The book "The Revelation of the Seven Seals"

Сontents of a book
E-1 Good evening. We bow our heads now just a moment, for prayer.
E-2 Our Gracious and Heavenly Father, we are approaching Thee again tonight, now, in the Name of the Lord Jesus, to give Thee thanks for another day. And we are asking now for Your blessings on the service tonight. Let the Holy Spirit come and give us the interpretation of these things that we’re so diligently seeking. O God, may it be so precious that we can all fellowship around the Word in such a way, that, when we leave, we’ll be able to say, “Did not our hearts burn within us as He talked to us along the way?” We thank You for what He has been to us, and trusting that He will remain with us as we journey on, for we ask it in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
E-3 So happy to be back in the house of the Lord, tonight, in the service again! And we are glad. I’m so happy that…
E-4 Just thought this One wouldn’t come, but It finally did. And so I’m so thankful, that being the last of those four horse riders, which I think is one of the main Messages to the Church at this time.
E-5 I don’t know what the other One is. I’m just taking it day by day, just as He reveals It. I’m trying to—to give It, by…as He gives It to me.
E-6 Are you enjoying the—the blessing? [Congregation says, “Amen.”—Ed.] Have you noticed how It just, in collaboration with them church ages, just how It just exactly fits in just perfectly with them? That’s how it…To me, it shows that it’s—it’s the same Holy Spirit that give the church ages, same Holy Spirit then giving This, you see, ’cause it’s blended together; all one big act of God, showing Himself in different ways.
E-7 You notice, when He showed Himself to Daniel, in the visions, there would be a representation of one thing, like a—a goat in this place, or maybe a tree; and the next place it would be a statue. And—and—and things He did, making it, same thing all the time, just be sure that we don’t miss it.
E-8 Now, I was certainly thrilled just a few moments ago, I talking to a little lady sitting here, about eighty-five years old. And she…
E-9 Not long, just before I left to go out west, why, there was a—a little girl up in Ohio, that was, I think so, that was dying with the last stage of leukemia. Now, leukemia is cancer in the blood stream. And, oh, the little thing was, you know, such an awful condition, that there was no more hope for her at all. They were feeding her by the veins, the operation. And so they was a real poor family. And they…
E-10 Mrs. Kidd, here, and Brother Kidd, they told them about the Lord answering prayer so much. And they got together, I think, and hired someone, and brought the little girl down. And she was very pretty little girl, about, oh, six, seven years old. [A sister says, “Nine years.”—Ed.] Nine years. And—and she was back there in the room. And the…
E-11 And when we went before the Lord, the Holy Spirit gave a word to her. And they have to take her, and have to take her and feed her, you know, that way. And when she left, she was crying for a hamburger, and, so, taking her food by mouth. And they gave her the hamburger, and just went ahead feeding her natural.
E-12 In a short time, a few days, they taken her back to the doctor. And they…The doctor just simply couldn’t understand. He said, “Like it wasn’t, even wasn’t the same girl.” He said, “Why, there—there is not even one trace of leukemia about it, nowhere, nowhere at all.” So, and, she was dying. They had done give her up; just feeding her through her veins. She had done turned yellow. You know how they get. And so they…And now she is at school, playing with the other children, just as happy as can be.
E-13 Reminds me of another case of that. One day, I just come home, there was a…If I’m not mistaken, they were either Episcopalians or Presbyterian people, that had brought a little girl from Kansas. And the doctors had give her up, with leukemia. And they gave her, I believe, four days to live; she had gotten so bad. So they said they just spend those four days coming over here, through the snowdrifts and things, across the country, to have her prayed for. And the grandfather, a very fine-looking, elderly man, was gray-haired.
E-14 And they had had her, already, two days, down here in a little motel. I—I guess it isn’t standing there now, this side of Silver Creek. And so I went down that night to pray for her. It was early in the morning. I come in that night, from out of town, and went down. And the elderly father…grandfather was walking in the floor. And, the mother, trying to take care of the child.
E-15 And while I knelt to pray, the Holy Spirit revealed to me a secret that was between the—the mother and the father, of something they done. I called them to side and asked them about it. They started crying, said, “That’s right.”
