Jesus Christ the Same Yesterday, Today & Forever

Date: 54-0813 | Duration: 45 minutes
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Los Angeles, California, USA
Sermon translation in French: 54-0813 - Shp
E-1 See what a prophet is for? He's not a healer. He's to find out the will of God for you.
So they sent for the prophet. Perhaps Hezekiah had the doctors up there, they done everything for him, but it looked like he didn't get any better. So they sent, the prophet; and asked the prophet, “What was the will of the Lord?”
So when the prophet got the will of the Lord, here he come in, out of the wilderness, and come on in, to the home of the, or, up to the palace, went to Hezekiah, laying on the bed. He said, “THUS SAITH THE LORD.” (Brother that's: “THUS SAITH THE LORD,” that's what it, the Lord has said.) He said, “THUS SAITH THE LORD, you're not coming off of that bed, but you're_you're going to die on that bed.” And he turned around, and walked out.
Now, could you imagine? I always felt sorry for Isaiah, in this respect. When he walked out, perhaps the dignitaries, and so forth, was standing at the gate. And I can hear them say, “Oh, prophet of God, we know that you have the Word of the Lord, it dwells in you. So what is the. . .our—our hope for our king?”
I can hear him, when he raises his. . .he raised his hand, and say, “THUS SAITH THE LORD, the king will not come off that bed, he'll die on that bed.”
E-2 Walks on out through the galleries, here he is. Group of soldiers meets him, and, “Oh, prophet of God, we know that you have the Word of God. And what has the Lord said about our king?”
“THUS SAITH THE LORD, he's going to die, and not live.”
On out, into the poor people standing at the gate, as he passed out. Well, he say. . .they say, “We love our king, oh, prophet. He's a good man. What is the will of the Lord for our pro-. . .for our king? Is he going to live?”
See Isaiah straighten himself up, the prophet of the Lord, saying. “THUS SAITH THE LORD, he'll die, and not live.” My! And his reputation as a prophet, hanging on that. Goes on out into place where he was, is bound for.
And this Hezekiah, after he had heard that, notice, that didn't whip him. He turned his face to the wall, and wept bitterly, in prayer, and said, “God, I beseech Thee to consider me, for I've walked before you, with a perfect heart.” Could you say that tonight? “I have walked before you, with a perfect heart.” He needed fifteen years longer; he asked for that, and weeping, bitterly.
E-3 Now, I believe that he was talking to Jehovah. Don't you believe so? To God Himself. Now, who is the highest man in the kingdom? Of course, the king is. Well, Jehovah and the king, the highest man in the kingdom of Israel, talking face to face with Jehovah. Why didn't Jehovah talk back to him?
But, instead of that, he goes out into the wilderness, where his prophet was, and said, “Now, I heard his prayer. You go tell him that I've heard him, and I'm going to spare him for fifteen years.” And the king, the highest dignitary, the potentate, standing there, talking face to face with Jehovah; and He didn't answer him back, but went and told the prophet to come tell him. God has ways of doing things, and we must submit ourselves to the will of God and the ways of God. Standing, talking to him, but yet, made the prophet come all the way back.
Could you imagine the embarrassment of Isaiah, coming back, saying.
“Well, what are you coming back for, Isaiah?”
“THUS SAITH THE LORD, he's going to live, he's coming off the bed. THUS SAITH THE LORD, he's going to live, and coming off the bed.”
What made the difference? He passed out, saying, “THUS SAITH THE LORD, he's going to die. THUS SAITH THE LORD, he's going to die.” Here he comes back, saying, “THUS SAITH THE LORD, he's going to live. THUS SAITH THE LORD, he's going to live.” What made the difference?
Prayer changed things: from death to life. That's what prayer does for you, tonight: from death to life. Don't be scared to take God's Word.
E-4 I should close now, but I want to say something else just a minute.
Look, the trouble of it is, with you Pentecostal people, and all people: you're afraid to take God at His Word. That's it. Don't be afraid. He'll bring it to pass. Just accept it and stay with it.
The Scripture says, “He's the High Priest of our confession.” Now, not the high priest of your feeling, the High Priest of your confession. Now, Hebrews 3 said, “We. . .He's the High Priest of our confession.” Now, any scholar knows that profess is used there, but profess and confess is the very same word, same Greek word, confess and profess. See? He's the High Priest, the Scripture says, the King James, of our profession, our confession. Now He's setting at the right hand of God, to make intercession upon your confession.
Now, He can't do nothing to you, or for you, until you accept what He has already done, and confess it.
E-5 I'm not saved tonight, because I feel like I'm saved. I'm saved tonight, because I met God's requirements in His Word. God is under obligation, take care of me, if I meet those requirements. Is that right?
