Sir, We Would See Jesus

Date: 55-0828E | Duration: 1 hour 26 minutes
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Sir, We Would See Jesus / W.M.Branham0:000:00
Lausanne, Switzerland
Sermon translation in French: 55-0828A - Vgr, 55-0828E - Vgr, 55-0828A - Shp, 55-0828E - Shp
E-1 Thank you so much; makes me feel so welcome. And I trust that I will be able to come back right away and stay about two weeks for a longer meeting. You pray for me and I'll be praying for you.
And now in the services, we just about get acquainted and then we have to leave again. But if God willing, we'll be back again. And now, I thank you for your kindness, been very kind; and give me your undivided attention, you have.
And I have learned tonight that the…this revival will continue on. A Mr. Scott and other ministers will continue the meeting on. It'll go on this Monday night just… have met Mr. Scott. He was an Englishman, but has been in France many years. He's kind of a pioneer, in France, establishing Pentecostal work. I'm sure he can speak very good French, so come out and hear our brother.
I don't know the other ministers that's going to follow with him, but I sincerely pray for them that God will just give you a great meeting and may it just become a nationwide affair till all Switzerland will go to serving God with all their heart. And I pray that He will heal all the sickness in your land and give you long, happy lives. And I hope to meet you, every one, in Glory someday. Until that time, let's serve Him and love Him with all of our hearts.
Now, I want to thank the cooperating pastors. I met some of the finest men at that breakfast. They were of different denominations, but we were one in heart. And I pray that it'll always be that way, that we'll be big enough in Christ to look over denominational barriers and see our brothers and sisters and love them and serve God with them.
I want to thank the ushers that stands here at the door and helps me. And I want to thank my voice of French. I slipped up on him, that time. I was taking it easy. I took it easy so he wouldn't know. I have a very fine voice in French. He's certainly done a wonderful job, to my way of seeing it. The Lord bless my brother. I told him when I coming back, I want him to be my voice again. [Blank spot on tape]
God bless you. And if I've left out anyone, I didn't mean to. And from bottom of our heart, I say this for Dr. Guggenbuhl and for Mr. Arganbright, Mr. Bosworth and Billy Paul: We wish you good health. God bless you all. Pray for us. We must go home right away, start another meeting, right away.
Now tonight, Mr. Bosworth has just preached to you and I'm sure you enjoyed Mr. Bosworth's message. Now, I'm not going to preach tonight; I kept you so long this afternoon, and you were so gallant, because you stayed through the storm. Satan didn't want us to have that meeting, but we got along. God gave us the victory.
Around about thirty-five hundred that stood up to renew with Christ, and I was just told that two thousand signed a card of salvation. We praise the Lord! Can you see why Satan was angry? Didn't do him no good; God ruling. Amen.
E-2 Now, I'm just want to give you a little testimony, but.... It's a little testimony of the work of the Lord, a little inside part of my own life. I feel that we love one another well enough that you know that I'm not here for personal things; I'm here for Jesus. So, just to give a little testimony....
Before we do that, we want to read just a verse or two out of God's Word. I want the translator to read Saint John 12, the last three verses. And may the Lord add His blessings to the Word.
And there were certain Greeks among them that came up to worship at the feast:
The same came therefore to Philip, who was of Bethsaida of Galilee, and desired him, saying, Sir, we would see Jesus.
Philip cometh and telleth Andrew: and again Andrew and Philip tell Jesus.
The Lord add His blessings to it.
Now, we'll not speak on this subject, but just to read some of His Word. I just love His Word. And, now, everyone praying; I want to see every one of you healed tonight. If I could do it, I'd do it. If your doctor could do it, he would do it. But, it takes Christ, and it takes your faith in Christ, and then God will do it.
E-3 Now, these Greeks that came to Philip, their heart's desire was to see Jesus. How many has that same desire tonight? Everyone. We all want to see Him. That's the call of the human heart: “Sirs, we would see Jesus.” Now, that's what we want to do tonight.
Let's just think a minute. Now, let's just get away from all the fantastic ideas, and if He's so real as Christians claim He is, why can't we see Him? We say He's not dead, that He's living. He said He'd be with us, and every generation would see Him until the end of the world. Now, Jesus promised that. He said, “A little while the unbelievers won't see Me no more. But you'll see Me, for I'll be with you to the end of the world.” Then every generation has been promised to see Him. So, let's take a look for Him tonight; I want to see Him.
E-4 I remember one time I was getting up my little old cabin, cold, I was trying to make a fire, and all of it wouldn't burn. And I turned on the radio, and a sister was singing, “I want to see Jesus.” I just sat down on the floor, just started weeping. I raised up both hands; I said, “Yes, Lord, I want to see You.” And you want to see Him.
And if He is so real, why can't we see Him? If you were looking for Him tonight, what type of person would you look for? Would you look for a man in long robes, dressed different from other men? Not Jesus. He dressed just like other men. If He was here in a body of flesh tonight, He'd wear a suit of clothes like we have. And we couldn't look for a well-dressed man, and I don't imagine He would look like He was from a bandbox.