E-16 Then I looked back, and I seen the little girl skipping a rope, going, playing. And now the little child…In about three weeks time, they sent me the picture of the little girl, back in school, skipping a rope, and had no leukemia, at all.
E-17 Now, now, those testimonies are absolutely bona fide truth, see. So, our God is so real, you see. We just serve Him and—and believe Him. And—and I—I know He is real.
E-18 Now, I’m trying my best now, and while something, inner, in among us, is working Its way through. And now we’re going to try, tonight, by the grace of God, to take this Fourth Seal, and see what the Holy Spirit will have to say to us, in It.
E-19 Now I’m going to read the—the Revelation, the 6th chapter, and beginning with the 7th verse; 7th and 8th. There’s always two verses; the first is the announcement, and the second verse is what he saw.
And when he had opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth—fourth beast say, Come and see.
And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him (that sat) was Death, and Hell followed… him. And power was given unto them over the four parts of the earth, to kill with the sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with…beasts of the earth.
E-20 Now, the Lord help us now to understand This. It’s a mystery.
E-21 Now, just a little preview, to back up, as we did the church ages, these riders and these breaking of these Seals. Now, so we just get it in our mind, talk a little until we feel that it’s appropriate time to speak.
E-22 Now, we have noticed now, that, the breaking of the Seals, it’s the sealed Book of Redemption. And then the Book is rolled up like a scroll, just like the old way was.
E-23 [Brother Branham illustrates the rolling and sealing of a scroll, by using sheets of paper—Ed.] It wasn’t a book of this type; ’cause this is just recently come in, these kind of books, in the last, oh, I guess a hundred and fifty years, or something, two hundred. And then they would roll it up, then leave the end loose. As I told you how it was done, and Scriptures, where to find it, and in Jeremiah, and so forth. Then the next was rolled around, then the end left loose, and it like that.
E-24 And each one was a Seal. And it was a seven-sealed Book, and it was a…No one…When they was…It was the seven-sealed Book of Redemption. Pardon me.
E-25 And, then, no one in Heaven or in earth, or beneath the earth, was worthy to open It or even to look upon It. And John wept, because he could find no man…Because, if that Book was not taken out of the hand of the original Owner…Where, It had been lost by Adam and Eve, and went back, after they forfeited their rights of the Word, the promises, their inheritance.
E-26 They, remember, they control the earth. He was a—he was an amateur god, for he was a son of God. And a son of God is a—a—an amateur god. Now, that ain’t contrary to the Scripture. I know that sounds strange.
E-27 But Jesus said, “If you call them, who the Word of God came to…” And what does the Word of God come to? [Congregation says, “Prophets.”—Ed.] The prophets. “If you call them, who the Word of God come to, ‘gods,’ how can you condemn Me when I say I’m the Son of God?” See?
And, now, they were gods.
E-28 And man, if you become born in the family of your family name, you are a son, and part of your father.
E-29 And then—then when sin came in, we found out the man crossed the chasm. And—and the blood of bulls and goats, covered, but did not remit. Until, the real Bleach came, that could take the stain of sin and break it completely to pieces, and send it back upon its original perverter, that was Satan.
E-30 When it got back to Satan, he waits his time of Eternal annihilation. Now, that shows what we believe. We believe that he will absolutely be done completely away and annihilated.
E-31 I believe that sin will be broke up. And when it’s confessed, upon the basis of the Blood of Jesus Christ, it’s like dropping a drop of black ink in a bunch of Clorox bleach. It just breaks it into the chemicals, and sends it plumb back to where it come from. See? And that’s the way the Blood of Jesus Christ does.
E-32 Then, that sets a man across the chasm again, as a son of God. See? And then he—then he becomes a—a…Why, even he…The creative power of God is in him. And, at least, whenever God can command it to be done, it’ll be done. And we get back. That when the—the…
E-33 Moses, under the blood of bulls; and when he met that Light, the Pillar of Fire in that burning bush. And he stood, down there, on a commission God had give him. And he was a prophet. And when the Word of the Lord came to him, he spoke, and even things created by the Word. See?
E-34 Now, if it’ll do that under that, the blood of bulls, what about the Blood of Jesus? Not covered; but remitted it, altogether. And you stand in the Presence of God, as a redeemed son. Now, see, the Church is far beyond its standard of living. And I think, too many times, we are progging instead of really coming out and facing the issue.