Well, somebody says, “I'm saved, because I feel good.” Drunkards do that. Sure. The Devil can beat you around and around the stump on your feelings: but when he meets the Word of God, no, sir, he can't come on that.
And God brought salvation and Divine healing so simple, that the—the weakest Christian can have every attribute of His Life. When Jesus. . .Do you believe He was Emmanuel? All that God was, was in Christ, reconciling the world to Himself. Every gift that was in God, was in Christ. And He had all of those fine qualities in Him, everything that God was, was in Christ, reconciling the world to Himself.
E-6 But when He met Satan (to let you know that you have this authority), He never used one of His gifts, or any of His power.
Satan said, “If thou be the Son of God, do a miracle here, before me, let me see you.”
He said, “It's written, man shall not live by bread alone, but by every Word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.”
He took Him up on the pinnacle of the temple and said, quoted some Scripture, coated some Scripture, and said, “Angels bear thee up, lest any time, dash your foot against a stone.”
He said, “And It's also written.”
And he took Him up on the mountain, showed Him all the kingdoms of the world; said, “These are mine, I'll give them to you, if you'll worship me.”
And Jesus said, “It is written.” Every time he, Satan, comes in, He said, “It is written, My Father has said thus. My Father has said thus.” And He defeated Satan, on the Word of God.
And every Christian in here, can defeat Satan, any place, anywhere, anytime, on the Word of the living God. Say, “THUS SAITH THE LORD, it is written.” When you pray tonight, say, “Lord, I accept my healing. I believe it.” No matter what you feel like, say, “I believe it.”
Jesus never did say, “Did you feel it?” He said, “Did you believe it?” Not your feeling. He's not the High Priest of your feeling. He's the High Priest of your confession. You accept it, believe it, and confess it.
E-7 The same principal, coming, get, to the altar. You could come up here at the altar, cry all night long, beat on the altar, scream, holler, get up in the morning, cry all day long, beat on the altar, scream and holler, until you got gray headed, for year in, and out; and you'll never, never accept. . .have salvation, till you accept what Jesus did for you, and then confess it. Is that right? You've got to confess it.
Now, you don't—now, you don't, see, it ain't wait, you've confessed it, first, and act upon it, and then the feeling comes afterwards.
That's the way with healing, you accept it, “Jesus, You said it's so, I believe you. I've got it, it's my personal property. I signed this check, sent it in to You. You told me, whatever I ask in prayer, to believe I receive it. And I believe that You said and told the Truth, and that's for me.”
Somebody say, “How you feel?”
E-8 Well, I remember when Mayo Brothers turned me down, with stomach trouble; said I could never be well, that my stomach was a raw, bloody ulcer, and there's nothing could be done. I accepted Jesus Christ as my healer. I went home. Mother said. . .I said. . .I asked the blessing at the table.
And the doctor said, “If he eats one mouthful of solid food, he'll have acute indigestion: die in five minutes.”
He said, “I'm the Lord that healeth thee.”
I had to believe either the doctor, or what God said. They had doctored me for two years, and done nothing for me.
And we had—we had corn bread and beans and onions. I don't know whether you ever had any of that or not, but it's good. And when I asked the blessing, I said, “Lord I—I believe You, and I have accepted my healing, I.” Mama had my prune juice poured out there, and barley water mixed together, you know, and my two, little, salty crackers; and that's all I'd get.
I said, “Pass me some beans.”
And she said, “Oh, Honey, you can't eat that.”
I said, “The Lord said I could.”
“Oh, the doctor said.”
I said, “But I believe the Lord's Word.”
E-9 So, they give me a plate full of beans and I took a great. . .I hadn't eat for two years, of nothing like that. I got a big mouthful of beans, and a piece of onion, a chunk of corn bread. I started chewing away, it tasted good. When I swallowed it, it hit that raw stomach, it come right back up. I held my hand over my mouth. I said, “Oh no, huh-um, no, sir. You don't come out of there. No, sir.” And I held my hand over my mouth, till I got another mouthful chewed and swallowed. I put it right on top of it, and I packed it so full, it couldn't come up. That's right. I just held it there, going on. I started out, the room, and I went out, and the hot water running out of my mouth.
Mother said, “How you feel?”
I said, “Wonderful.”
I went down the street, and I—I was going down the street, singing:
I can, I will, I do believe;
I can, I will, I do believe;
Some of them say, “How you feeling, Reverend Branham?”
I said, “Wonderful.”
I can, I will, I do believe
That Jesus heals me now.
Are you—you feeling better, Reverend Branham?
“Wonderful, feel good. Jesus healed me.”