E-5 We wouldn't go after the great big cathedrals to find Him, for when He was here, they wouldn't receive Him; and they wouldn't again tonight.
Would you go to a man that had a great, boastful voice? No. Would you look for a man that had a great, swelling education, that had so much education till he continually spoke in tongues; the common people couldn't understand him? Not Jesus. He talked like by common people.
So, where would you find Him? You'd have to find Him among the common people. He'd be a common man. Then what would He be doing? Bragging on His education? Bragging on His affiliation of churches? No. Would He be bragging He was a healer? No. He'd be saying, “Not me; it's the Father that dwelleth in me, He doeth the works. If thou canst believe, all things are possible.”
He would look out over the audience—the people suffering—He'd say, when they had faith, “Daughter,” or “Child, thy faith has saved thee from such-and-such disease.” Then if the Father would tell Him something, He'd speak it out to the audience. That's the kind of Jesus we'd look for.
E-6 Now, His body with nail scars in it, has not come back yet; It's sitting at the right hand of God. See, He's sitting on the Father's throne, now; but when He comes back, He's going to sit on His own throne, the throne of David, that He inherited. That's when He comes in physical form. But He's here now in spiritual form, working through your body and my body; that's Him now. So we see Him by the works He does. They couldn't believe that He was God, so He said, “If you can't believe Me, believe the works that I do. For the works that I do, testify that the Father sent Me,” see. They couldn't believe a man being God. But said, “Just look at the works.” He said, “If I do not the work of My Father....”
What did He mean by that? He said, “If I do not the work of My Father, believe Me not. But if I do the work of My Father, then believe Me. The Father's testifying of Me.”
What was the work of the Father? Watch how accurate everything He said? Look exactly what he said and what he prophesied: perfect. They knowed it was God. Now God's in us —the hope of glory. Oh, I just love to talk of Him!
E-7 Now, just a little inside life, just a little testimony, then we're going to start praying for the sick. Now, you just put all the faith you got right on Jesus and watch what happens. I'm just looking for something tonight; I'm looking for a great climax in this meeting. Are you looking that way? Are you believing? This is a crucial moment, and I can feel it in the Spirit, just like something is fixing to happen. I believe it is. I'm looking that way.
E-8 One day, I was going down to Florida; I was riding on a train. I saw a vision. I saw a little boy with a ... very poorly dressed, and he had a little bobbed-off hair, and he'd been killed. His little foot had run through his stocking, it was all mashed up, and he was laying kind of sideways on a side of a road. Much green grass, great big rocks, and a lot of trees, evergreen trees.
And I went on down to Florida. I seen Brother Bosworth. And I stood in a crowd about like this, and I told them there was a vision. And when they come, I write them down. I got one written right here; it's yet to come to pass. It's written in hundreds of Bibles where they write them. So, I said to the people, “Write this down, for it's 'Thus saith the Lord.' This will happen just like this: A little boy killed is going to be healed.” I described it; thousands wrote it all across the nation as I went. For two years, people wrote it down. Tens of thousands had it. It was published right in the paper, Voice of Healing, so far, even in this country, everywhere.
E-9 Then, a few days after I seen the vision, I was coming out to the large tent. Brother Bosworth was there that night, and there was a man met me. And he said, “Brother Branham, I'm sure your vision is my little boy. He's laying right back out here, dead. Been dead since this morning. He drowned in an irrigation ditch.” Said, “Come, see him. And I won't even let the undertaker take him.”
Why, I said, “All right.”
I taken some with me, but when I seen the little boy, it wasn't him. The little boy I seen was about eight or nine years old; this little boy was about five. The little boy I seen was very poorly dressed, but this little boy, very well dressed. The little boy I seen had brown hair, and this little boy had slick, black hair. There was no rocks, no grass, no trees; it wasn't the vision. So, I just offered prayer, for his comfort.
E-10 Later on, about two years later, I was way up in Kuopio, Finland. Many of the brethren taken me up on a tower and was showing me around. Many times in these meetings I don't eat much, sometimes fast for several days. I'd been fasting then three or four days. I do that because the Bible said, “These come out only by fasting and prayer.”
I said to one of my managers, Mr. Lindsey, the editor of The Voice Of Healing, “Something's fixing to happen.”
He said, “Why?”
I said, “I don't know.”
I went down the tower, and there I met an Englishman; he was drinking. He said, “What are they doing up there?”
I said, “They're singing hymns.”
He said, “I don't believe in no such.”
I said, “You ought to be ashamed.”
And a few minutes later, we led him to Jesus.
E-11 We got in the car and started down the hill. And as I looked up over the mountains, I seen people running, way down, many miles. And I seen a car turn over. I said, “There must be an accident.”
So, about twenty minutes later, we came to the accident. Some of my brethren, Mr. Moore, Mr. Lindsey, and many of them, they got out of the car and they looked at what had happened. Two little boys, one about nine, and one about five, had started to cross the road and an American-made Ford had come around the bend real fast. If any of you has ever been to Finland [Brother Branham repeats for the interpreter: “If any of you has ever visited Finland”], there's very few cars. They are very poor people, but very fine people, real Christians, devout.
