Sirs, We Would See Jesus

Date: 54-0328 | Duration: 1 hour 13 minutes
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Louisville, Kentucky, USA
Sermon translation in French: 54-0328 - Shp
E-1 ...Christian friends. I want to greet you tonight in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Beginning of this revival, I trust that it'll be a great blessing to all who are here, and those who will be coming in, farther in the services.
Each evening, we want to begin just as close as we can, to ... for me to be here around quarter-after to half-past eight. That was my thought today to get over, and I was just a little late. I drove my own car, and I got mixed up in some traffic down there and it held me up me just a little bit, so I'm sorry to be a little late. They were standing out waiting for me when I come up—my boy was.
And so now, tonight, as we are gathered here to start this prayer meeting, praying for the sick, believing God for the supernatural; I trust that every person here will take it upon themselves to be under prayer all the time. In your homes, be fasting and praying. Come with great expectations. For if you don't expect anything, you won't receive anything. You'll just receive as you expect.
E-2 Now, in the city tonight, I think there's two or three more revivals going on, of healing services. We're not here to be competitors to those brethren. We're only here to do our part. And we're believing God and ask Him to help all the sick and afflicted everywhere where people are praying for the sick; in every church, in every denomination. We believe that God will hear the prayer of any sincere person that will believe.
Now, I am not, by no means, a divine healer. I believe in my other meeting here in Louisville, and many times being here with our dear Brother Cauble and the church, I've never at one time said I was a divine healer. Which, if I did, that would be wrong, because I am not. And there's no other man that's a divine healer. We're just ministers of the Gospel, to preach, to pray for the sick. God is the divine healer.
And all that God can do for you, He did it in Jesus Christ. Your work of redemption for soul and body is completed. Even to the rapture, is already completed. When Jesus rose from the dead, God justified ... justifies us by faith, believing that, that God rose Him up from the dead, and we are waiting for the rapture, which will come. Everything will happen in its season. And our salvation, our healing and everything was completed when Jesus Christ died at Calvary.
E-3 Now, in here, we have many times that we, in the meetings, we have a system of getting prayer cards. Well, we wish there was some other way that we had of controlling without having to give out prayer cards, but it's the only legitimate way that you can keep the people in line ... lined up.
We've tried many ways. And, I never did like the way before we had prayer cards to give out, of the people clammering and some of them crying and jumping over one another and pushing and shoving through the line. It doesn't seem like Christianity. I think Christianity is orderly. And Paul come to set the church in order and all things to be done decent and in order. And I believe God honors it more when we keep it orderly and under the power of the Holy Spirit to be the leader of the church and of the people.
E-4 Now, tonight and tomorrow night, and now until the crowds gets enough to.... Our seating room here will not be ... will be inadequate. Then we're going over to the Memorial Auditorium, which they're going to let us have. They've promised that.
Now, tomorrow.... If you know any sick people, or so forth, get on your phone, call up someone, bring somebody with you; or some unsaved person, that they may get saved in this meeting. That's the main thing: is the people to get saved. Healing....
Jesus Christ only used healing to draw His crowds together, then He preached the Gospel. After He healed a few He brought His altar calls, and so forth. Not what He called “altar calls.” Altar calls is something that we have adopted. There never was an altar call given in the Bible. But, the people believed. Believers was added to the church.
We had a system back in the early days. The Methodists: We'd call them up to the altar and have them to pray through. Well, I think that works pretty good, so God has blessed it, and we remain with that system of praying at the altar. I think that's what altars was made for, to have people to pray. It's a place of worship. Come to the altar to worship God.
E-5 Now, I don't want to take much of the time in the evenings of speaking, for maybe some evenings will be given altogether to preaching services. We have eight days to be here, if God willing, which is quite a long meeting ... lengthy, for.... But, it's just locally advertised. And that's the reason we think that our seating capacity.... I think even the auditorium over there only seats about, oh, between three and four thousand, something like that. Which, just locally—Jeffersonville, New Albany, and around here —it ought to be all right to take care of this situation.
I'm asking you people here tonight, as my dear friends in Christ Jesus, that you'll stand by me in prayer during this time. And you'll ... you'll.... And I'm not here for a stage show. I'm only here to do the best that I know how to make life a little easier, and to make people a little happier, to bring converts to Jesus Christ.
E-6 I'm not here to represent any denomination, for I do not belong to any denominational church. And I don't think no more of one than I do of the other, I just love all of its converts to Jesus Christ. And that's why we're here ... and to try to get people to see that.
Divine healing is for the Methodists, the Baptists, the Catholic, the Jew, the sinner, the harlot, whatevermore; divine healing is for every one of you. Jesus Christ died for every one of you, for your healing, the same as He died for the salvation of the whole world. And if you'll just accept it and believe it....
Someone might say, “Well, Brother Branham, does God heal the sinner?”
Yes, sir. And when he's healed, his sins are forgiven him. That's what the Bible said, “Then go and sin no more, or a worse thing will come upon you.”
Now, sin is not some kind of immoral act; sin is unbelief. That's right. The Bible said, “He that believeth not is condemned already.” So we know then that sin is unbelief. So, do not go and disbelieve anymore.
E-7 Now, the church.... We'll try to carry everything just as orderly and reverent as we know how. We believe in old-time, heartfelt salvation, believe in the people's liberty to say, “Amen,” “Praise the Lord.” Whatever the Spirit of God leads you to do, do it.
And He won't lead you to do anything but what's right. And He's a Spirit. God is a Spirit: And they that worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in truth.
And God ... the very word God means “object of worship.” So God likes to be worshipped by His children; that we can be free and not bound down in yokes, but we can exercise our faith in Him and believe it and not be ashamed to tell the world about Him, that Jesus Christ raised from the dead, lives and reigns in our hearts. And we're not ashamed of it. Doesn't make our face red to testify of the glory of Jesus Christ, for He is worthy of all praise. Don't you believe that? That's right.
E-8 Now, I wish to turn into the Scripture to read a few words. We're just starting a little late. Each evening we're going to try to be out by nine-thirty, if possible, so you can come back on the following night.
And I was just coming up and I heard Brother Cauble's voice saying about many people in here that had been healed of sickness. I was just looking back in the audience just now and see a woman that was merely a skeleton here recently. Cancer had eaten her so bad till the doctors give her till the next morning to live. Just ... that was all. And that's been about six or seven years ago. And she's sitting here tonight weighing about a hundred and fifty pounds, in perfect health. Not a trace of it anywhere.
You say, “Is healing lasting?”