E-10 Week after week passed, just the same. That night, every bit of it was laying right there. I went to the table (you know how poor people are), I said, “Pass me some more beans and corn bread.” That's right. And I eat it.
And I tell you, brother, the. . .Mama called the doctor. She said, “Well that's.”
He—he said, “Why it'll kill him, as sure as the world.”
I did, to my unbelief. Now I got alive, and faith now, with Christ Jesus. That's right. Now, he said. . .I weigh a hundred and sixty-five pounds; I weighed a hundred and eighteen then.
So, you see what the Lord will do? Take Him at His Word, believe it, confess it, no matter how you feel, believe it anyhow. He said so.
E-11 Abraham believed God, and it was imputed to him for righteousness. The baby never come till twenty-five years later. But he still give God praise for it, before it come. He was strong in faith, giving praise to God. Yes, that's it.
But you look at your symptom. Just a minute. You look at your symptom. You say, “Well, look here, I was prayed for, for a crippled hand, my hand is no better.” That's no sign you're not healed. God said so. That's it. No matter what, that hand takes place, it's what God said, it ain't for my hand. See? It's what God said. I accepted it, and I'll stay with it, that's all. Now, He could open it up, or He, today, tomorrow, He, might be twenty-five years, but, all right, you— you—you let your testimony be positive.
Every time you get sick, and you were prayed for, and you go out and get a little sick, you say, “Well, I guess I lost my healing.” Then your testimony becomes negative. And Jesus can't say no more for you.
He's the High Priest of your confession, setting there, making intercessions on your confession, what you believe.
E-12 All of you in here that's saved tonight, you just get in your head that you're not saved, and go around saying, “No, I—I'm not saved no more.” You're not saved. That's a big word for a Baptist, isn't it? But that's true. You're backslid whenever you do that. That's right, that's right. I believe you can backslide. Sure. All right.
But, you see, you've got to have your testimony and your—your confession positive, “Not according to my feelings, but according to what He said.” That's it.
E-13 Talking about symptoms, I think of a fellow that really had symptoms, and that was Jonah. Well, he was. . .The Lord told him and anointed him to go preach to a big city, about, size of Saint Louis. And some of the people didn't know which was right and left hand. He anointed him: go down there and preach to that city, or He would destroy it.
Jonah thought, “Well, there's not many Christians down there, so there's probably more Christians here, so I'll.” (Or, “believers.”) So he went over to Tarshish.
But he got in trouble out on the sea. That's the way every fellow does, that's running from God, you get in trouble, sooner or later.
Oh, how, what I see there, but I better leave it alone, so, for right now.
So I—I see Jonah out, there he goes. First thing you know, it kind of shocked the sea, a little bit, to see a backslider riding around there, out of the will of God. And so the sea got nervous about it, and begin to jump, and storms come down.
Everything goes wrong when you're backslid. You know that's right. And here he was, out there on the stormy sea. And after while, he come up with a real, good, old confession. Said, “I'm the cause of it. Tie my feet and hands, and throw me out, and don't need of all of us dying.” So when they threw him out, God had a big, old fish coming through the water, just swallowed him. That fish swallowed him.
E-14 Anyone knows when a fish eats. . .Feed your goldfish: He goes right to the bottom, and rests his swimmers on the bottom. He prowls through the water till he finds his prey. Then, when he eats, he goes down and rests. And then he'll come up and sun himself. And so forth.
But now, when the fish had swallowed Jonah, he had got all he needed for that day. So he—he goes down, the bottom of the sea.
Now, you talk about a fellow with symptoms: He looked this a way, it was whale's belly, that way, it was whale's belly. Everywhere he looked, was whale's belly. Hands tied behind him, backslid, out in the stormy sea, laying in the bottom of the ocean, in the belly of a whale.
There's nobody here in that bad of shape. I tell you there's not. There he wa. . .[Blank spot on tape—Ed.]
E-15 God making intercessions upon your confession. Why, brother, kick them crutches away, and throw away that old stomach trouble, go on out, and eat your supper, and get well. Amen. Believe Him. You got the greatest weapon in the world in your hand: prayer.
E-16 Here some time ago, passing through a meeting (I was playing it back for the people.), there was a woman come through the meeting, through the line. She had a serious stomach trouble. And the Holy Spirit spoke and said, “THUS SAITH THE LORD,” after seeing what was wrong with her. And she was going to make right what she had done wrong, or something another on that order. And He told her that she was going to get well. He said, “THUS SAITH THE LORD.”
A woman right behind her (another one was said for her) had a growth on her neck. The neck growth stayed right there. Told her to go eat her supper. She went and tried to eat, but she liked to died. Oh, my, she got sick. Days passed. She got sicker and sicker. And so.