And I noticed one little boy, when they started to separate, the parts turned sideways to the right side of the road. And the fender hit one little boy under the chin and threw him across the road, slammed him up against a tree, and there he dropped.
The other little boy went under the car and the car rolled him up and kicked his little body way up in the air and he fell over in a grass patch. So, they'd taken the first little boy; he was breathing. They'd took him to the hospital. And so the other little boy they had laying there, and they had a coat over him. About three hundred people standing, and the chief man of the city was there. They'd sent to get the father and mother who was working way away on a farm to come to the scene.
E-12 My brethren got out and looked at the little boy and they come back and told me. Said, “Go look at him, Brother Branham.”
I said, “Oh, no. I don't want to see him.”
My own little Billy then was about that age. So, I said, “I don't want to see him.” I hadn't been home for a long time; I didn't want to look at him. And after awhile, while we had to wait for the mother to come, then they were going to take him to make him ready to be buried.
And Brother Lindsey said, “Come out and look at him, Brother Branham.”
So, I finally got out. And when they took the coat off of him.... Oh, my, what scene! His little eyes rolled back, his little tongue out, his little foot was mashed through his sock, his shoes had been knocked off of him, his little arms all crooked up. Oh! Blood running out of his ears, out of his mouth. Oh, he was terrible looking!
And I started weeping, and I started to walk away.
E-13 Now, I don't know how much you believe this, I can only tell what's truth. But I felt someone put their hand on my shoulder; I thought is was Brother Lindsey. And I turned to look at him. There was nobody around me, and the hand was still on my shoulder.
I turned again. I thought, What is that? Felt like someone's hand. So, I started to walk; it felt like this—pull back. Why, I thought, what is this?
See how stupid a man can be? We don't understand spiritual things.
And I looked down at the little boy. I said to my interpreter, “Have them to raise that again.” So, they raised the coat; I looked at that face. I thought, I've seen that boy somewhere.
Then I turned and through the interpreter, I said, “Has this little boy been in the prayer line?” No one knew him.
I said, “Seems like I've seen him.”
I started to walk away. That hand again. I stopped again; I looked again. Happened to look up like this and there was the green field, there was the rocks lapped together, there was the trees. I said, “Let me look at him again.”
There he was: His little short haircut, little brown eyes turned back, put his foot through the sock; perfect to the picture. Oh, you don't know how you feel then! All devils out of hell couldn't stop it. Can't stop it then, God has spoken. Oh, what a feeling! You know what's going to happen.
E-14 I turned around to Brother Lindsey and Brother Moore. I said, “Open up your Bibles.”
Said, “What's the matter, Brother Branham?”
I said, “Turn to the flyleaf.”
Said, “What about it?”
I said, “Read.”
They begin to read out the description of the little boy.
I said, “Look at there. Look at these trees.” I said, “That's the boy that I saw two years ago.”
I said, “Thus saith the Lord, if this little boy isn't on his feet, alive, in five minutes, then I'm a false prophet.” Oh, my!
I said, “Stand still.”
And I told the audience. They didn't believe it; I could see them touching one another. And so ... the interpreter was telling me what they were saying. Said, “Now we know he's a fanatic.”
But that didn't stop it. I turned around just the way the Lord told me. I said, “Heavenly Father, You who cannot lie, in the homeland two years ago, You showed me this boy, and You showed me he was to come to life.” I said, “Oh, God, now hear the prayer of your servant. And, death, you can't hold him any longer; give him back his life. For 'Thus saith the Lord,' he shall live again.” And the boy screamed, jumped on his feet, not even a bit sick or nothing. Just as perfect as he could be.
E-15 That went plumb down through Russia; [Brother Branham explains: “went all through Russia.”] We was just a few miles from the border then. And that night when I was going in, there was Russian soldiers standing with a salute. Four soldiers had to ... fourteen soldiers had to take me about six blocks to get to the ... down through the city to get to the Messuhalli where we had the meeting. They were standing, saluting, tears running down their cheeks. My interpreter said they were saying this: “We will receive a God like that. We'll believe things like that.”
What's the matter with Christianity? There's a weakness at the pulpit. Preachers aren't praying, won't take God at His Word. Amen. True.
E-16 Now, I'll never forget something happening. When I went in that night, they'd ... give orders to nobody be on the street, no more than speak to you [Brother Branham explains: just to speak to me.“] I don't like them to do that, but you'd have a stampede. And eating in a room all the time, [word unclear]. And I remember I was going in and these little soldiers with knives, and I was walking between them.
We went into a little room, and as soon as we got in there, a door slammed, and a poor little Finnish girl stood looking at me. She thought she'd done wrong; she started quivering. I knew that child wanted to see me. She was crippled. She had a big strap around her, and a big strap over her shoulder. One leg was shorter than the other. On her right leg, she didn't have any use of her leg, but had big braces on a built-up shoe.
E-17 I'll illustrate what it looked like. Around here was a big band. In the back was a leather strap, come over her shoulder and this brace, over her big shoe, and back this way and hit on this band around here. She had two crutches, and the only way she could walk, by the strap that come across this way and hooked to the toe of her shoe. Only way she could make a move: Take her shoulder, lift up that poor leg, put it out like that. Then she'd set her crutches out, lift up that leg, and that's the way she walked.