I got something I want to say, and I—I will at the time.
E-35 And now notice that there is something wrong somewhere in the churches. And I think it’s the denominational systems that’s twisted the people’s minds, and so forth, until they don’t know how to do it. That’s right.
E-36 But we’re promised that It would be revealed. And now there is Seven Seals that this Book is sealed with. And those Seven Seals now…
E-37 And then after these Seven Seals are completed, we find, in Revelation 10, there was seven mysterious Thunders that John was commissioned to write, but then forbidden to write those. And at the time of those Thunders, we find Christ, or, “The Angel come down with a rainbow, and put His feet on the land and sea, and swore that time had run out, at that time.”
E-38 And then we find—find out, that in the revealing of the Seals, that the—the Lamb had left His mediatorial work as an Intercessor, and had come forth now to claim His rights, all that He had redeemed by His death.
E-39 And, then, no one could open the Book. No one understood It. It was a Book of Redemption. And God the Father, Spirit, had It in His hand, because Christ was at the Throne as a Mediator, the only Mediator. Therefore, there could be no saint, no Mary, no Joseph, no nothing else, on that altar, because it was Blood. And only the Blood of Jesus could make the atonement, so nothing else could be standing as a Mediator. That’s right. There was nothing else.
E-40 So all this idea of interceding with Jude for politics, and interceding with Saint Cecilia for something else, that’s nonsense. That’s not…I—I don’t say them people are not honest and sincere. I don’t say you’re not sincere in you doing it, if you do. But, you’re wrong, you’re—you’re sincerely wrong. And anything…
E-41 They say, “Well, this—this Angel, this—this appeared to Saint Bonifer and said this, that, and the other. And they should say this.” I don’t doubt that a bit, in my mind, but what somebody seen the vision. I—I don’t doubt but what Joseph Smith saw the vision, but it wasn’t according to the rest of the Word. So therefore, to me, it’s wrong. See? It has to come with the rest of the Word.
E-42 That’s the way the church ages, and Seals, and all the rest of It. And when anybody thinks that he has those Seven Thunders, if it don’t compare with the rest of the Word, there is something wrong. See? It’s got to come, THUS SAITH THE LORD, for This is the Book. This is the Revelation of Jesus Christ, in Its entirety.
Now, I—I believe then that the Lamb came forth.
E-43 They didn’t know. John was weeping. He couldn’t find nobody, in Heaven, in earth, ’cause all was other side of the chasm, see, sin. There was no man…And an Angel, course, He would be worthy, but, after all, it had to be a Kinsman. It had to be human being. And there was no such a thing, ’cause every man had been born by sex.
E-44 Had to take Him One born without it. So God Himself took that, in the virgin birth, and become Emmanuel. His Blood was the One that was worthy. Then when He crossed this chasm, Hisself, and paid the price and bridged the way for the rest of us, then He set down, to be Mediator. And He’s been sitting there.
E-45 And the Book has actually been closed, all that time. It’s there, but It’s still in symbols. They seen It. John even saw It. The announcement, when the first come forth, he said, “A white horse went forth; he had a rider on him; had a bow in his hand.” That’s a symbol. That isn’t revealed. No. It’s just a symbol. And, as far as any man upon the earth, that’s all he could say. That’s right. He might stumble and stagger, no doubt, hit somewhere here or there, and after a while.
E-46 But we find out, then, that in the Book of the Revelation, “At the seventh angel’s Message, the mysteries (all the mysteries of It) should already be revealed by that time.” Now, that’s Revelation 10:1-7, that It should be revealed according to that time, at that time when He did.
E-47 Then the Seven Thunders utter their strange voices, and John was going to write. But, John knew what It was, but he—he didn’t write It ’cause he was forbidden to write It. That’s absolutely, and altogether, a mystery. It’s not even in symbol or nothing. We just know He…It thundered, that’s all.
E-48 And now in studying this now, don’t forget, now, Sunday, or Sunday morning, we omitted the healing service because of having the answers to the—to the people’s question. Now, I want you to have a question on these Seven Seals, if it’s bothering you, something that you don’t understand. Let’s have it on the Seven Seals. Then I can tell, by Saturday night, whether it’s enough to—to answer them, or not, you see. And then just now, just say, well, about something else, or, “Should I do this?” Or—or, might had a dream. Them, them is all worthy things, now, remember. They’re worthy things. But let’s stay right with the Seven Seals. That’s what we’re right on. Let’s…That’s what the—the meeting is designated to, the Seven Seals. Let’s stay right with That.