Just as lasting as long as faith is. That's right. Just as long.... Salvation's the same way. Just as long as you got faith, you're healed. When you lose faith, you're gone.
E-9 Now, I wish to read some of God's Word, because.... He's never said my word wouldn't pass away, but He said His Word wouldn't pass away. So, if I read His Word, then I know that if you get no more than just the reading of His Word, then you'll have plenty to go home with. Just one Scripture. You can hang your whole soul right on it and just know that it's “Thus saith the Lord.”
And now, while we mention that Word, watch in the prayer lines, watch in the audience, visions hasn't ... just no more than just the sign of God's presence. But watch what He speaks to the person and to the persons in the audience. I see we've got tape recordings here where you could chase it back and find out just what He said.
E-10 Now, I've had.... How many's been in my meetings before? Let's see your hands up, everywhere. Oh, my. It's almost a hundred percent. So there won't be any introduction to the operation of the Holy Spirit. It will only be for you just to believe.
Now in St. John the 12th chapter, the 20 ... and 21st and 22nd verses. I want to read a portion of these.
And there was certain Greeks among them that came up to worship at the feast:
The same came therefore to Philip, which was of Bethsaida of Galilee, and desired him, saying, Sirs, we would see Jesus.
E-11 Now, shall we bow our heads just a moment?
Our kind Heavenly Father, we thank Thee, tonight, for Thy Word. It is truth. And we pray, now, that You'll break every shackle and set the people free at liberty. And may the blessed Holy Spirit baptize every one in here tonight anew in His presence. May great signs and wonders accompany this meeting, insomuch that'll stir the whole city. May the people come in such a way, not because it's our effort for You, but because of the Gospel's sake.
Grant, Lord, that the buildings will pack and the streets will stand with people, great signs and wonders, ambulances bringing up the sick, going back without them. The cripples pushing their wheelchairs in the corner, walking out, rejoicing. May it start an old-fashioned revival that'll sweep throughout the entire city and the communities here. Bring every church in unity with Christ. And may there be great joy throughout the entire city. Grant it, Lord.
Bless these few words now. Inspire speaker and listener. And may the Holy Spirit move on our hearts in such a way that when we leave here tonight may we say with those who came from Emmaus, “Did not our hearts burn within us?” because of His presence, for we ask it in His name. Amen.
E-12 This soul cry of these Greeks.... The Greeks seek wisdom, and the Jews seek signs. And Paul said, “We preach Christ crucified.” And Greeks has always wanted wisdom. But these Greeks come up, perhaps, were proselytes to the Jewish religion, and came up to Jerusalem to worship at the Pentecostal feast. And then, while they were up there, they had heard of the great fame of this one Jesus of Nazareth. His fame had scattered everywhere.
Many disbelieved Him. Thousands disbelieved Him, but thousands believed Him. And it was mostly among the common people who heard Him and believed Him. Those who were of the other type, they did not have much time for Him, because they were satisfied with their religion and the fathers had been taught certain things and they'd had their traditions handed down. And something new, no matter how phenomenal it was, well.... He tried to tell them it was in the Scriptures that He was to come. And, oh well, if He was to be the person, the priests would know something about it, and therefore they wasn't interested.
But these Greeks, when they heard.... “Faith cometh by hearing, hearing of the Word of God.” And they come, seeking Jesus. And this ... I believe that has been the heart's cry of every man and every woman who's ever heard anything about Jesus Christ, has had that same thing: “Sirs, we would see Jesus.”
They didn't want to learn His theology. They didn't care nothing about His teachings. They didn't care about whether He ... what kind of clothes He wore. They were only interested in one thing: that they wanted to see Jesus. That's the main thing. And that's the cry of today.
E-13 Christian friends, as a missionary myself, returning from foreign fields, and as I come into Africa I was met there by the counsel of churches of South Africa and all the ... from one coast to the other. A great counsel of churches. They taken me out, they said, “Brother Branham, we didn't want you to come over to teach us some knew theology. We didn't want you to come over to teach the Word. For perhaps we know more about it over here than you American scholars do, for we find that in your missionaries that come over.
Said, “Well, what we're trying to find: We want to see God's Word made manifest.”
The archbishop of India, the eastern orthodox Presbyterian: One of the highest churches, politically religious, politically recognized in the world. Even their baptism will be accepted in the Catholic church of the eastern orthodox. And the archbishop....
I spoke recently at the Chicago Christian Businessmen's banquet. The archbishop with there, and he said, “When they ordained me an archbishop in India.... Why,” he said, “you all many times send missionaries over,” said, “to teach us the Bible.” Said, “We know more about it than you ever thought of knowing.”
And that's true. You ought to hear them once. It's an Oriental book, we're teaching it in a western way; and it's an Oriental book written in the eastern way. And our parables and things that we teach out of there sometimes is as far as the east from the west to being right, the way we teach it. You have to see ... have to go to the country where the book was written to understand what they mean.
E-14 He said, “When they ordained me archbishop over India,” he said, “all the great presbyters, and the priests, and the cardinals, and all, come around and laid hands upon me to receive the Holy Spirit. And all kinds of ritualistic prayers they read out of books and everything.” And said, “They laid hands on me.” Said, “Nothing happened.”
He said, “I come over here to America to a person that hardly had education enough to speak right, and laid hands on me, and I received the Holy Ghost.” Said, “Now what's the difference?” Said, “The thing of it is that in India, we don't want to know your tracts that your passing out, or your theology, or building this or that. We want to know Jesus in the....”
Now, that's the cry of the world today, is to know Christ. I believe Paul said, “To know Christ is life.” And he knew Him in the power of His resurrection. Not to know Him by Word. Not to know Him.... To know Him by Word, that's all right, but that's a long ways from being sufficient, to know Him by Word. We've got to know Him by person of His resurrection.
E-15 Now, if tonight, that cry would be in Louisville, it's everywhere, “We would see Jesus.”
Now, let's find out who this Jesus is. And I believe that if He is what He said He is, and His Word is correct, then He's just the same today that He was then. If He's changed one bit, then the Word is not correct, and our Bible is in error.
Now, recently.... Oh, not recently; some years ago, over in a certain city here on the river, there was a young child ... or, young man, twelve, fourteen years old, who went to church and was a very, very influential boy, and he would love the Lord. And he asked his mother one day, said, “Mother, if God is so great, could someone ever see God?”
She said, “Now, I don't know, Sonny.” She said, “We go to church and that's all I know about it.” Said, “Now, our pastor's going to visit us for lunch.” Said, “Why don't you ask him?”