E-18 And I noticed as she was standing there, her little, ragged-looking hair, her little skirts was all ragged. I learned later that she was a little Finnish war orphan. She had no father and mother; they were killed in the war. And she was just carried about and charity had made her this big thing. And she looked at me, she ducked her little head down, and she looked up again. And that Finnish soldier.... The interpreter had went in the door, I couldn't speak a word of Finnish, and they were pushing me on. “Uh, uh, uh!”
I said, “No, sir.”
Two of them up against the wall, these other two behind me.
I turned around to them, I said, “Shhh.” I said to this side, “Shhh.” And they stopped and looked. I looked at the little girl. I said, “Sweetheart, do you want to come to me?” She couldn't understand it, so I motioned to her. And she smiled, and here she come, moving that little leg. I just stood still, and I looked at her. And she got right up close to me, she put her little crutches down, and I wondered what she was going to do. And the little ragged clothes.... It just burnt my heart.
And you know what she did? She took her little hand and took a hold of my coat, and kissed my pocket. I tell you, my heart would break. Then she pulled her little skirts out; that's the Finnish way for little girls. And she said, “Kiitos.” (Means “thank you.”)
And I looked again, and thought, Oh, God, if I was the biggest hypocrite in the world, You would reward that child for that faith.
And I started to move this way, and I looked, and there went a vision, the little girl was walking normal. I couldn't tell her. I said, “Sweetheart, Jesus has healed you.” She didn't know what I was talking about. I thought, Well, sooner or later, she'll find it out.
E-19 So, I went on in. And that night when the boys came to me, great piles of crutches laying, how the Lord had healed them. And they said, “Time for you to go.”
I said, “Let's call just a few more cards.” So, you know what happened? The next one that I called was that little girl. So, they set her up on the platform, I thought, Oh, here it is! So here she come.
I said to the interpreter, “Now just say what I say.”
I said, “Sweetheart, out there in the hall, Jesus healed you. Now you go over there and sit down, and let the man take this thing off of you. Put your hands on your hips, and move your hands right down as they take the brace.” I said, “You feel your legs the same size. Then come back and show me.”
So, we started to call someone else. In a few moments, here she come, braces and crutches in her hand, running as hard as she could run, physically normal and well. Jesus Christ had made her well!
E-20 I got just to tell you about the other boy for just a moment or two. Listen. The second day passed. The little boy had never gained consciousness, and that little mother was frantic. When they'd start to take me in the hotel at night, the managers would have to pick me up by the arms, pull me over the top of them. The little mother, about 25, and she was just frantic.
So, she said she wanted me to go pray for her boy. So, the next day I had them to bring her up, she and her husband. And I said to them, “What do you want?”
She said, “Go heal my little boy, kind sir.”
And I said, “I can't.”
“But,” she said, “you healed the other little boy.”
I said, “No. Over in the homeland, God showed me a vision.”
She said, “Then see vision for my little boy.”
That's a mother. I said, “That's mighty sweet, but I can't make visions come. Jesus gives them.”
I said, “Are you a Christian?”
“Is the father Christian?”
I said, “Why don't you become Christians? I'll tell you why. Because if the little boy dies, he's just a little boy, he'll go to heaven. But if you die, and not a Christian, you'll never see him again. Now, why don't you become a Christian, and in doing so, you might find favor with God. If you want to find favor with me or someone else, you do something for them, be kind to them. Like the people did the prophets and so forth, and the apostles, approach Him reverently.”
E-21 So, they seen they couldn't lose, so they got down on their knees and had a real conversion. The father kissed his wife, started home.
But the little mother said, “Now, go heal my boy.”
I said, “Sister, it's against the campaign rules for me to make a private call. In years of travel we find it this way: If you go to one and not another, it'll cause hard feelings.”
I said, “If the Lord leads me, that's different, but I can't go just like that.”
I said, “I think there's over ten thousand of them all wanting to come.”
I said, “You just go home. Jesus can give me a vision here in this room the same as He could over there.”
She listened. She said, “Go see vision.”
I said, “No.” I said, “You go and if He gives me a vision.... He might not do it, He may never do it, but if He does, I'll call you up.”
“All right.”
She went home. About ten minutes later, the phone rang. The interpreter picked it up.
Said, “Brother Branham seen vision?”
Hung it back up. About ten minutes again, rang again.
“Brother Branham see vision?”
Hang it up. Just kept on, on and on.
E-22 That night when I come in, I had this same Bible over my heart. One of my brothers was with me, by the name of Howard. So, he said to me, “Billy, you remember some bad candy we got in Canada?” Said, “You think that was flat, taste this.” Two little pieces of chocolate.
I said, “Thank you.”
I usually stay by myself in a hotel, because of the visions. So, Mrs. Isaacson and them went to their rooms, each one went to their room. So, I went in.... It was way up near the midnight sun; up onto midnight you can read the newspaper on the street. It doesn't get dark that time of year. So, I went over to the window.
Now, listen close before I close.