She said she went back, and got the tapes, and played it. Now, you have to watch what He says. But when you hear Him use, THUS SAITH THE LORD, remember, that's not your brother, that's Him. See. Well, I would be daresn't to use that. No, sir, brother. And so, let it be Him and Him alone.
And she seen it was the Voice of the Holy Spirit that had spoke to her. And then, several weeks passed, six or eight weeks. And she was just so bad with her stomach trouble, she'd try to eat, and she'd just vomit, she'd try to eat again. And she'd tell it, going around, tell everybody, “I'm healed.”
Why, her husband and her children even laughed at her and made fun of her. Some of the neighbors made fun of her, said, “Why, you're going crazy.” Said, “What did that holy-roller preacher do to you?”
She said, “It wasn't what he done, it's what God did. God give me His promise and I believe It.” See?
E-17 And one morning, after the family had gone to school and to work, she was washing the dishes, and—and she got real hungry. So she “picked up a little piece of bread,” she said. The woman may be setting right here tonight. And so, she picked up a little piece of bread with.toast, and she eat it. One of the children had left it on the table. She hadn't washed the dishes yet. And she was standing at the window, and she said something just come over her, and she got real hungry. She started eating that piece of toast, usually it would make her sick in a few minutes, and it didn't make her sick. So, she said, “Well, I—I'll try some oats.” So, she eat some oats: it didn't make her sick. So, she said, “I really will go to extreme,” she drank cup of coffee: that didn't make her sick. She felt good.
So, down the street she went, to her neighbor that had come with her, had the big growth on her neck. And she run down the street, and went into the neighbor's house. She was going to tell her what the Lord had done for her. And when she got down there, the neighbor was screaming, and jumping up and down, and carrying on. Said, “What's the matter?”
Said, “My growth just left this morning, it's not there no more.” And they had a great, big jubilee together.
E-18 Now, what happened? Here's what happened. If God speaks anything, God is under obligation to take care of what He says. God can't come to your rescue just at every minute. The Angel of the Lord can't get to you at every.
You remember, Daniel prayed, and I believe there, twenty- one days, the Angel. . .Wasn't that right, scholar? Twenty-one days before the—the Angel could get to him. He said, “I was withstood by the prince out there,” the Medes of Persia, but he got to him. Said, “I heard you, but I couldn't get to you.”
What happened? The Angel of the Lord was passing through that neighborhood, confirming the Word of God. That's exactly what taken place.
Don't disbelieve, accept Jesus, when you pray, believe you get what you ask for, go right on testifying, praising His Name: you'll get just what you ask for. Jesus Christ said so, and not Brother Branham. The Lord Jesus said, “When you pray, believe that you receive that, and you'll have it.” May He give it to you tonight, in a double portion, is my prayer.
I want to see a hour when there won't be a wheelchair setting there. I could look to you, sure, in a little while, and know what's wrong with you, but what good would that do? See? Unless I knew you were healed?
E-19 You believe tonight. The. . .you along here, all of you, whatever is wrong with you, some of you.
Course, now you say, “The person in the wheelchair.” The people rally to see that. But the thing that they do, instead of seeing it, you see, they find that in that, why the person. . .You wouldn't. . .I say, “That person, there, is crippled, or setting in a wheelchair, and got something or other.” Well, you wouldn't notice that.
But when a fellow says, “Somebody with a—with cancer or something, that's not going to live, is going to die just in a day or two.” You'd. . .That's the person that you. . .It'll live, the.A person in a wheelchair would probably live an ordinary life, as long as. . .for years. But a man with a cancer, or with heart trouble, unless something happens to him right away, he's going to die. Is that right? So.
But God heals the sick; He heals the afflicted. And as Jesus passed through the pool there, there was nothing He could do about those things. Those people were crippled and lame and halt. He went over to a man with an infirmity, made him well, because God told Him where the man was, and showed it to Him. And He went over and healed that man, and went away.
And He said these words, “Verily, verily, I say unto you, the Son can do nothing in Himself, but what He sees the Father doing:” (Is that right?) “That doeth the Son likewise.”
He is “Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today, and forever.” Do you believe It? Then He is obligated to His Word tonight, to listen to His Word, and to confirm It, as you believe It. Shall we pray.
E-20 Father, in Who we trust and love, may Thy mercies and power come now, and sway this little meeting. And may the Holy Spirit stretch forth His hands, as it was, over this audience. And may all unbelief be canceled out; and may nothing but virgin, primitive faith of apostolic power sweep over this building tonight. And every person that's in here, that's sick or afflicted, may they be healed; and every sinner, saved. For we ask it in Jesus' Name. Amen.