E-49 I got to go home, got to have a few meetings out in the west. I’ll be back again then, in little over a month or two, or something like that, and maybe the Lord will permit that we can have something else on that, maybe a healing service or something then, or whatever we’re…whatever it is.
E-50 Then we got Seven Trumpets here, to come forth yet, you see. And them all comes in there, too. And the Seven Vials, see, to be poured out. So, and it’ll all blend right in here, but it’s all mysterious yet.
E-51 Now, last night…We find that the First Seal went forth, and the rider…And the Lord…So help me, I never knew it before. None of these things have I ever knowed before. That’s right. And I just don’t.
E-52 Just go up there, and take the Bible and sit down, and sit there until when It goes to breaking forth like that. I just pick up my pen and start writing. And just stay there, maybe for hours, till It gets—It gets finished.
E-53 Then I go back, and I find out, as I see where He said This. I thought, “Well, looks like I’ve seen that somewhere.” I get my concordance, go to looking back. “Is there something like That? And here It is right here. And then here It is over here again. And here It is back here, and down here, and over here.” Then I just tie It right in. I know that’s God, as long as It’s comparing Scripture with Scripture. That’s the way It has to do. Just like putting a building together, the stones has to fit, stone by stone.
E-54 Now, last night we had the opening of the—of the Third Seal. First was a white horse, and the next was a red horse, and then a black horse. And we find out that the riders were the same rider, all the time; and that was the antichrist, to start with. He didn’t have no—no crown, but he received one later on. And then we find out that then he was given a sword, to take peace from the earth, and we find out that he did that. Then he come in with the dogmas of giving, the church with money, by weighing a penny for this, and two pennies for that. But he was forbidden to touch the Oil and the wine, which was a little that was left.
E-55 And then we give, left off last night, with the illustration of what the Oil and wine was, and what the effects that It had. And we…It might have sounded a little rude, but I…it just exactly the Truth. See? Now, we left off on…Let’s, just a few moments, review of that now. And then we left off, on the power of the wine, what the Oil represented, Spirit. Now, I guess you all got it all down. You’ll find it on the tape, if you didn’t. And where to find the Scriptures, that, the oil always symbolizes the Holy Spirit. Like the foolish virgins with no Oil, wise virgins with Oil, which is the Holy Spirit. And then on back, in—in the—the prophets, and so forth. And now I…
E-56 Course, I don’t try to pull out every Scripture in there. And there’s things that you can’t even speak about; take too much time. But I try to place out here, with Scriptures and so forth, just enough to give the people so it’ll let them know and see the picture of It. But if you’d sit down with one of them Seals, why, my, you could take a month’s sermons every night, right on that Seal, and still not even touch It, see, on one of Them. And that’s how—how much there is to It. But, just hit the high spots of It, then you can—you can see what It’s all about.
E-57 Now, as oil symbolized the Holy Spirit. Then we find out that oil and wine is connected in worship, see, always connected in worship.
E-58 And the wine, I said, which come to me, that the wine symbolizes that it was the power of—it was the power of stimulation by revelation. See? And that’s when something has been revealed. It gives stimulation to the believer, because it’s presented by revelation. See? It’s something that God has said. It’s a mystery; they can’t understand It, see. And, after a while, God comes down and reveals It, and then vindicates It.
E-59 Remember, if the Truth is revealed, the Truth is also vindicated. God, constantly, no matter how smart the person might be, how brilliant he might be in his mind; if God don’t back up what he’s saying, there’s something wrong. See? Right. Cause, it’s the Word.
E-60 Now, when Moses went out there under the inspiration of God, said, “Let flies come.” Flies come. Said, “Let frogs come.” Frogs come.
E-61 See, what if he said, “Let flies come,” and they didn’t come? See, then he—he didn’t speak the Word of the Lord, see; he only spoke, he spoke his own word. He might have thought there ought to be flies. But, there—there didn’t any flies come, because God hadn’t told him so.
