All right. Will you come, sister. You believe with all your heart? My, you're having awful trouble, aren't you? Fighting every day. You got the hardest thing to get over there is. It's nervousness. Yes, sir, you got a mental distress: nervousness. You're always dropping things too, aren't you? I seen you almost drop some dishes the other day, stand there when you stand up at that sink. But now God is here to make you well. Do you believe that? Lord Jesus, I pray that You'll make this evil spirit leave her. May it go from her tonight, I ask in Jesus' Name.
Now look, sister. Now, let me tell you something. You--you can't get a hold of yourself. Satan tells you you're going to lose your mind and everything. You will if you continue on. But looky here, see it. Look. Look, you got to get a hold of yourself before you can do anything. The blessing up on there, you wouldn't get out of this building till Satan would tell you, "Wasn't nothing to it." And then when he do it you're lost back again. See? You've got to get your up here. See? You got to believe your well then go. You believe that you're healed? Then go act like it. See? Just go thanking God.
Don't even say nothing about nervousness no more. Go on. Don't accept nothing the devil gives you. Just go on. Thank God. You've been all scrupled up in your life too; I see that: all kinds of mix ups. Now, you go on believing God. You're a little near sighted too, aren't you? You... When you read anything you hold it close to you. I seen you when you was just a child in school. Now, you go on and believe God and you're going to get well. Now, go shouting and rejoicing and thanking God.
Do you believe now, sir? Lord Jesus, I pray that You'll heal the man. And may he go from here tonight be made completely whole, in Jesus Christ's Name. Amen. God bless you now. Amen.
E-25 All right. You believe for the little girl, do you? Lord Jesus, I pray that You'll heal this child. The... Satan has did this evil to her, but Thou art here to remove this affliction, this curse that Satan has put on the child. May it leave her, in Jesus Christ's Name. Amen.
God bless you, sweetheart. Believe you're going to get well, and you too, mother. All right.
Come now, lady. Oh, Sister Wood, God bless you. Our heavenly Father, as this dear sister hailing from down in my own country. I pray now, that while the Angel of God is near, that You'll bless this woman, and may she go home, and this all leave her and never come to her again. I pray, God, that You'll grant it, in the Name of Your holy Child Jesus Christ. Amen. God bless you, Sister Wood. I believe, Sister Wood, with all my heart there's tumor's going to...?... []...?... same here. Go; I believe you're going to be normal and well. God bless you.
E-26 I just said to the woman, 'cause I know her. She... Her husband is a bosom friend of mine. Oh, he's standing around here somewhere. He's just always has--standing right down here. All right. You believe, sister? You believe? You, with all your heart? I won't have to tell you what's wrong with you. Just go ahead and pray for you and you'd get all right. You believe that? You believe that. All right.
Come here and you won't have arth... Oh, go ahead. Your arthritis left you anyhow, so...?... healing now. All right. Believe now with all your heart. Do you believe, sister? Lord Jesus, I pray that You'll touch the woman, as I lay hands upon her as Your servant. I... That's all I know how to do, Lord, is bring them to You.
You said the prayer of faith shall save the sick and God shall raise them up. I believe that Your Words are true. I ask You to heal her, through Jesus Christ's Name. Amen. Now, you believe you are going to get well? Go. Now you... Now, if you believe it, then you have to act like it. See? Go and believe it. All right, sir. God bless you. [James 5:15]
E-27 Come, sister. You believe with all your heart? Lord Jesus, I pray that You'll heal the woman, and may she go like the other woman and be made well, through Jesus' Name. Amen. That's it. Now, go believing, sister, with all your heart and God make you well.
All right. Come, lady. For the little one? All right. Lord Jesus, I pray that You'll heal the child and the mother. May they both get well, Lord, as I lay hands upon them, asking that Your Spirit will come upon and heal them both, in Jesus' Name. Amen. Do you believe now, sister? Go thanking God for both you and the child, and God will make you well.
Do you believe, sister? Our heavenly Father, I ask in this healing service tonight, standing here exercising, trying my best to--to believe for every person with all my heart, that You'll heal this poor woman. May she go through here tonight, this act of faith make her well. I pray in Christ's Name. Amen. Now, go being thankful, thanking God.
All right, brother, with the little boy. 'Course You know I know what it is, brother Funk. The little boy's has got...?... polio. All right. Lord Jesus, I lay hands upon my little innocent brother here, and ask that You'll heal him, and these braces may be removed from his legs, and he'll be a normal well child. Almighty God, respect the faith of this father and this family, who are fighting desperately, Lord, to heal--this baby to be healed. I pray this blessing with all my heart, in Jesus Christ's Name. Amen. God bless you, brother. God bless you, brother. God bless you...?...
E-28 All right. Do you believe, young man? Lord, I pray that You'll heal him and may he go from here tonight and be made completely whole, in Jesus Christ's Name. Amen. God bless you, my brother. Go believing now with all your heart.
E-29 All right. Come, brother. You believe that God will heal you and make you well? Lord Jesus, I pray that You'll heal him and make him well. And may he have faith now to be made completely whole. I pray in Jesus' Name. Amen.
Now, do you believe with all your heart? You've had many things wrong with you besides your arthritis...?... Now, when you get down at the end of the row, take that old cane, hang it on your shoulder and go walking on now. Just go on now. All right. Now, you can...
All right, come, sir. All right. Just a newborn baby, just accepted Christ awhile ago and for you as a personal Saviour. Is that right?...?... tonight. All right. How would I know you was, but I know that God has made you whole? Lord Jesus, I pray that in a act tonight that You'll...?... now as You've healed him spiritually that You'll heal him physically also. I pray in Jesus' Name. Amen.