E-21 I'm so sorry I take that much time. I. . .[Blank spot on tape— Ed.].?.See? It's the Lord Jesus Christ in the power of His resurrection. Just receive it and believe it.
What? Did they give out any more prayer cards tonight? Yeah, huh? G? All right. How many? Last night, I believe, we took along the first, or the. . .Let's take the last of it tonight. Let's bring up about. . .[Blank spot on tape—Ed.]. . .somebody come to Him, was sick, they would say. . .Well, He—He would. . .couldn't heal you. He can't heal you now. He's already did it. When He died at Calvary He healed you. When He died at Calvary He saved you. He took away your worries and troubles.
Only thing He could do now: He might do like He did when He was here on earth, because the Bible said, “He's the same yesterday, today and forever.” Is that right? And when He was on earth, He didn't claim to be any great person. He just preached the Gospel, He dressed like other men, went along, just like, meek, humble.
But the thing was different: when He'd stand by an audience, and someone would come to Him, He would perceive, out in the audience, what they were doing, what they were thinking of.
E-22 When a man come to Him, by the name of Philip, went and got Nathanael, and Nathanael come. He said, “There's a believer, an Israelite, no guile.”
He said, “When did you know me, Rabbi?”
Said, “Before Philip called you, when you were under the tree, I saw you.” Is that right? And when He talked to the woman at the well, He said, “Go get your husband.”
She said, “I have none.”
Said, “That's right: you got five.”
She said, “I perceive that You're a prophet. We know that when Messiah comes, He'll say these things.” Messiah.
E-23 Messiah has come now, friends, but you don't recognize Him, that's it.
And just as sure as the Jews rejected Him and called Him the chief of the spiritualists, “Beelzebub,” the Gentile church is doing the same thing when He returns in the last day in His power. It's exactly the truth. They're doing the same thing. Jesus Christ in His Church.
He said, “I'll be with you, even in you, to the end of the world. The things that I do shall you do also; even more; for I go to My Father.” That's right. “But a little while, the world won't see me no more.” So, if you're an unbeliever tonight, you know what side you're on, then. “The world won't see me.”
You say, “Oh, I don't believe that stuff.” Well, you know just exactly what kind of a spirit's got a hold of you.
E-24 Look here in the Bible: God takes His man, but never His Spirit. The Devil takes his man, but never his spirit. It comes right on down. See.
And so you may be ever so religious, so was Caiaphas, and the rest of the priests, and so forth. But they condemned Jesus because they thought He was a—a devil. When they seen Him foretell things, and tell people what was wrong with them, and what they'd do, and told them the sins of their life, and things like that, they said, “Why, this guy's a devil, he's a fortuneteller. The prince of the fortuneteller, is Beelzebub.”
But He was the Son of God; that's Who He was. You believe Him tonight, and may the Lord help you.
E-25 See. How many out there doesn't have any. . .isn't. . .hasn't got prayer cards, wants to be healed? Raise your hand. Thank you. God bless you. Only thing I ask you to do, is do this, upon the basis, anything doesn't have records in this Word here, I don't believe it. This is the Word of God and this is the ministry of the Lord God, not mine, it's His. I'm just like this microphone here, a mute without Him, and you know that. But, I—I can do nothing. It's Him that does it.
But if the Lord Jesus Christ will come here to the platform tonight, and this congregation, with your brother, if we'll yield ourself to the Holy Spirit, and He'll do the same thing that He did when He was here on earth, would you accept Him, and believe Him, and accept your healing? That.
E-26 When He was coming from Emmaus that day, or, went to Emmaus, rather, did you notice Him when He got with the disciples there? He did something just a little different from the ordinary run of preachers, and their eyes were open, and they recognized Him. But He vanished quickly, out of their sight. They went home, saying, “Did not our hearts burn within us?” See? See. May you do the same thing tonight.
And now, in the Name of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, for His glory, and a confirmation of His Word, I take every spirit in here under my control, for the glory of God, now.
E-27 Now, to the audience, don't move. Be reverent. See, sometimes visions moving, it's. . .I—I—I see like, crossing like this, maybe here comes someone right across the top of the heads of the people, you see.
And if someone is praying out there, and God wants to heal them, and when you're moving around, it—it confuses me, especially after I pray for one or two, and then the visions get started. Then you go into another dimension, like, and you just don't know, half the time, where you're at.
You say, “That's Scripture?” Absolutely. If you read the Bible, you should know that to be true. Uh-huh.
E-28 Now, this lady here, I. . .perhaps we're strangers. And happened to be, you be the first person here tonight, to be on the platform, or here, while it's. . .it'll be. . .I'll have to talk with you just a little bit, if you don't mind. And we are strangers, are we? We are strangers.