So that day, he asked the pastor. And the pastor said, “Sonny, no.” Said, “No man can see God at any time. Never did, or never will see God at any time.”
Well, he wasn't satisfied at that. He asked his Sunday School teacher. She said, “No. No one could see God.”
E-16 And so, he took a little trip up here to Six-Mile Island with an old fisherman down on the river. Coming down that afternoon, after a storm on the river, and oaring his boat, coming along, the rainbow come out back in the east. And as the old fisherman was watching the rainbow, pulling his boat, the tears began to run down his wrinkled cheeks, over his white beard.
And the little boy noticed the old fellow. And he rushed up from the stern of the boat towards the middle, and said, “Sir, I'm going to ask you a question that my pastor couldn't answer, my mother couldn't answer, my Sunday School teacher can't answer. Said, ”I'm going to ask you.“ Said, ”Can anyone see God?“
And the old fisherman pulled the oars into his lap and put his arms around the little boy. Said, “God bless you, honey. All I've seen for the past thirty-five years has been God.” You get God in here, you can see Him out there, see. But He's got to come in here first. It's got to come here first before you can see Him there.
E-17 Jesus said the same thing, “A little while and the world seeth Me no more; yet ye shall see Me, for I'll be with you, even in you to the end of the world.” Now, there's going to be some ye's in all the generations in all the ages. Is that right? “Ye shall see Me.” That is the believer.
Now, if we were going to look for Jesus tonight, we wouldn't exactly look to see what kind of clothes He was wearing, see how much education, what degree He had out of what college, or what denomination He belonged to; for we'd never find Him in any of that. Although, as good as that is, we'd never find Jesus in that: mixed up in some organization, or wearing of some clothes, or a certain way of dressing. He dressed like an ordinary man. He walked through the streets with other men; looked no different from anyone else. And he walked right through people—the crowds—looking for Him, and couldn't recognize Him, because He looked just like an ordinary man. But, yet, He was God Himself. God was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself.
E-18 When He was here on earth.... There never was a birth like His, there never was a death like His, and there never was nobody raised from the dead like that. He proved what He was. When He was here on earth, He said He was God, He acted like God, He preached like God, He healed like God, He rose from the dead like God. He proved He was God.
He was more than a philosopher. He was more than a teacher. He was more than a scholar. He was more than a prophet. He was God. That's who He was. And the people today are limiting Him to a good man, to a teacher, or to a scholar, or to a prophet. He was more than that. He was God Himself—our Saviour. God made him manifested in the flesh to take away sin and sickness from the human beings, and to redeem us back to God like we was in the beginning. And thanks be to God, we're on our road back tonight. That's right.
And we're seeing great things and rejoicing as we're going along the journey, as the children of Israel did: passing through the wilderness. They had a brass serpent for their healing. They had water from a rock when they were thirsty. They had manna from heaven; signs and wonders following them all the time.
And there was the others sitting up there, just as fundamental as they was in their teaching, but had no signs and wonders. But God was vindicating His true believers by signs and wonders. And that was a very beautiful type of the church today being led, where signs and wonders are following the believers.
If you notice, those other nations were organized and set down in great organizations, and so forth; but Israel dwelt in tents. I'd call them “interdenominational.” They were sitting out there without an organization, without a place, just wandering about through the wilderness, just as the Holy Spirit would lead.
Isn't that a perfect type of the church today? The called-out, separated, set aside. How wonderful.
E-19 Now, notice again, when Jesus was here, the people knew that He healed the people, but He didn't claim to do it Himself. He said He didn't do it. Who did He say done it? “The Father that dwelleth in Me, He doeth the works. It's not me that doeth the works.”
Then if we would see Jesus tonight, we wouldn't see a man saying, “Come to me and I'll show you how to heal you. I'll do this.” He wouldn't be that type of person, would He? Because when He was here, He gave credit to the Father that was in Him doing the works. Is that right?
Then we seen Him going about doing good. We seen Him persecuted, made fun of, laughed at, called His hand. Somebody always at His neck, trying their best to get something on Him. They'd get Him into a corner, twist Him around, and everything: trying to make Him a liar, make Him a fake, make Him a deceiver. But every time, God come on the scene and proved that that was His Son. Is that right?
God's still the same tonight. Don't you believe that? Everything that takes place, just sit still. God's on the scene. He'll make all things right.
E-20 And then, we see Him of that type of person. And now....
And when He was here on earth, we notice the characters about Him that drawed people to Him, was first was His love for the people. He loved the people, and the people knew that He loved them, because He had something to tell them. They knew this man was acquainted behind the curtain, yonder, of death. They knew that He knew something about the world beyond—the regions beyond. So they loved to talk with Him. He talked; His talk was seasoned and mellow. There was something.... His character: I doubt whether there'd be an artist could ever paint it.
If it's true, in a vision one time, I saw Him. I say that humbly, because I couldn't say it positive. But, if it is, there's never an artist could paint that picture of the character. He was a man who could be stern and speak, but yet He was a man who was humble and lovely. There was so many different characteristics in Him, that people ... you couldn't paint His picture. He was God's manifestation of love, power, and deity; and everything was in Him.
E-21 Then we notice Him, as He went around on the earth here, He had something about Him that was different from ordinary men. We see Him one day in His prayer line at the beginning of His ministry when His fame first started; and there was a fellow by the name of Philip who got saved. And he believed on the Lord Jesus, and he began to tell people about Him—wanted to run and tell everybody. That's a good sign he really got saved, isn't it? when he wants to tell somebody.
He ran and tell his friend Nathanael. And when he found Nathanael, he found him under a tree, perhaps praying. And he said, “Come, see who I've found: Jesus of Nazareth, the son of Joseph.”
He said, “Could any good thing come out of Nazareth?”
Said, “Come, see.”
And when he come to where He was ... where He was.... Now, this fine religious man of really ... perhaps Orthodox in his belief, come walking up, “Said, I'll see about this fellow.”
And when he walked up, Jesus said, “Behold an Israelite in whom there is no guile.”
Well now, what would you think would happen today? The believer today ... or, the man would say, “Say, that guy's a mind-reader. He knew that I was a believer. He knew I was a Christian.”
Well, He said, “... in whom there's no guile.”
And so he thought, Well, I'll just ask the man. Said, “Whence knewest Thou me, Rabbi?”
“Why,” He said, “before Philip called you, when you were under the tree I saw you.”
“Why,” he said, “You're the Son of God; the King of Israel,” see.