E-62 And when God tells you anything, and says, “You go do this, and I’ll be right with it, for this is My Word,” and He shows it in the Bible, then God stands right behind that. And if it’s not written in the Bible, God stands behind it, anyhow, if it’s God’s Word. See?
E-63 And then if it’s outside of that, it’s revealed to prophets. We realize that all the mysteries of God is made known to prophets, and them alone. See, Amos 3:7.
E-64 Now, now, the power of revelation brings stimulation to the believer. For, the power of wine, natural wine, is to stimulate. See? It’s to—to bring a person, that’s all slumped down, to a stimulation. See? See? Well, then, now, there is a power of the revelation of the Word, gives stimulation of joy to the believer, stimulation of satisfaction, the stimulation that It’s vindicated, It’s proved.
E-65 It’s called, in the Scripture, as we want to refer to it, as “new wine.” We always refer to it like that, as, “These are drunk on new wine.” See? All right. Or, “spiritual wine,” I think, the best interpretation would be. It would be, on “spiritual wine.” As the natural wine reveals itself in stimulated power, so does the new wine, as It reveals the Word of God, which is Spirit. Oh! Now there’s a…that’s a…See, the Word Itself is Spirit. You believe that? [Congregation says, “Amen.”—Ed.]
E-66 Let’s read it. Let’s read it, Saint John 6. Let’s just…Yeah, then you—then you—you won’t say, “Well, now, somebody said that.” Let’s—let’s see Who said it, and then we’ll know whether it’s Truth, or not. Saint John, the 6th chapter. And the 6th chapter, and I believe it’s the sixty-…63rd verse, all right, I think this it. Yes.
It is the spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profit nothing: the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life.
E-67 The Word Itself is Spirit. It is Spirit in Word form. And then, you see, when It is quickened, or brought to life, the Spirit of the Word goes to work and acts. See? Because that…
E-68 Now look here. A thought has to be a thought before it can be a word. And then when a thought is presented, it is a word. Now, this is the God’s thought that He has placed in the Word. And then when we receive It from Him, It becomes a Word.
E-69 God revealed to Moses what to do. Moses spoke it, and it happened. See? That’s it, when it’s really comes from God.
E-70 Now we find out, that—that It—It stimulates and It gives joy, because It is God’s Word. And the new wine, the new wine stimulates the…when It reveals the Word. Then, brings joy beyond measure, sometimes. We went through that, that it brings such joy till you get over-flooded.
E-71 Now, I know there’s a lot of fanaticism, and people carrying on. I know sometimes they do it when the music is jumping up-and-down, and everything. And I know that goes. And I—I believe that, too. But I’ve seen people in the day when, as long as the music is playing, everybody was jumping and screaming; but when the music stopped, it stopped. See? I believe…Well, that, that’s still all right, as far as I’m concerned, you see, as long as people lives right. And…
E-72 But, now, what, you start bringing the Word! Now, that’s the thing that actually brings Life, is the Word, and that brings the joy of stimulation of new wine. See? Yes. And that’s what it was on Pentecost, when the Word was vindicated.
E-73 Now look. Now, Jesus told them, Luke 24:49, “Behold, I send the promise of My Father upon you; but you go up to Jerusalem and wait until.” What was the promise of the Father? Joel 2:28, why, we find out, He’s going to “pour out the Spirit.” In Isaiah 28:19, how there would be “stammering lips, and other tongues,” and all these things.
E-74 They went up there. And as we went through it, maybe one said, “Well, I believe we waited long enough. Let’s just accept it by faith.” That was a good Baptist doctrine, but it didn’t work with them brothers.
E-75 So then, the first thing you know, it had to become a reality. And they waited on their ministry, for the Word to be vindicated. And when you come to seek the Holy Spirit, you do the same.
E-76 Yes, you can accept it by faith. You have to accept Christ by faith. That’s exactly right. And you accept the Holy Spirit by faith; but then let the Holy Spirit come and give the circumcision, as a witness that He has accepted your faith, you see. Then, see, “Abraham believed God, and it was imputed to him for righteousness.” But God give him the sign of circumcision, as a confirmation He had accepted his faith.