E-23 I looked over out the window; here come hundreds of those little Finns down through the park, praising God. I stood there, and I said, “Dear God, some glorious day Jesus will come, and He'll make all things well.”
“Oh,” I said, “I love You, Lord! You are wonderful, Lord, and I love You with all my heart! Won't You be merciful?”
And I heard something. It went [Brother Branham knocks on pulpit.] And I looked, sitting on a table, and there was a vase. It had two flowers in it. One of them down this way, towards the south, it was about halfway down. The one towards the north was hanging all the way down.
And I said, “Where did that come from?”
And I looked around, and here stood by my side, that great one, angel, big man, white robe on, dark hair, [word unclear] face, had his arms folded, and he was looking at me. He said, “What did your brother give you?”
I said, “Two pieces of candy, sir.”
He said, “Eat them.”
And I picked up a piece, put it in my mouth, and I started eating, swallowed it. Tasted good.
Just then, this flower that was leaning towards the north made a noise. It went pheww [Brother Branham blows into microphone], raised up.
I looked at it. I thought, What was that?
Geographically, that's just the way both boys fell: One to the south, one to the north. The one to the north was the one had been raised from the dead.
He said, “Eat the other piece.”
I put it in my mouth, and I started chewing it. Oh, it was bitter! I started to take it out, and I heard something. I looked at this other flower; it was going pheww pheww pheww [Brother Branham blows into microphone.] going down.
He said, “Eat that.”
I put it back in my mouth, held my breath, chewed real fast, and swallowed. And when I swallowed, the other one went pheww [Brother Branham blows into microphone] raised up, stood right by the other one.
And I said, “What meaneth this?”
Said, “Go call that mother.” Hallelujah!
And say, “Thus saith the Lord, God has heard her prayer and the baby's going to be all right.”
E-24 I rushed quickly to the phone; I let out a big scream. And as I let out a scream, everybody begin screaming and running. But when I got down there, I said, “Go call the lady.”
And when they went and called her, they called her at the hospital. Said the baby was dying. So, they got the mother to the phone. And when they told her, you know what happened? She was screaming to the top of her voice.
She said, “Brother Branham, the baby has come to and we're taking him home now.” Said, “The doctor can't find nothing wrong with him.” Praise be to God!
Did I have anything to do with that? No. The mother's prayers saved the child. I only done what I seen to do. What is it? Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today, and forever.
Shall we pray.
E-25 Dear Heavenly Father, come now, will You? Oh, as my heart looks back, and I think of those golden days up there among those lovely, faithful, people. Great signs and wonders You gave in different parts of the world.
I'm wondering, some glorious day we'll all meet again. Oh, what a time that will be! We're so thankful that Jesus came.
Now, many are here tonight. Lord, I wish I could heal them. There's doctors wish they could do something for them. God, help them doctors, as they are ministering with all their hearts. We pray that You'll give them wisdom. Sick people want to live.
But, Father, many of them are out of the reach of the doctors. You're the only One that can help now. Oh, won't You do it, Lord? Come tonight. I have told them that You healed them when You died at Calvary. And when You were here, You just claimed to do what the Father told You.
E-26 God, once more, while we're leaving this lovely nation, give them once more, a loving blessing of Your presence that's with them. God bless this little nation. Just put Your hands upon them. You've shielded it from wars, and You've helped them. Oh, God, may they be grateful to You for these things.
Now, in time of war we hear that this was like a hospital. Oh, Great Physician, come into the hospital that the people might see You. Now, dear Heavenly Father, may it be tonight like it was with those that came from Emmaus. You walked with them all day. They didn't recognize You; they didn't know it was You. And many here has walked with You and they don't realize it. But, Father, the way they realized it then was the way that You done something. You done it different, just different from other men. Now, won't You do it again tonight, Lord? Just do a little different tonight that they may know, like those at Emmaus, that it was You. I believe they'll receive You and go home rejoicing, like those did. For we ask it in Jesus' name. Amen.
E-27 Dear Christian friends, here we are, the last night of my part of the service. Let's come to Him now. Let's believe Him with all of our hearts. Let's not have one bit of doubt in our heart. I believe that you know He's here. I want to see you well so bad. I've done all I know how to do. I believe Jesus has done as much as He can do. I don't know nothing else He could do. Now, let's believe Him.
E-28 They give out prayer cards. Let's call prayer card D one to fifty. Now, who has prayer card D number one? Raise up your hand. Now there's three hands up, there can only be one. All right, come here.
All right, D 2 raise up your hand, D 2. [Brother Branham speaks to the interpreter: “Tell them to be real quiet, real quiet.”] That's the reason we give prayer cards. Keep reverent; be real reverent.
All right, now you all look this way to me, look this way, everyone. Now, listen, when your number's called, don't raise up; just raise up your hand. Now who has D number 1, now D number 2, raise up your hand. D number 2? All right, D number 3. Maybe somebody deaf. Some of the ushers look at these cards along here. D number 3. Look at each other's cards. D 3, would you raise your hand?
All right, D 4, D 4, raise up.... All right. Come right over here. D 5, over here. D 6, D 7, 8, 8, 9, 9, 10, D 10, 10, 11, 11, 11, D 12, all right ... [blank spot on tape].