And now, I see you're packing that picture in your hand. I am.I hope that you get to keep it a long time, and every time you'll think of the meeting, look at that. I believe that was. . .not bec-.not.It isn't me, you see. It's the Angel of the Lord. It's His picture. He was the Pillar of Fire that led the children through the wilderness. Perhaps you heard the story of it, and how it was told. It's written in the book, also, signed in Washington, DC. You see? There's nothing undercover about the thing. It's—it's right out, fully, for examination, for anybody.
Just shows that Jesus Christ, that was in the wilderness with Moses, was on the banks of Galilee with the apostles, is here in Los Angeles tonight. See. Just the same. He does. . .What He did there for Moses; He did in His flesh; He does in His church tonight, same yesterday, today, forever.
E-29 Now, you know I'm doing something. Don't you, sister? The only thing it is, is just catching your spirit. That's exactly right. The same thing that Jesus said when He talked to the woman at the well. He said, “Go get your husband.” See?
First thing, He said, “Bring me a drink.”
She said, “The well's deep, and it's not customary for you Jews to ask Samaritans such.”
He said, “But if you knew who you were talking to, you'd ask Me for a drink, and I'd give you water, you didn't come here to draw.” And went ahead, till He found just where her trouble was, said, “Go get your husband.”
She said, “I have none.”
Said, “You got five.”
And then, she went, and said, “Come, see a man that told me everything I ever done.” He didn't do that. He just told her one thing that—that was wrong. But she knew if God could reveal to Him one thing, He could reveal to Him all things. So, when—when she said that. . .When He said that, she just took off in the city.
E-30 Now, if He's raised from the dead, and I have myself perfectly yielded to His Spirit, according to His Word, He promised to do the same thing. “The things that I do shall you, also.”
Now, you're here and we're strangers, never know each other, first time of ever meeting, no way of knowing each other. But there's been Somebody that put life in us, has kept us all these years, He's fed us all we've ever eaten. And you're here tonight, perhaps something wrong, I do not know. He does.
And when He strikes and goes to talking, just keep still and listen, what He says. Then you'll know whether that's right or not. Then what He tells you will be .If He told you what was, and you know that's right or wrong, you can tell that, and if that was right, what He tells you will be: it'll be right, too, won't it? That's right. Yes, ma'am.
There's something moving on you now, strange feeling, kind of a awe. And that's that same picture that you got there in your hand, that's that Light. It's getting milky and misty between us because our spirits are coming together. And the Spirit of the Holy Spirit, then, when I drop out of my own spirit, it takes up His Spirit, and then He knows.
And you're in a.I see now that the lady, which was standing before me, is in a doctor's office. And she's being examined on the left hand side. It's a heart trouble. The doctor. . .and he finds something, and talks with another doctor, and they. . .he was talking of an operation. But they find that there's a something wrong, it's a—it's a broken diaphragm all the way across, and he cannot operate.
Those things are true. You believe now? With all your heart? You got.
E-31 I see there's something else moving. It's a—it's a boy, or, a man, it's a son, your son, and he—he has fainting spells or something, he passes. . .He's got shingles all over him, and he's—he's a. . .he's got some kind of a.I see a young man kind of faint away, or something. He—He's.
And you are a—you are a Christian believer, yet, you—you do not go to any certain church, because you're so confused of the way people does, and things, you're ashamed to. . .That's right. But you believe me. And you believe the meetings that's going on comes from God.
And you're healed, lady. You can go home and be well, and so will your son get well, in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen. You'll see it. God bless you, sister. Have faith, don't doubt. Just believe with everything you.
How do you do? You believe that the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, make you well? Back, everything that's wrong with you, your back trouble? You're interested in someone else, too. Aren't you? That's a sister. And she's going in a mission work or something like that, and she's kind of weak, and you want prayer for her. Not reading your mind, but that's the truth. You shall receive what you ask for. God bless you. Go on your road and rejoice and be happy, in Jesus' Name.
E-32 You, shaking your head out there, just a few moments, sir, with that hemorrhoids. You believe God healed you of it then? Setting right back there, got hemorrhoids. You believe that God makes you well?
I see, behind him, something waving. It's a—it's a woman, and she is praying for somebody. It's—it's a somebody that's away from here. She's looking at me now, and she's. . .It's a—it's a brother, and he's got something wrong with his eyes. And he's in a place where there's a lot of wheat: it's Minnesota. Stand up on your feet, sister. Give God praise for healing your brother in Minnesota. Amen. God bless you.
Have faith, don't doubt.
E-33 How do you do? You believe that you're now in—in the Presence of Him, the Lord Jesus? You couldn't feel that way, standing by a man. It would have to be God. And it wouldn't be me, but that that you feel, comes from God.