E-22 And then, we see another time where He met a woman at the well. And He talked to her awhile. And He found out that she had some troubles, that was, she'd had five husbands. And the one she lived with then wasn't her husband. And in telling her this, she run, said, “Come, see a man who told me all things I did.”
Now, do you imagine He had a lot of critics? He said when He went to the grave of Lazarus, “I am the resurrection and life; he that believeth in Me, though he were dead, yet shall he live. Whosoever lives and believes in me shall never die.” He said that. That's the truth.
Well, if He was the resurrection and life, why didn't He raise up all the dead that died in Jerusalem during the time of His stay? If He'd make that statement tonight in Louisville, Kentucky, the newspapers in the morning would be publishing it everywhere. “Well the doctors might as well just get rid of their instruments and everything. We got a man here now that can raise the dead. So it's all over.”
But He only raised three people in His entire ministry. Three is a confirmation. Three is a sign. The Bible said, “In the mouth of two or three witnesses, let every word be established.” He raised Lazarus from the dead, Jairus' daughter, and the woman ... the widow-woman's son. Three in His ministry for a sign.
Yet, if He was the resurrection and life, probably thousands of Jews right out of the church, orthodox in their belief, renowned in their religion, and so forth, died during that time. Perhaps hundreds of people come to Him: “Come raise my son.” “Come raise my daughter.” “Raise my father.”
Jesus said, “Let the dead bury the dead; follow thou Me.”
He never went to them. Then what about that? Here's His word said He was the resurrection and life, and here He is failing to produce that. Only with a sign now and then.
E-23 Now, we know that He's possessed with powers, and God was in Him. And here He goes to the pool of Bethesda. That's Saint John the 5th chapter. Now, listen close: “There lay great multitudes of people, impotent folks, lame, blind, halt, withered; waiting for the moving of the water. For an Angel went down a certain season and troubled the water: whoever stepping in first was made whole of what disease they had.”
Here comes Emmanuel—God Himself—enveiled here before human eyes. God made manifest in the flesh.
He said to Thomas.... Thomas said, “Show us the Father and it'll suffice us.”
He said, “I've been so long with you and you don't know me?” Said, “When you see Me, you see the Father. Why say, 'Showeth us the Father?'”
Here come, then, God Jehovah, in flesh, walking among crippled, lame, blind, halt, withered people. Full of love, full of compassion, and yet touched none of them.
“I would see Jesus. Sirs, we would see Jesus.”
See what I mean? He walked right by each one of them and went over to a man laying on a pallet. Said, “Will you be made whole?”
He said, “I have no one to put me in the water.”
“You can walk?”
“Yes. When I'm coming down, somebody can outrun me and beat me into the water. They get the blessing; I sit here month after month waiting.”
He had a disease; he wasn't going to die with it. He had it thirty-eight years.
Jesus said, “Wilt thou be made whole?”
And he told Him that he had no one to put him in the water.
He said, “Take up your bed and go into your house.”
E-24 If you'll notice, the previous reading of the Scripture said Jesus knew that the man had been a long time in this way, see. He knew. “Why didn't He go to these?” He knew nothing about them, but He knew about this one.
Then the Jews found this man packing his bed on the Sabbath day and questioned him, and perhaps was questioning Jesus about these things. “Why don't He heal that one?” “Let me see Him make this one well, and I'll believe it.” “Let me see Him heal this one, I'll believe it.” And yet, people were being healed everywhere.
Them same critical, ungodly spirits still exist today. “Let me see Him heal this one and I'll believe it,” see. The devil takes his man, but never his spirit.
God takes His man, but never His Spirit. His Spirit lives right on. God's Spirit lives on in men—on and on and on. “Ye shall see me, for I will be with you, even in you, to the end of the world,”
E-25 see. Then there's ye's still living that sees it and believes it.
As Brother Cauble just said, as I was standing there at the hall that how the people right here in his church with doctor's statements; and yet the whole country criticizes divine healing. Why is it? They try to think it's fake. It's something put up. It's because that the devil that lives in them won't let men believe. Their eyes are blinded from truth and they can't believe. They haven't got nothing to believe with. How can I move a hand if I haven't got a hand to move with? How can I believe God when I'm just look at a word here, and Him not in here? You've got to have God in here first, before you can believe God.
“Except a man be born again, he can't see the kingdom of God.” Is that right? See it is “understand it.” So how can a man that's not born again know anything about the kingdom of God? Jesus said Himself, “Except a man be born of water and Spirit, he can in no wise....” He can't understand it. He's only looking at it. He can't do it.
And many of these people who deny these know no more about God than a rabbit would know about snow shoes. They just simply don't know. They say, “Oh, I believe there's God. Yes. Uh-huh. That's all there is to it.” But, brother, to know Jesus is to know life: personally accepting the person Christ Jesus that lives in the heart of the human being. Yes.
Then you have a challenging faith. Then there's something in there that you know you're not standing alone. As Jesus said, “The testimony of two is what you require.” He said, “I testify and my Father speaks, and both of us make the true testimony.”
E-26 If I stand here tonight and speak of something, and God Almighty speaks back, that's a testimony if two is a confirmation. Is that right? If I say you can receive the Holy Ghost and God comes down and gives you the baptism of the Holy Ghost, that's a confirmation of the truth.
Someone said the Holy Ghost was only for years gone by. The Holy Ghost is today. There's people sitting right here now, a host of them, that's baptized with the Holy Ghost right now.
So, no matter what the critics say, you've got to expect that. Don't listen to it. Just close up your ears and go on. We're holding the services for the Lord Jesus Christ. And by God's help, that's what we're going to do until Jesus comes, or He changes the order.
And men who are ordained of God and sent of God look to God for instructions, and look to God to what to do with. And God takes care of His man. He always does.
E-27 Now, Jesus passing through there, and the question: “Why didn't He heal the whole bunch?”
Listen at His word now: “Verily, verily I say unto you, the Son can do nothing in Himself, but what He sees the Father doing, that doeth the Son likewise.”
“Sirs, we would see Jesus.” If you'd see Him, that's the kind of person He would be, see. “A little while and the world seeth me no more, yet you'll see me, for I'll be with you even in you to the end of the world.” Is that right? “Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, today, and forever.”
Then, as we notice Him, He didn't claim to be any great person. He only bragged on God constantly. He said God was in Him, and God did the works.
Now, if Jesus has risen from the dead.... Do you believe that? Say, “Amen.” Every one in here will admit that Jesus, according to the Scripture, has risen from the dead. Do you believe the Scriptures to be the truth? Does thou believe this Word to be the truth? Then, if Jesus has risen from the dead, then He's just the same today as He was then. The only difference is: He lived in flesh then, of His own; He lives in the flesh of us, tonight.