E-29 ... know God can heal you, anywhere in the building right (blank spot on tape)
I'm going to pray over these handkerchiefs. Want to join with me, Brother Bosworth?
Our Heavenly Father, we thank Thee for the order of laying handkerchiefs on each other, because that come from your Word. Thy Word has said so; we believe Your Word. Oh, God, as I kneel here with this old patriarch servant of Yours, hear our prayer, our love to these people that you placed in our hearts. These friends have laid these handkerchiefs here, in faith, believing. And we send the handkerchiefs to them, in Jesus' name, that You'll heal each one. Amen.
E-30 All right, now, everyone, real reverent. They're trying to check with the doctor, or something, about the lady that was sick. If he thinks she's fixing to die, let's talk to Jesus about that first; see what He says. Amen.
The prayer line.... Somebody go down there. Go down, brother, if you will. Now, take her card.
E-31 Now, I want you to look this way, and I want you to believe with all your heart. I want you to really believe. Now, if there was anything that I could do to help you, for you to be well, I'd do everything I could to do it. I can't do it. The only thing that I can do.... Be like your doctor: If you had something wrong, and he had a medicine for that, he'd make you out that medicine and give it to you. That's all he can do; next is up to God. If you had something to be operated, he'd operate, commit the rest to God. He couldn't heal the patient; he could only take out the thing was hurting. But he couldn't heal, commit the rest to God.
E-32 Now, God has give men a gift to preach. They preach, telling you Jesus died to save you. If you believe it, you'll be saved. The man can't save you; you have to accept what Jesus done. They will preach to you and tell you Jesus died for your sickness; then if you can believe.... Then He sets gifts in the church by His Spirit.
Now, He sent me with a gift to see visions. And He works through His church just as He shows me visions. What does it do? Builds your faith up so that you can believe and be healed.
Now, friends, I'm not here as a deceiver; you know that. Surely, you do. What business I got here if it isn't from my heart? I'm here to help you, so I'm doing all that I know how to get you to believe Jesus.
E-33 Now, here's a lady standing here. I've never seen her in my life, a perfect stranger. Now, Jesus, what if He was standing here, just standing where I am, and she was looking at Him. Now, it may be that she's got domestic trouble; I don't know what she's got.
Let's say she is sick. If Jesus was standing here, and she'd say, “Jesus, will You heal me?” What would Jesus have to say to her?
He'd say, “Child, I've already done it. Don't you believe my Word? I healed you when I died at Calvary.”
That's all He could do. Or, He might be able to talk to her; and if the Father would show Him something to tell her, He would do that; that would build up her faith. Now, look when He talked to the woman at the well. He begin to speak to her, and she was a stranger, and He told her what was wrong with her. “Ah,” she said, “I perceive that You're a prophet.” She didn't think of that being God, sitting there in a human, dressed like a man.
“And,” she said, “I know when Messiah the Christ comes, that will be the sign that will follow Him, but who are You?”
He said, “I am He.”
Now, all through the Bible that's what Jesus did. And if He's raised from the dead, He'll do it again. Is that right? Say “Amen” if it is.
Now, let this lady be the judge.
E-34 Now, I'm going to ask her if we know each other. I have no way of knowing anything about you. Perfect strangers. Is that right? Now, how would I know about this woman; God knows I don't know her. But I know there's something near here now; that angel that you seen on the picture tonight.
How many of you never seen the angel of the Lord, raise up your hand. Never did see it, raise your hand. There it is.
That was taken in America. See the pillar of fire? The best scientists in the world has examined that. It hangs in a hall of religious art with a scientific research. It's the only supernatural being was ever photographed in all the world. Thanks be to God! Now, that's what is here. Now, you seen that pillar of fire, didn't you?
Listen. I don't know when I'll ever see you again, but that same pillar of fire isn't two feet from where I'm standing right now. Amen.
E-35 Now, it's not me; it's Him. Now He knows this woman, He knows all about her. So, if I be His eyes—He uses my eyes and my voice to try to encourage His child—we thank God for it. That ought to make every one of you thankful. Wouldn't it make you thankful? Say, Amen.
Now, if God will do that for this woman, will everyone of you believe Him with all your heart? Now look, friends, you'll have to admit there's a supernatural being, so your approach to it will determine what you'll get from it. So, have faith. I want to talk to the woman.
E-36 Now, we being strangers, sister, never seen each other before. I know nothing of you, but you realize that God knows you and He knows me. Now, you're here for something. I don't know, but He does. But if He will reveal to me what you're here for, will you accept Him as Jesus Christ the Son of God that can give you what your desire is? You believe it. Amen.
The first thing I see: The lady, between she and I, is that light. She's beginning to fade out. I see her as she goes back; she's merely a girl, and she's real nervous, has been nervous all of her life. I see it following her, even in school days, she was nervous. She's also near-sighted. She is in school; she holds her book close, then she takes it back. She's been near-sighted. And I see her as a young woman; she's failing in health. Gets into her lungs. She has been to doctor, and the doctor has said that it's very bad. The right lung is gone, and the other one is almost gone. And you're standing in a dying condition, thus saith the Lord.