You have—you have some trouble, and your trouble is with your eyes, and you also have fainting spells. You're. . .you got a—an allergy that bothers you, and I see you kind of pass out, or something, and—and they fan you for breath. You're in your home, it's a home where they lay you, I see you're laying back, and they're fanning for breath. Your—your name is Merle Davison. You— you. . .your. . .I see your number on the side of your. . .It's 1733 Sou-. . .or, West 50th Avenue, Los Angeles. Go home, Lord Jesus makes you well, in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ, grant it.
Have faith, don't doubt.
You knew you were healed then, didn't you? A little lady setting there, you got kidney trouble and bladder trouble. Jesus healed you just then. God bless you. Your faith has saved you. The same Lord Jesus that told the woman her blood issue had stanched, so is yours. You're healed now. You can go home, be well.
Have faith in God.
E-34 How do you do? Do you believe with all your heart, all your soul? God bless you. We're strangers to each other. I've never seen you in my life, know nothing of you, but God does. But you know that you're in His Presence. That's right.
You're—you're here. . .You have something wrong with the limbs, it's—it's a varicose veins in your limbs. And you're suffering with a weakness, it was from a heart attack you just had. Hmm, hmm.
You've been prayed for by a man by the. . .he's got his back to me, he's. . .It's Mr. Valdez, when he turns around. He said you had cancer. And then I see you get up, from somewhere, and a—a short man, kind of heavy hair, Jack Coe, had you to run around a tent, or something another with. . .That's who. Right.
You just had a lot of happiness in your home, something that just happened; and you been rejoicing and happy about your husband, or something, yes, receiving the Holy Ghost. Go home, you're healed, lady. Jesus Christ. Come. Uh-hum.
E-35 How do you do? We're strangers to each other. I do not know you, but the Lord God knows you.
Just be as reverent as possible, please, it's quite difficult when you move, but, be faithful, believe with all your heart.
Someone was healed, right here, with a gall bladder trouble, just then, and I think it's right here, on the front, gall bladder trouble. Someone moved, in the back, and I—I lost it, whoever it was. I seen the gall, all inflamed. And it left.
Arthritis, don't you? You believe that God will heal you of the arthritis and make you well? You do? All right, you can have your healing. Uh-huh.
What about you, sister? You're having headaches, aren't you? Setting there, next. You believe that God will heal you? That's your brother setting next to you there, isn't it? That's right. Growth. You believe that God will make you well? All right. Raise up and accept your healing, both you, and sis, too. Jesus Christ heals you, and makes you well. Hmm. God bless you.
Lady, the reason you stood up, wasn't really gall bladder trouble, is high blood pressure you been having. That's right. Yours was high blood pressure: you're healed now. God bless you. Your standing up helped you. Yes, God bless you. You go and be made well. Believe it.
Lady, you, setting next to her, there, got kidney trouble, haven't you? You can stand up and be healed, too. See? God bless you. Don't doubt, have faith. Hmm.
E-36 Look this way, just a minute, sister. Believe with all your heart.
You are here for someone else, and that's a sister. She's not in this country. Now, just a minute, here it moves. She's in a place where there's a great hardwood country, rolling hills, and the woman is in a—it's a—a highway going in, and on the sign I see, it's P- n. . .Pennsylvania she's in. And A-r-d, Ardara—Ardara or som .Ardara, Pennsylvania, she's living.
She's got a something wrong with her's cancer in the legs. And she's got a boy that's something in the ministry, or something. He's a preacher. Send that handkerchief to her, while the Holy Ghost is on you.
And may she be healed, through Jesus Christ's Name, make it so.
E-37 You believe with all your heart, everybody? Be reverent, be humble, be quiet, before God.
Don't leave me far, see.
How do you do? You believe me to be His servant? Who else could do that, but God alone? That's right. Now, you just look, be humble, relax yourself, and look at me, just a moment. And let's us, together, look to the Lamb of God, Who promised these things.
You're needy. You're a Christian because the. . .it's all light around you. But you're in trouble. You're seriously sick. You have got a fallen kidney, and—and organs in your body, and liver trouble, and you're very seriously sick.
And you are a minister's wife. And that minister just had to come off of the field of preaching, for your sickness.
Seems to me, I see a great big building coming up. It is. It's a—a lake behind, it's a high place, and you're going through, with a whole bunch of little envelopes in your hand, from room to room. It's Mayo's Clinic. That's it. You just been to Mayo's, and they turned you down. You now live in Pasadena. Come here.
Satan, you might hide from doctors, but you can't hide from God. Come out of the woman. I adjure thee by the living God, leave her. You're exposed. Come out from her.