E-77 So that’s the same thing we must do. We must wait on the Holy Spirit till It’s done something; not necessarily ’cause we spoke in tongues, not because we’ve danced, or we got emotional, we shouted. Until we were changed; until something actually happened! I don’t care what form it comes in. Just so it happened, that’s the main thing. See?
E-78 And I believe that speaking in tongues and all these other things are all right, but just that in itself won’t work. And you know it won’t work. So, it doesn’t do it.
E-79 I’ve seen witches speak in tongues, seen wizards speak in tongues and dance in the spirit. Sure. Lay a pencil down and it write in unknown tongues. And somebody interpret it, that’s right, and tell the truth. That’s right. Wrote just exactly what had happened, and it was just exactly that way. See them throw dust on their head, and cut themselves with knives, and cover it all over with the blood of a wildebeest or something, and—and, sure, see, and call on the devil. So, you see, that don’t…
E-80 Speak in tongues doesn’t do it. “Though I speak with tongue of men and Angels, and have not charity, it profit me nothing. See, though I could do it!” See? So those things doesn’t mean that you have the Holy Spirit.
E-81 But when He, the Person, the—the immortal Spirit of Christ becomes your personal Saviour, and changes you, and throws your views right straight into Calvary and to this Word, something has happened. Yes, sir. Something has happened. No one will have to tell you about it. You’ll know it when it happens.
E-82 And the new wine, when it brings revelation, then It—It’s revealed.
E-83 And that’s the way it was at Pentecost. They knowed that—that there was supposed to be a Spirit poured out upon them, and they waited till this happened. And when the vindication of the revelation took place, then stimulation was on them. They sure did. They steamed up, too. They, right out into the streets; where, they was afraid, and had the doors shut. And they were out in the streets; where, they had been afraid of a group of people; a preaching the Gospel to them! That’s right. See? Something had happened, because the true Word of promise was vindicated.
E-84 Now let’s stop here a minute. If that brought such positive to them men, that they—they…Nearly every one of them sealed their testimony with their blood. No matter what come along, as long as they lived, they never got over It. It stayed there, because it was the true Word of promise, vindicated. The revelation become a vindicated. And they died, sealing their testimony with their own blood.
E-85 Now look at the promise of the last days. And here we see it vindicated right before us, the—the present coming of the Holy Spirit and the works that He was supposed to do, and we find it right among us. See? Oh, we should…Oh, my! How can we hear? Something takes place, I tell you, friend! When the real, true, sincere, predestinated believer, when that Light strikes upon that seed, something bursts forth to a new Life. That little woman at the well!
E-86 When, those scholared priests had said, “Well, that’s the devil. He’s a fortuneteller. He’s—He’s just telling those people their fortune. And He’s—He’s a devil.”
E-87 But, when, that little woman with that predestinated seed! Now you think that’s not right? But Jesus said, “No man can come, except My Father draws him; and all the Father has given Me will come.” And He…
E-88 And the antichrist, the last days, is going to be able…That antichrist spirit that we’re studying, in denominationalism, and proven that denominationalism is antichrist. Now, beyond, any man could walk away from here like that, he, there’s something wrong, and still believe that the denominational system isn’t antichrist. When, it’s absolutely proved, from history, from everything there is, plumb through God’s Bible and everything else, it’s antichrist. And Rome is the head of it. And the daughter churches follow right along. And both of them are cast into hell. That’s right. So we see this thing, antichrist, the spirit of it.
E-89 And the day that we’re living in, and, why, it should bring “joy unspeakable and full of glory.” That little old woman, as soon as that struck her, my, the seed burst forth!
E-90 Now, remember, the Bible says, that in the last day, that this antichrist would “deceive the whole world.”
E-91 There’d only be a small number, whose names were put on the Lamb’s Book of Life before the foundation of the world. And when that true vindication of the revealed Truth of God’s Word strikes that heart, he’ll strike the water, and out yonder with the Holy Ghost, just as hard as he can. And you can’t stop him from doing it, because the new Life worked forth.
E-92 I was talking to a person, not long ago, was trying to discuss with me, and saying, “Aren’t you ashamed to say that ‘God created the heavens and earth in three days…or in six days’?”
I said, “That’s what the Bible said.”
E-93 Said, “Well, we got evidence and can prove that the world is millions of years old.”