“The things that I do shall ye also; for I will be with you, even in you, to the end of the world.” Amen. There you are. I hope you see it.
E-28 Jesus Christ rose from the dead this beautiful Easter, now that we're just about to face, now.
And I think of those men coming from Emmaus, and Jesus walking with them and didn't know it. And many people here in Louisville tonight walk with Christ daily, and yet don't know it. People sitting here in this building tonight has walked today with Christ and perhaps don't know it.
But when He got them inside ... or, Him inside with them one time, they asked Him, said, “Come in and stay with us, the night is far spent. Won't You come in?”
And so He offered ... their invitation. It was a little humble place, perhaps. No matter how humble it is, He'll come. No matter how humble your welcome is to Him, He'll come to the humblest in this building. He'll come to the poorest; He'll come to your home. He'll do something that you'll know He's there, if you'll just open up and let Him.
Then Jesus, once inside with these disciples, who He had walked with, He made Himself known to them. And if you've never believed in divine healing, never believed in the power of the resurrection of Christ, just invite Him into your heart tonight, and He'll make Himself known to you. He'll do something. Just the way He broke that bread; they said, “Why it's been Him all the time,” see. And they were believers.
E-29 And you notice: It'd taken them all day to make that journey over there, and they went back just in a few minutes. How much different your step will be after you know Jesus. How much lighter your life will be, walking on clouds, rejoicing. And all that old, ungodly, shackled-down condition will be gone. And you'll be resurrected with Him in His resurrection; believing Him, having faith in Him, and know that all things are working to the good for you; that He's leading you, loving you, blessing you, going before you. Take you to heaven, making you immortal when the resurrection comes. Healing your sickness along the road; performing miracles.
And your eyes are opened. Then you could see, see. Until your eyes come open you can't see. Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today, and forever.
E-30 Now, if Jesus has risen from the dead, He can come into this building tonight, and perform and do to these people like He would if He stood here in human flesh. Is that right?
Then if you'd see Jesus, open up your heart tonight. Invite Him in like they did at Emmaus. Say, “Open up my heart, Lord. You just come in. I come here to criticize, but I'm going to change my opinion right now. I'm just going to open up my heart and see if You really will come in.”
Watch what you think when you go out the door tonight. You'll think, and know, that Jesus Christ has risen from the dead, and living with us now.
The Lord bless you, my friends. You're lovely. I could talk to you all night. But I keep talking ... I'll be preaching after a while, and that kind of takes away from the value of praying for the sick, because that's what we're going to have for the night. And the Lord bless you now.
E-31 Now as these Greeks said, “We would see Jesus. Now, we wouldn't hear some of His teaching, or we wouldn't hear this, or we wouldn't know where He stays at, but we would see Jesus.”
How many of you would like to see Him tonight? Let's see your hands. All over the building; He's looking at you. Well, my prayer is that He will make Himself manifested to you tonight—each one of you. Make Him manifested to you. And before I start the meeting....
Now, friends, this is nothing to do with me or any individual. I'm trying my best, with all I know how to do, to make life a little easier for my fellowman; to get them to believe on the Lord, be born again of His Spirit, and to pray for the sick when they're needy, and to help them make life a little better.
Many times people are standing.... Many people right here in this building tonight from right around the home places here that would've been dead in their grave if it hadn't been for Jesus Christ; and I am one of them. That's right. I'd have went years ago, right here in the Jewish hospital when a doctor of this city, one of the famous doctors of this city, gave me three minutes to live. And I'm here by the grace of God.
Then, when He let me live, I gave my heart to Him, and been screaming from the housetop ever since. And I believe Him with all my heart. May He come tonight and bless your humble souls.
E-32 Now, I guess that Billy gave out some prayer cards. And he just got me there in the car, and I forgot.... Anybody got a prayer card? What's the letter on it? Tell me what a letter is. Y. All right. That'll be fine. All right. That's all I have to know.
All right. We can't pray for everybody at one time, in one meeting. I don't want to call too many at a time, but I want to.... I just want to call as many as I can and pray for them.
And now, remember, the only thing that I can do is to pray for you. Remember, God is your healer. Let's say that together: “God is your healer,” see. I only pray for you. And not only am I praying for you up here, but them out there'll be praying for you, too. These back here'll be praying for you, too, see. And together, we're trying our best to help you—no other purpose at all. God knows that. It's not a financial affair. If that'd been so, I'd accepted the money a long time ago and in one offering been multi-millionaire, so I'd have retired—retired.
God let me live to be a hundred and still preaching the gospel. There's no retiring to this, if He tarries.
E-33 No, it's not that, friends. It's not money, it's not popularity. God knows that. He'd take it away from me right now. It's not popularity; it's because I'm wanting to help you. God knows that that's the truth here.
And I tell the truth. God knows that that's the truth. He has backed me up many hard battles, and close places have I been into, like they did my Master. But, every time God has come on the scene and helped me. I've been challenged and everything. I've been challenged about three times here in the United States that I know of. And one of those people that did the challenge is in the insane institution tonight; the other two is in the grave. And so, I didn't have to wait no week for it to happen; it happened then, see.
E-34 So then, I have never feared. I've just went humbly to preach the gospel. God sent me to do this. And things that I speak of right here....
Even one of your papers here not long ago, the old Global Herald, I believe it was, or something like that, declared the article when it was down here on the river, and that light come down and hung over where I was at when I was baptizing a young minister many years ago. Out across the country.... Now they got the picture of it. Many of you have it in your home. Hanging in Washington, DC, throughout, there's thousands times thousands of the pictures. And one of the best in fingerprint and document can be found in the United States has checked it over, and went everywhere; and he declares it to be a supernatural being. There's probably people sitting right here tonight who has seen it come right down, visible before your eyes; and I pray that it'll do it here in Louisville this week, right down before the people.
And, I have told the truth. God has testified that it's the truth. And the scientific world has to say it's the truth. Now, you can draw your opinion. May the Lord bless you.
E-35 Now, in seeing a vision, as you all know, all of you has been in my meetings. There might be one or two that hasn't been here. It's a divine gift. It's just like a gift to play music. I was watching the little ladies here tonight. And this morning it was when I was here, how they were playing that music so lovely. My, I wish I could do that, but I can't. Only thing I know.... I don't whether it's in tune or out of tune, I just know it's making a noise, and it's music, and that's all I know about it. But let it get a little out of tune, they could tell you, because they're musicians. Well, I wouldn't know.