God bless you. Go, with your hands in the air, rejoicing, and happy, and don't doubt nothing. Believe Jesus Christ with all your soul.
E-38 Come near, sister. You believe God can heal you of that heart trouble, and make you well?
O God, I pray in Jesus' Name that You'll heal her. May she go, as standing here, the Holy Spirit anointing Your servant, and You said, “These signs will follow them that believe; if they lay hands on the sick, they'll get well.” She's accepted this, Master of the universe, here now, Who has a poor, unworthy people, anointed. Now I lay hands on her, in Jesus Christ's Name, for her healing. Amen.
God bless you, sister. Go rejoicing, be happy, and you, you'll be all right. Have faith in God.
E-39 You believe, sister? You believe Jesus Christ to be the Son of God? You believe me to be His prophet, His servant?
You must believe now, or you'll die. It's cancer, and I see them examining you. And there's nothing they can do about it. And the cancer is located on both breasts. That's true.
Well, He, Who knows the secrets of your heart, and has told me if you. . .That you was.
I was suppose to pray for sick people. And I said, “They won't believe me; I'm uneducated.”
He said, “As Moses was given two signs,” said, “know the very secrets of their heart, then they'll believe.”
You believe? Come here and let's pray.
O Lord God, Creator of heavens and earth, Author of everlasting life, I condemn this devil, that it goes from our sister, and she lives, through Jesus Christ, the Son of God. Amen.
You believe? Now, I want you to put your hand just on mine, so, I won't look at you, so people know I not reading your mind. If Almighty God, Who is my Judge, Who raised up Jesus from the dead (Jesus said that the things that He did, we'd do also.), Who met me, in my infancy, and gave this gift of seeing, Who God knows, in Heaven, that is true, if He will show me, and this audience, without looking at you, what's wrong with you, will you accept your healing, and believe with all your heart? If you will, raise up your hand, to let.
Ulcerated stomach. That's right. Go home now, and go to eating. Your faith makes you well, sister. God bless you.
E-40 Come. Insulin is an awful thing, but it's a good thing, isn't it? But you got diabetes. Jesus Christ has a Blood plasma for you tonight. You believe you can accept it by faith?
In the Name of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, may this dripping white blood turn to red blood, in Jesus Christ's Name, the Lifgiving Stream. Amen.
How do you do? Many things, as a lady's ailments, that's yours. One thing, you're stiffening up, especially when you lay down. You got arthritis. You believe Jesus Christ makes you well, and you're going to be well?
O Lord, I pray that You grant this to our sister, in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ, as I lay hands on her, in the Name of Him, Who commissioned this to be so. Amen.
Believe now, don't doubt.
God can heal heart trouble as easy, He can heal anything else. It's the worst enemy in the world, but Jesus Christ heals it. Do you believe it? Then go and rejoice and thank Him for it. And be made well, through Jesus Christ's Name.
Isn't it strange, when I said that to her, you had the same feeling, didn't you? You was healed, too. God bless you. Just go, thanking God, and being well.
E-41 Many things: arthritis, all, and course, your eyes, we see that. You believe that Jesus Christ makes you well? You believe He'll heal you?
Lord, as this poor gray-headed mother stands here, I lay hands on her, in the Name of the Lord Jesus, may she be made well. Amen.
God bless you. Have faith.
Quickly! Everyone bow your head. Here is a deaf spirit moving somewhere in the audience. Oh, it's coming from the man. Bow your head a minute.
O God, Creator of heavens and earth, Author of everlasting life, and Giver of every good gift, Satan has did this to the man. We don't desire miracles, Lord, to believe, for You said, “Weak and adulterous generation seeketh after such.” But, Father, that the world might know that You're Jesus Christ, the Son of God, and I be Your servant, I now ask (this spirit, who has come on this man, to cause him to be killed by a vehicle): Come out of him, now, deaf spirit, in the Name of Jesus Christ, leave him.
You hear me, my brother? You hear me? You're normal and well. You had prostate trouble, making you nervous, and getting up. It's all gone from you now. Go on your road rejoicing. You're happy and well, in J.
E-42 Every person, in Divine Presence, at this time, can be made well of anything that you have. The only thing you have to do, is believe on the Lord Jesus. Do you believe it?
I'm going to ask you to do something tonight. If I am seeing right. I want you to, everywhere, every person that's here, that's sick, I want you to lay your hands over on each other. I—I—I see it, by a vision, across me. That's what you must do, right now. Lay your hands on one another, everywhere in the building. Someone stand by them.
O Almighty God, look at this scene, just now. Poor, mortal beings, suffering, and praying one for another. Satan, you're condemned: come out, in the Name of Jesus, the Son of. .