Go, believing now, brother, and get well, in Jesus' Name. Come, bud. Now, where's the other prayer card: X, Y, Z? All right. All right. Our heavenly Father, I pray that You'll heal the man; may he go from here tonight and be made whole, in Jesus' Name. Amen. What's say? [Brother Branham speaks to someone--Ed.]
All right. Come, lady. Lord Jesus, I pray that You'll heal the woman, and make her go from here tonight completely whole; in Jesus Christ's Name I ask it. Amen. All right. Let's wait just a moment now and believe with all your heart. Do you? []
E-30 ... people setting here that's well. You was bothered with nervous trouble setting out there, wasn't you, sir, just as she passed by that man setting out there at the end of the row? Wasn't you, sir, setting right back there? You had a nervous condition, setting right there at the end of the row? If you... When--if you accept it now, you can go home and be well. God bless you. That's the way to do it, brother. And you can go, and be made well. God bless you.
I seen the Light as it swayed over you there. Oh, how wonderful our Lord Jesus is. How marvelous. Now, He's over the whole building. He's sure to make you every one well. Now look, friends. Have you got any right to doubt me? Not a bit. Because I come here the first of this service and I told you of what God had said. Now, you, as a man, you had a right to disbelieve me. But when God turns around and speaks that I've told the truth, then you shouldn't disbelieve me anymore. Because if you disbelieve me now, you disbelieve Him. Is that right? Now, you believe I'm trying with all my heart to help you, trying to do everything I know how to do to help you?
E-31 I am, Christian friend. I'm your brother, and I love you with the dearest of Christian love. I do that with all my heart. And I--I... God forbid that I'd ever be a deceiver. Oh, I--I'd rather go on home right now to glory then--and take my reward there, than to try to be here, to try to be a deceiver, or do something that was wrong. Oh, no, friend. I--I'm your brother. And I'm telling you the truth, as my heart before God. If I--if I found grace in your sight, you believe me tonight as God's prophet.
As far as the Divine gift, that's the truth. Here lays the Bible. It's over my heart. With all my heart that's the truth. See? That's the truth. It's a Divine gift that was given to me, unmerited. I had nothing to do with it. It come by God's sovereign grace when I was born. I had it all my life. Gifts and callings are without repentance. Now, I use the gift, just like a talent God give me, like the preacher preaching, the singer singing. I do this for what? For the glory of God to try to let the people know I'm telling the truth. That's right. And the Bible confirms just exactly what I'm saying, just the same as your pastor preaching out of this Bible and God confirms it with His Word. Is that right? Now, here's the same thing. [Romans 11:29]
E-32 Now, remember. Remember me now and believe this. Every person in here was healed when Jesus Christ died at Calvary. His stripes healed you nineteen hundred years ago. And the only thing that I, or any other minister could do, would be point you to that. Now, I'm not much of a preacher, as it comes to the preacher, because my education is limited. See? But I--I love the Lord. But now, He's give me another thing to bring the Gospel to the people. That's in this manner, as a prophet, as a seer that sees things before it comes to pass and what's going to be afterwards. [Isaiah 53:5]
And you know that's the truth. I wished I had some way to come down there and heal everybody in there tonight. I'd do it. But I can't; it's already done. Now, do you believe that, that it's done? If you believe that it's done, you can every one just go right out of here and be normal and well from this night on.
Can you accept that? Can you believe it? Now, if I've told the truth, these other things, and God's proved it to be the truth, don't you believe I'm telling you the truth now? Now, here's what God wants me to tell you: That He's healed every one of you. No matter what condition you're in, believe it anyhow. Don't go by your feelings, by your looks, or by... Just believe it and go testifying and praising God for it, and see if you don't start getting well, and will be well. That's right. Do you believe it?
E-33 Now, I tell you what I want you to do. I want every one of you to bow your head, if you will, reverently. Now, you know it's going to be hard for Satan to stand in a midst of faith like this. He'd have a battle to do it, where people here are being healed.
I see a man setting down here now, looking, watching me, that was on the pulpit awhile ago, just as deaf as he could be and his wife holding him by the arms. I guess she's weeping and thanking God for his healing. See, the spirit of deafness has left him.
Now, if Satan will have to listen to the faith of God's people, don't you believe that he'll listen right now to me, and will have to obey, as we together cast him away from here, and tell him to go from the people? Now, I want you to--to believe with all your heart, and you pray in your way, while I'm praying. And now, I'm going to pray for you. And then I want you all to pray together after I ask this blessing.
Heavenly father, now Satan is our adversary, and we know, and we're not deceived about his shrewdness and about his devices. We know that he's an evil man. And we know that he's shrewd, and he has lying wonders laying everywhere. And I--I know that he can work on that body of feelings and make people rely to those old senses, and of feelings, and so forth.
But, Lord, he cannot stand, You... I know that; the church knows it, that where real, true unadulterated faith is existing. And I pray, God, that in the heart of every man and woman, boy and girl here tonight, if we've been long here in the service, we've seen You in the Word; we seen You in the power; we seen You in the healing; we seen You in discernment. What more... Well, Lord, we'd be--we'd be altogether unbelievers if we left here without having a full assurance of You tonight.
And now, Father, may Your Spirit, may the Angel of God, as leaving this platform, go out over this audience, spread forth, as it was, his great wings across this audience; and may the power of God, dropping down through those great celestial places above, may it strike every heart in here; and may God heal every one. May the power of God come upon them to give them the victory through faith. I now, as Jesus Christ's servant, rebuke every devil power that's binding the people in here, that it comes out of the people and leave them alone, in Jesus Christ's Name.
Now, let the people raise up and give a big shout or say, "Thank You, God. I accept my healing." And God will make you well. Come on, brother...?...