And to build this house, I was noticing the architecture of it. I'd like to see one like this I'd build: It would look horrible. But you see, God has men to build houses, He has some to preach the gospel, some to teach. God has set.... God has set in the church first apostles, prophets, teachers, evangelists, and gifts of healing, and working of miracles, and so forth, all for the perfecting of the saints. Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today, and forever.
E-36 Now, if He stood here tonight, behind this desk where I'm standing, with His human flesh, wearing this same suit, standing here; as far as healing you, He could not do it. For He couldn't do twice what He's done once, see. He's already healed you. “By His stripes you were healed,” said Peter in the New Testament. Is that right?
Isaiah spoke of the coming. “He was wounded for our transgressions, bruised for our iniquities,”—Isaiah. Peter, afterward, said that's where it was done. There's where you were forgiven of your sins: at Calvary. You just accepted it. He did it two thousand years ago, you accepted it last week, or two years ago, or whenever it was. He healed you two thousand years ago. You can accept it tonight.
But the only thing we can do is either preaching of the gospel, or some sign to get your faith pointed to Jesus Christ. Is that right? The Lord bless you.
E-37 Now, let's line the people up to the right over here. Let's take.... Where did it begin? One to a hundred? All right. Let's start from one, then, and start over here. Who has prayer card number 1? Hold up your hand, prayer card number one. Look over on your.... It's a little bitty card like this; got your name and address on it. Over here it's got the picture and a number. Where is it? Number 1? Yes. Y-1. Come right over here, lady.
2 . Who has 2? Prayer card 2? All right, lady. 3? Who has 3? Raise up your hand so I'll know. 3? All right, sir, over here. 4? Who has number 4? Prayer card 4? 5? Who has 5? Raise up your hand. Prayer card number 5? Somebody look on the back of your card; it may be a deaf and dumb person, can't speak or hear. Number 5. Prayer card number 5?
Pardon me? All right. Number 6? Who has number 6? Prayer card 6? 7? Raise up your hand as quickly as you can. 7? 7? Has somebody prayer card 7? Look at somebody sitting next to you. It may be somebody who can't get up, or something. Someone will help them up, if they can just get.... Prayer card 7? All right. 8? Who has prayer card number 8? All right. 8? 9? Prayer card 9? 10? 11? 12? 13? 14? 15? 16? 17? 18? 19? 20?
All right. Just line up over there according to your numbers and let's see how many we got in there then. All right.
E-38 All right. Now, if the sister on the organ there will give us Only Believe. Let's just sing humbly and reverently. I'm going to ask you one thing. Now it's, right now, about twenty-after. If you'll just give me a few minutes, and don't stir around.
Now, listen to these instructions, if you will. Don't stir during the time of the prayer. Stand still. Watch. And if on the platform something takes place, hold your peace. Just sit still, see. Now ushers will see to that from the audience, see. Just sit still.
Now, if God does some miracle, or something, and you want to rejoice, rejoice. That's perfectly all right. We like for you to do that: to rejoice. But we want you to be reverent. Don't stir around. Keep your children near you, and so forth, in the meeting. All right. All things are possible, only believe. Now, like ... slowly now, let's all try to sing it.
Only believe, only believe.
All things are possible, only believe.
Only believe, only believe.
All things are possible, only believe.
I wonder if we could get it this way: Now I believe, right now. I wonder if we could just raise up our hands, with our eyes closed, and sing it to Him now.
Now I believe, now I believe.
All things are possible, now I believe.
Now I believe, now I believe (Praise God!)
All things are possible, now I believe.
E-39 Father in heaven, we ask that Your blessings will be with us. And may the Lord Jesus come into this church now. Take over our beings. And may the Holy Spirit, tonight, do the work of Jesus Christ. You said in Your Word, “When He, the Holy Spirit, has come, He will bring these things to your remembrance; and will show you things to come. And He will testify of Me.”
And I pray, God, that the Holy Spirit in my heart testifying of Jesus Christ will show to the world tonight, or the people that's here present, that our Lord Jesus has risen from the dead, and lives among us. Grant these blessings in Jesus Christ's name and for His glory. Amen.
(Excuse me. I'm going to take this here because I'm not ... don't speak too loud.)
Everybody in harmony, believing now, say “Amen.” Everybody in harmony, believing. Now, settle yourself down. Now you can watch this way till you hear me say, “Close your eyes.”
E-40 And now remember, I have to say this according to the law of Indiana and many other places, I suppose Kentucky, also; I never asked. But, I am not responsible for critics, see. For critics are unbelievers who are sitting near.
Remember, if you are that person, don't stay during this part of the service. For let it be known unto you, as I speak in the name of the Lord, these diseases go from one to another. That's right. And on an unbeliever, you can do nothing with it. That's right. So, there's many persons tonight who has been in the meeting, criticizing and so forth, and we have tape recordings to show what happened.
So now, may the Lord help you and bless you. You just sit quiet, be reverent; pray for me, your brother, as I minister to the sick. All right.
E-41 Now, now how many in this building now, standing here, that doesn't have a prayer card, and wants to be prayed for? Raise up your hands. Everywhere in the building. Well, it's just general, everywhere.
Now, I'm going to ask you something. Now, if you will believe this to be the honest truth with all your heart, I'll assure you the Holy Spirit will move right out there in that audience to where you're at.
Do you believe the same Jesus that the woman touched the hem of His garment ... her faith touched Him in such a way, till He turned and looked over His audience to see who touched Him? Said, “Thy faith has saved thee.” She had a blood issue. Do you believe that? That's the Scripture.
Well, if He is the same yesterday, today, and forever, isn't He the same when He's operating in our flesh? Isn't it right? Now, let your faith touch Him; see what He does about it. The Lord bless you.
Now, for God's glory, I take every spirit in this building under my control, in the name of Jesus Christ, for the glory of God. I'm sure you understand what that means. Be reverent.
E-42 How do you do? I suppose now that you and I are strangers. As far as I know I've never seen you. God has seen us both, knows both of us. And I'm just a man, you're a woman standing here. That's all I know about you. Now, are you a believer? Now, if you're a believer, all things are possible to them that believe.
Now, if Jesus was standing here, mystically, by my side, and He was talking to you, like He did the woman at the well, He would know you, know all about you. Is that right? And He'd know, and could tell you, just like He could out there in the audience. But, would you believe it then to be the truth with all your heart? [“Yes, I would.”] You would believe it. [“Yes I would. I received a marvelous healing ... your ministry at Connersville out in the audience. You told me I was healed of rectal trouble.”] Is that a fact?