E-94 I said, “That didn’t have anything to do with it. In Genesis 1:1, It said, ‘In the beginning God created the heavens and earth.’ Period! That’s all, see. ‘Now the world was without form, and void.’” And I said, “I believe every seed was laying right there, from some other civilization or something. And as soon as the water lifted off, and the light struck it, up come the trees and everything.”
E-95 And the same thing with a human being, is a type. When all the—the—the mist had moved away, and the revealed Truth to that real seed laying there, is still germitized, and the Light of the Gospel can strike it by true a vindication of the Word, it’ll live. It’s got Life in it. It’ll believe. Outside of that, it can’t live; it hasn’t got no Life in it.
E-96 Them names were put on the Lamb’s Book of Life before the foundation of the world, will come forth just as certain as anything. And that’s why Jesus sits right There and waits with His mediatorial work, until that last seed. And He’ll know exactly when it strikes.
E-97 As Dr. Lee Vayle…I guess he’s still in the meeting somewhere. I haven’t seen him for days. I don’t believe I seen him. [A brother says, “He is here.”—Ed.] He is here. Well, the other day he sent me this slip, about what Irenaeus said. Well, I picked Irenaeus, from a long ways, to be the angel of the age that he was. But he said, “When that last member of the Body has come in,” in this last age, “should be…the thing would be revealed at that time.” And here it is. It’s exactly right. See? We’re in the day. All right.
E-98 Then, Pentecostal had beyond joy. They was really stimulated. I think, it does anyone.
E-99 Let’s just take just a moment. Let’s think about David. He—he got all stimulated, too. He said, “My cup is running over.” I believe he really had a—a great event in his life. What, what caused him to do that? When he was in the Spirit…For, he was a prophet. We know he was. The Bible said so. Prophet David, now, for he was a prophet, and he was in the Spirit, and he seen the resurrection. If you’d like to read it, it’s in Psalm 16:8 to 11. He said, “Moreover my flesh was made glad. My! I—I rest in hope, because You’ll not leave my soul in hell; neither will You suffer Your Holy One to see corruption.” And I tell you, his cup got to running over, ’cause he seen. No matter what it was; oh, he seen the resurrection, and he was really…and his cup run over.
E-100 Again, David had another cup running over, in Second Samuel, (being that you got your pencils out), Second Samuel 6:14. There had been a dry spell.
E-101 They had took the ark. The enemy had come in and got the ark of the Lord, and they had took it down and set it up before Dagon, and Dagon fell on his face. And took it to another city, and plagues broke out. It was…That was the hottest thing they ever had on their hands, down there. And they couldn’t get rid of it, ’cause it was out of its place.
E-102 Now, when they put it on the ox cart, and started back. And when David saw the ark coming, you know what he did? He—he got so full, and his cup got to running over; the stimulation! When he seen the Word being revealed back into Israel again, he danced in the Spirit, all around, around, around, around, around, like that. Yeah. His cup got to running over, you see. Why? He saw the Word returning.
E-103 And I think that would make anybody get a little stimulated when they see, after all these years; and then the true Word, by the promise that it would be, being brought forth and vindicated. What a time! What a time!
E-104 Now let’s read. I—I get all talking, I won’t get to this, and I’ll have you all here till ten-thirty. I let you out early last night, so I ought to keep you a good long time tonight. [Congregation says, “Amen.”—Ed.] Yeah. Yeah. No, I was just teasing you. See? I’m…We just want just as the Lord will lead now.
And when he had opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth beast say, Come…see.
E-105 Now, “When the Lamb had opened the Fourth Seal.” Let’s stop there now. The Fourth Seal, now, Who opened It? The Lamb. Was anybody else worthy? No one else could do it. No. The Lamb opened the Fourth Seal.
E-106 And the—the fourth Beast, the living Creature like an eagle, said to John, “Come, see what the fourth mystery of the plan of redemption, has been hid in this Book,” ’cause the Lamb was opening It. In other words, that’s what he was saying. “There is a fourth mystery here. I’ve showed you, in symbol. Now, John, I don’t know whether you understood It, or not.” But, he wrote down what he saw, but it was a mystery. So, he wrote what he saw.