E-37 Now, lady, you heard me speaking. That wasn't me; that was that angel. Was it right? If it was, raise your hand. Do you believe now?
Now, what's the next thing I can do? Lay my hands on the woman, and ask for her life to be spared. Now, what would that do to her? Back to the Bible: Jesus said, “Insomuch as you have done to the least of these, My little ones, you've done it unto Me.”
He said, “These signs shall follow them that believe: They'll lay their hands on the sick, they shall recover.” And if the woman knows that something is close. She sees it by scientific research, by proof. She feels it on her own body. Watch me. I'm going to ask her.
Lady, isn't that a strange feeling to you now, real sweet, loving feeling? That's this light. It's hanging right over you. Trying to find where the faith is laying. Scientifically it's proved, by feelings it's proved, by revelation it's proved. Jesus said, “In the mouth of two or three witnesses, let every word be established.” The Bible said it would be, the picture says it's so, her feelings says it's so, and the revelation of the Lord says it's so. There's four positive witnesses. It has to be so.
E-38 Now, could I heal her? No. Only her faith in God can do it. Will you pray with me while I lay hands on her, while the lady's in a dying condition? And she's just a child, she's young, but she's got her life before her. She wants to live. She wants to live like you want to live. Mother, what if that was your girl? Dad, what if that was your child? Brother, what if that was your sister, or your wife? You'd want everybody to be sincere, and that's what we want to be. She's somebody's child.
Dear Heavenly Father, realizing that this is a crucial time for my sister. Oh, will you show mercy, God? With my hands laid upon her, the only thing can save her life is a creative act of You. Oh, God, You can grow those lungs back! Grant it, it will be so. I condemn this devil called tuberculosis. Oh, you demon, you've hid from God ... or, from the doctor, but you can't hide from God. Get out of the woman, in Jesus' name. Amen.
Now, at the time, right now, you feel fine. That's right. Now, it's gone from you. Now, keep believing. Go back to your doctor, watch what he tells you. Just eat all you can eat. Be weighed again; weigh yourself tomorrow. Another week, weigh yourself again, then write me a letter. Amen. God bless you.
E-39 Now, everybody, real reverent. Have faith. Oh, what could happen! It ought to be settled right now. Praise God! Everybody ought to have faith, could be now. But let's pray for a few more. [Unclear words.] Everybody's in the line.
Now, lady, we are strangers to each other. Jesus knows you. Do you believe that Jesus the Son of God, if He was standing here —He is. That's what you're feeling right now. I want the audience ... watch the expressions on the patients' faces when that strikes them. The lady knows something's around her; she's aware of that.
I see you've got trouble. It's in your side and in your back. Isn't that right? It's left side. That's right. It's a tumor in the left side and in the back. That right? Do you believe Jesus will heal you?
Dear God, be merciful to our sister and may this horrible demon [Blank spot on tape.]
E-40 ... that produces constantly in her throat, then it come a big goiter. And then you had that goiter taken out by a surgeon. And since they have taken it out, now you're getting a bad effect. You're almost going blind. Your eyes are going bad, and you're getting weak spells, and nervousness, and many things taking place. That is true. You believe Jesus can heal you?
Dear Heavenly Father, I pray in Jesus' name, have mercy upon this woman. You have some reason to send her up here tonight. Oh, God, be merciful to her, and spare her, and heal her, in Jesus' name. Amen.
God bless you, my sister.
E-41 Now, I'm not beside myself; it just makes me weak. Such a feeling in that audience. Every spirit is subject right now. You who feel strange towards this, I feeled you, I know you're here. What a feeling! Oh, Jesus, the Son of God, He's near! There's many of you believing tonight. Don't be discouraged. I believe with all my heart great healings are going to take place.
E-42 Now, to the lady. Now, we could just bring a whole line of them; just keep doing the same thing. But let's talk to the lady, just this one, one more. And let's just see what the Holy Spirit will tell her.
Now, the lady is a stranger. Now, lady, so the people won't think it's psychology, take your mind off of what you're here for. Think of something else, something that has nothing to do with it. Now, I want you to believe Jesus. And if Jesus will tell me what your trouble is, will you accept it, and believe with all your heart?
Now, you're aware that I don't know you, never seen you in my life. But as certain as I'm a minister, a pastor, I want to ask you something. About one minute ago, when I was speaking to you, something settled over you. Is that right? That's a feeling. Raise your hand if that's right. Amen. That's the angel of the Lord.
Now, believe. You are suffering with nervousness; then you've got.... I see them examine your heart. You've got a heart trouble. Then, you've got something wrong in the liver; something in the liver, they examined. You're under a doctor's care, with medicine, doctors. And I see your doctor as he's shaking his head. He told you that you were ... he's taking something about a fever, about a fever, a fever. And he doesn't know what that fever, how it come; he can't understand what that fever is about. That's right. Amen. Jesus does.
Come, mother.
Oh, God, be merciful to my sister, and I pray that You'd heal her, Lord. Send Thy Holy Spirit, now soothe every nerve and make her well, in Jesus' name. Amen.