Now, you hear the testimony, I suppose. It was at.... Where was it at, lady?“ [”Connersville.“] At Connersville. That's just a couple summers ago ... or, last summer. [”Last summer.“] Last summer. And you had.... What was it? [”Rectal trouble.“] Rectal trouble. [”I had three operations.“] Three operations. And, a rectal trouble out in the audience. And the Holy Spirit moved out there and called you out, and healed you out there in the audience.
E-43 There's the first patient standing here. [“I passed something, I don't know what it was, but.... I don't know what it was, but something I passed.”] You hear her testimony, what taken place after that. What supernaturally taken place there? I knew not the woman. I don't know her now. Only just what....
And God in heaven knows that's the truth. [Unclear word] on this Bible laying here before me, and God is my Judge, that's ... that's what I know about her there. As far as I know I never met her, never seen her in my life. I seen her out there. I might not have seen her; I just seen that light standing over her. And maybe just her thoughts, I picked up her thoughts out in the audience.
You say, “You read her mind, then.”
Well, if you want to call it that. Jesus did the same thing. He perceived their thoughts. Is that right? Well, tell me the difference between perceiving a thought and reading a mind. Not this devil's group out here, in a little ... on the side of a street, and a little hand out like that. That's psychology. That has nothing to do with God.
E-44 But then, if the Lord Jesus has risen from the dead, and I'm representing Him here tonight, truly, then He would let me know what was wrong with you now, or what was wrong. And if He would, would that raise your faith to believe for healing again? [“Yes.”] It would. All right. May He grant it to you, sister, is my prayer.
But, it's not that now. You got some kind of an inward trouble. It's in the.... It's a kidney trouble. It's in a bladder, too. I see a drainage, burning sensation coming from the bladder. Isn't that true? [“That's true.”] And you're.... There's something else that you got on your mind. No, it's about a loved one. It's a boy—your son. Isn't that right? [“Yes it is.”] He's got something like asthmatic. He's coughing, real dry coughing all the time. Isn't that right?
And aren't you from Indianapolis? [“Yes. Oh, thank You, Jesus.”] Go back home. You can go get well. Jesus Christ makes you well. God bless you.
Have faith in God. Only believe. All things are possible to them that believe.
Now, to that woman that was here just a few moments ago, she's healed. All right. Have faith in God.
E-45 How do you do, lady? I suppose from as far as.... Of course now, in this ... standing here. I just put my hand over there, because that ... see, it's not.... It's the anointing, see, it's the anointing. And it makes me feel different than what I really am in regular life, because you're in a dual condition. You're in two worlds at the same time.
But I suppose we're strangers to each other. We don't know one another. As far as I know I don't know you. And we've.... This is our meeting time. But God knows both of us. Do you believe me to be His servant? [“Amen. Absolutely.”] I believe that; you have a welcome feeling to your spirit, and His presence being here now. And if there's any help can come, it would have to come through Him, wouldn't it? You realize that it wouldn't be me, your brother; it would be Him, your Saviour. Is that right? You believe it.
I see you moving from me. You're having some kind of ... all through your body, like pains, like, all through your body. That's a arthritis condition in the nerves, it's what's doing it. Causes sharp pains ... pains, aches—through your body. You have something another.... I notice you're rubbing your head. It's a sinus trouble. That's what it is. It's come from your head up your sinuses. [“That's right.”]
And you got someone that you're interested in. It must be your husband. He has the same thing. Isn't that right? [“Yes, it is.”] It's coming from in here.
And there's something strange about you. It seems like I keep seeing blue water moving like that. And there's some kind of a person that you're dealing with that's a.... It must be a.... It's a different people. There's something that you.... It's Indians. You're a missionary (Is that right?) from India. I see the.... Well, go. Jesus Christ is going to make you well. God bless you. And may you go in peace. God's peace upon you.
E-46 Have faith in God. Don't doubt; only believe. Are you believing with all your heart?
Yes. God bless you, sir.
It just keeps moving—that light. I don't guess you can see it. But here it is, standing here. No, it's over this lady, here. She has high blood pressure. Isn't that right, lady? Do you accept your healing now? You don't have to have a card to be healed, but you accept your healing now? Go home then and be well, and may the Lord Jesus bless you and make you well.
Oh, Christian friends, the Lord Jesus Christ's anointing this audience. Only have faith in Him. You shall see the glory of God: His great manifestation of His blessing.
E-47 Are you a believer, sir, sitting there? Lay your hand over on that lady with that red-looking coat on, sitting there. She's sitting there, praying. She's got sort of a chest trouble that's been bothering her. Isn't that right, lady? Yes. Now lay your hand over on her there, that she be healed.
Lord Jesus, may the power of God come upon the woman and make her completely well. I ask it in Jesus Christ's name. Amen.
God bless you. Do you believe now with all your heart? Now, you lay your hand on the lady next to you there, to get rid of.... She's got something wrong with her. Yes, you laid your hand in the right place. She has a asthmatic condition. Isn't that right, lady? Wave your hand if that's right. I see you trying to.... All right.
Oh, Almighty God, may Your Spirit come to her now. You're favoring her by standing near her, speaking through Your servant. I ask that she be made well, in Jesus Christ's name. Amen.
As you believe, so will it be to you. You know something left you then. Now just keep believing and it won't return. But when you disbelieve, it will return.
E-48 Come. Oh, He is so wonderful. His blessings are upon His people. All right. How do you do, sir. 'Course I see you got something on your throat there; looks awful red. I don't know what it is, but God does know. Do you believe me to be His prophet ... or, His servant? You do? With all your heart you believe that, do you? [“Yes.”]
Sir, that's a cancer. Isn't that right? Being as that was showing in a plaster on your neck.... For the benefit of the audience that they might know: You look to me and believe me with all your heart. Something else might be wrong; because that's showing. If there was a man sitting there crippled, and I said he was crippled, anybody knows that; you're looking at it.
You're a stranger here. You're not from this country. You're from a country where there's a lot hardwood; and there's little lakes like. And that's.... It's kind of a lot of swamp country near you there. And you're from a small city. And that.... You're from Missouri. And the name of the city starts with a “K.” It's Kennett, Missouri. Is that right?
And you're a stranger to me. But your name is Matterson, or something like that, M-a-t-t... Matterson. Isn't it? [The man says, “Masterson.”] Masterson. And your initials is I. A. Is that true? Go believe now and the cancer will leave you. God bless you in Jesus Christ's name.
[Blank spot on tape.] ...
E-49 the side. You have something wrong with your side, don't you, lady? You thought I was talking to you a while ago, when I looked at you. Stand up on your feet. Jesus Christ makes you well. Go believing. Have faith in God; don't doubt.
All right. Do you believe Him now, lady? All right. Do you believe me to be His servant? We're strangers to one another, I believe. I have never seen you, if I'm correctly believing right. Now, I want you to come just a little more near me, because of the emotion at the platform.
Well, God's going to judge us both some of these days, lady. You're aware of that. And you're aware, right now, that you're standing in the presence of something besides a man. Is that true? Now, that won't hurt you. That's.... It's some power that you say you feel moving through you. That's the Angel of the Lord.
You got.... I see you moving away from a table. There's something ... it's in the stomach. You got stomach trouble. And that's caused from a liver condition. It empties into the stomach. It causes sourness and bitterness. And you're with somebody. It's somebody.... It's your mother. And she's here too. And she's got stomach trouble also. And isn't there something wrong with her neck? She's got something wrong with her neck?
And you've come here.... You're not from this city; you're from up the river—Cincinnati—and you've come here by bus. And you're supposed to leave tonight at nine o'clock. Go in the name of the Lord Jesus and be made well. Go. You won't have to worry about it. Go eat your supper now, and be made well in Jesus' name.
E-50 Come. Lady, I see you moving slowly. Of course, you're probably, perhaps, very sick. I suppose we're strangers to each other. We're not? [“I've been in the meetings before.”] Oh, you've been in my meetings before. Well, God knows both of us, doesn't He? I know nothing about you as far.... I don't know nothing about you. But God knows all about you. If God will reveal to me what your trouble is, will you accept Him as your healer? [“Amen.”]
I see some kind of a white-looking room. Oh, it's a hospital. You've just been operated. That's been about a year ago. It's caused a weakness that you've never got over. You're suffering with a flu, or something, now. Isn't that right? Aren't you Miss Arnold's mother, or something? I see her standing near you.
Oh God, in the name of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, I bless this poor mother for her healing. May she go tonight and recover in Jesus Christ's name. Amen.
God bless you, sister. Go rejoicing now, being happy, believing with all your heart; and receive your healing.
E-51 Come. Do you believe? Do you believe, if the Holy Spirit, who's going to judge us both at the day of judgment; if He would reveal your trouble, would you accept your healing? That anointing shakes me so. It makes me so weak, I ... see ... that I try just to see if ... or either pray. If I didn't tell you nothing, pray for the way you are now, you believe you'd be healed.
See, your faith has met something. Before I even say anything, it's gone from you. That's right. I know it's just turned real white around you. I see what was wrong. You had heart trouble. Now you can go home, thanking God, being happy. God bless you.
Father, bless her, I pray, in the name of Jesus. Amen.
God bless you. Have faith now, believing with all your heart.
Do you believe, sir? If I would not say one word to you, but just pray for you, do you believe you'd get well? That's the way to do. You're convinced then that I've told you the truth. All that sickness would leave you and everything. You could go home, be.... Is that right? It will. God bless you.
E-52 Let's say, “Thanks be to God.” That man believes God. Just only have faith. Believe it with all your heart; you shall receive.
Come. Are you believing with all your heart? [“I certainly do.”] I believe that you do. Now, if I could heal you and wouldn't do it, I'd be a brute, wouldn't I? But I.... Blessed be the Lord.
Hanging over that little lady, sitting there looking.... You got something wrong with your throat, haven't you, lady. Yes, ma'am. Well, that did it. God bless you. Your faith has saved you now. Go and be made whole.
There's something else. I see that same choking, like.... Oh, it's the lady sitting behind you there has a goiter. Yes. Do you want to accept your healing, too? Do you believe that He healed you? God bless you. Go and be made well. May the Lord Jesus grant your faith to be confirmed. Thank the Lord Jesus.
See, friends, pray. You don't need prayer cards; you need faith to believe.
It still hangs there. That lady sitting next to there, the young lady there, has a heart trouble. Do you believe the Lord's going to heal you, sister? He has. Now you can go home and be well. God bless you.
Do you want to get over that diabetes? Do you accept Jesus as your Healer?
Lord Jesus, make her well, and may she ... can be able to stop taking insulin and be made whole, in Jesus' name. Amen.
God bless you, sister. Have faith in God.
E-53 Come, lady.
Oh, my. What our Lord could do right now in this audience of people. Oh, if you would just, with one accord now, go to believe Him, there wouldn't be a feeble person in this building tonight. That is right. If you believe with all your heart right now, you wouldn't have a thing to worry about, but be made well.
Do you believe me, lady, as God's servant? If God will reveal to me what's your trouble, will you accept your healing? Well, if you'll believe right now, that heart trouble will leave you, and you'll be bothered with it again. Do you believe with all your heart? Go and you can receive it, and God'll be merciful to you and bless you.
Come. Just a moment, lady. Stand here a minute. There's something.... It wasn't you, but there's so.... That's all right. Thank you. [Brother Branham speaks aside.
E-54 “What was wrong with that woman? Heart?”]
How many people in here's been suffering with heart trouble? Raise your hands right away, quickly. I believe with all my heart it's over for you. It just lit the whole building, then, when you went away. There was something taking place. Oh, that's the way. That's the way to believe: with one accord—all of you—and be made well.
Praise be to God. Oh, my. How this is right now, I wish I could transfer God's.... You think this is strange? This is our Lord Jesus.
Do you believe me to be His servant? Will you accept, without a shadow of doubt, the Lord Jesus Christ in His name, if God will let me know what your trouble is? Stomach trouble. Is that right? Now go eat your supper.
E-55 Do you believe? How many here has stomach trouble? Raise your hands. All right. Every one of you that has stomach trouble, stand to your feet right now. Every one of you that had heart trouble, stand to your feet right now. Every one has cancer, stand to your feet right. Every one of you got anything wrong with you, stand to you feet right now. Are you believing? Raise up your hands.
Heavenly Father, come in great power and demonstration, and send Thy blessings upon this audience. I condemn every evil spirit, every sickness, every disease, every affliction, as your servant. As the anointing, Holy Spirit moving through this audience, I condemn these diseases and these afflictions, and say in Jesus Christ's name, “Come out of the people.”
Everybody that believes God, raise up your hands and say, “Thank You, Lord Jesus.” Believe it with all your heart. That's it. Keep praising the Lord.