Now, God bless you. You're welcome.
E-43 Praise the Lord! If thou canst believe! Why can't you believe? Why can't you believe? Why, God is here to heal you! Do you believe that? Sure, He is. Have faith in Him.
What about it, mother? Do you want to believe now?
What about it, sister, right behind, you going to believe? If you could, you could eat again. God would make you well.
What do you think, little sister sitting there looking at me, with heart trouble. Sitting there with the little black band around your hat. You've got heart trouble, haven't you? You were praying and you were asking God to make you well, wasn't you? That's right. You can have it. God will make you well.
Sister, do you believe me to be God's servant? The reason I say that, that He told me, “If you get the people to believe you....” Not believe me as Him, but believe that He sent me. Would you do something for me? Will you lay your hand on that lady next to you over there? Right ... no, the next one, the other side. That lady is sitting there very sick. She's got liver trouble, in the liver. And you want to be healed, don't you, lady? That's right. Wave your hand if you do. Amen. Now, I'm going to ask prayer for you.
Jesus, Son of God, heal them. Their faith pulls this way, but it's still dark around them, Father. Oh, move the darkness and make them well, in Jesus' name. Satan, leave them, in Jesus' name! Amen.
Now, look. Now, the Lord bless you. The same darkness that was around you has gone from you. Faith. If thou canst believe, all things are possible.
E-44 The lady sitting right here looking at me, she's saying, “Lord, have him call me.” You've got heart trouble, too. You have heart trouble. Do you believe? With heart trouble that believes with all your heart? You do? Then you can be healed also. Amen.
Now, you've got blood disease, sitting right there. You believe Jesus will make you well? Sitting right down there, yes? You believe? Yes. All right, your faith heals you. Amen.
Just have faith!
Right here, see that Light hanging yonder? It's about four rows up. Got arthritis, haven't you? Right out there at the end. Do you believe Jesus make you well? If you believe, you can receive. All right. Do you believe it? Amen. Then you can have it.
Here's another sitting right here with arthritis. Do you believe? You can have it. Amen.
Do you believe right down there with that head trouble, sitting way back there with trouble with your head? Do you believe? Then you can have it. Amen.
Oh, He's here, right here! Do you believe?
E-45 Here sits a lady, the second one in, about four rows back, that's got nervous trouble. You believe Jesus will make you well? Amen. You can have it.
About the lady right back there, has trouble with the legs, her legs. Do you believe? Stand up on your feet. Jesus make you well. Amen.
Have faith! Have faith. Don't doubt.
Sitting right here, got epilepsy. Do you believe that God will heal you and make you well? If you do, you can have it. Amen. Hallelujah!
Sitting right yonder with that lady's trouble sitting back a little bit, with the lady's ... yeah, back there with the lady's trouble, sitting just behind here, right here: the lady's trying to stand up. That's right, lady. Amen. You can have your healing. Hallelujah! Believe Him!
E-46 Look over in this way. Here goes it through here, here it's right here. It's a man standing back here with prostate trouble. Do you believe that Jesus will make you well? You can have what you ask for. Amen. Hallelujah!
Can't you believe Him? Oh, my! See? Now, it's just going everywhere. Let's see if we can get a few more in the prayer line.
Do you believe with all your heart? A while ago, you were sitting right back there, this afternoon. While I was preaching, you were looking at me. You are a believer. You have a lady's trouble. You were healed this afternoon, while you were sitting back there; something come over you. Is that right?
Just look out there. Here it goes all over the audience. I'm going to ask you something. Every lady that's got lady's trouble like that, stand up on your feet right there, now, stand up on your feet, every lady. There it is; you remain standing. Jesus that could heal here can heal there.
Oh, God, in Jesus' name! Satan, you're condemned! Leave these women, in Jesus Christ's name. Amen.
Go home and be well, every one of you.
E-47 Do you believe with all your heart? Here, everyone that's in the audience, here's something new. Everyone that's suffering with kidney trouble in your back, stand up. Got kidney trouble? Looky there. Here's what the lady's got. Them demons was calling for help. I can't single you out. Look at you. It's just all over you. Let's pray.
Oh, God, in Jesus' name, condemn the devil. Satan, come out of them, in Jesus' name. Amen.
God bless you. Go and be well. Amen. Let us say, “Praise the Lord!” Believe with all your heart.
Does everybody believe? Do you believe? Hallelujah! Jesus never fails.
You believe, lady, sitting here with rheumatism? Do you believe Jesus will make you well? You believe that He'll heal you? He can, if you believe. There's only one thing to do; that would be accept Him. And you can stand to your feet and be made well.
Oh, my! Why can't you ... oh, people! The whole building, to my way of seeing it, is lit up with the power of God. It's just over your head. I believe you can be healed. Look, I condemn every doubt, in Jesus Christ's name! This is your hour! Every one of you, all along here, stand up and give glory!
Looky here, coming up out of the chairs, everybody. Oh, God! Praise be to the Lord! Oh, we thank You, Father! Satan, we condemn thee, you're lost. In Jesus' name, leave this audience!