E-107 The Lamb was breaking the Seals, and God still wasn’t going to reveal It. It was left for the last days. See? Now, we had symbols, and we’ve probed at it, and done very good sometimes, see. But we know It’s moved right on. But now, in the last days, we can look back and see where It has been. And that is supposed to be done, that, at the end of the church age, just before the Rapture.
E-108 How anyone can get the Church going through the Tribulation, I don’t know. But what’s It got to go through the Tribulation for, when It hasn’t got—hasn’t got a sin? I mean…I don’t mean the church; the church will go through the Tribulation. But I’m talking about the Bride. The Bride, no, It hasn’t got a sin against It, at all. It’s done been bleached out, and there’s not even a—a…There’s not even a smell of it, and nothing left. They’re perfect, before God. So what’s any Tribulation to purify them? But the others do. The church does go through the Tribulation, but not the Bride.
E-109 Now, now we just took it in all kind of symbols now. Like the—the church, Noah, the carried-over type, went on out into sin. See, now, they did go over. But, Enoch went first, that was the type of the saints that would go in, and before the Tribulation period.
Now we find out, this Lamb opened the Seal.
E-110 Now, the first Beast we find, if you notice, the first Beast we find, was a…The first Beast was a lion, a living Creature; found that in the book of the sea-…of the church ages. And then the second Beast, I believe, was the—the face of an ox, or a calf. And the third Beast was the face of a man. But the fourth Beast was the face of an eagle. Now that’s exactly the way we got them, rotating just exactly like that. And that’s exactly the way they’re even placed in the Book here.
E-111 And then as a great teacher, at one time in Florida, teaching, saying that—that the…that, “The Book of Acts was just merely a—a scaffold work for the—for the Church. The Church was found in the four Gospels.”
E-112 And we find, vice versa from that, that it’s the four Gospels that guards the Book of Acts. It’s from those four Gospels that the Book of Acts is written, the acts of the Holy Spirit in the apostles. And we find, over in the Book, that them guards was sitting there watching; east, north, west, and south. Remember how we drawed it out here? And how beautifully and perfectly everything hit just to its spot!
E-113 Now I want you to notice. Said, “Come and see.” John… Now I want you to notice again, before this. Now, this here is the last of the riders, to reveal the working of the antichrist.
Tomorrow night, strikes the souls under the altar.
The next night, the judgments.
E-114 The next night, the going away, of the—of the end of the age, end of time, of all things, see, when She is taken up. Therefore, right in that Seventh Seal there, pours out Vials, and everything else are poured out. What they are, I don’t know.
E-115 Notice. But now, on this here, we find that this fellow here is an eagle, this man that…or this living Creature that’s poured forth here now. Or, in other words, there is four different ages of It. There was an age of the lion. And, we find out, this being the fourth age.
E-116 And he said, “Come and see the fourth mystery of the Book of Redemption, that’s been hidden in this Book. Come, see.” And John went to see, and he saw a pale horse. And, again, the same rider upon this pale horse.
E-117 Now he has a name called Death. Now notice. None of the other rider, none of the other horses, or no time that this rider ever rode, they didn’t have; that man had no name. But now he is called Death. It’s not mentioned. See? He is revealed now. What he is is death.
E-118 Well, how we could linger on that for a sermon, and make it real plain! But anything that’s anti, that’s against the real, has to be death. Because, there’s only two subjects, that’s, Life and death. And that proves that the Holy Spirit’s revelation of this, in this day, is exactly the Truth. The anti, he is death. Because, the Word, as we’ll see later here, is Life. See?
E-119 And this man is called Death. Now, it was not mentioned of the other times, of this rider. But, since, now it is mentioned, that he’s called Death.
E-120 But under the revelation of the lion…Now watch. Now I want to read this close, so I’d be sure; wrote down, place, stand here. Under, not under the revelation of the lion’s age, or of the first age, the early age, This wasn’t revealed. The next age was the age of the ox, which is the dark age, the middle age, it wasn’t revealed as what It was. Nor the man-like Beast, of wisdom, representing the reformers, Luther and Wesley and so forth, It wasn’t revealed. But in the eagle age, the last age, the prophetic age, where there is to rise prophetic utterance, see, to whom the secrets always comes! Now there is where we just…
E-121 We’re going to linger on that a little while, tonight, so that you’ll thoroughly understand. Now, in most times, you realize, these…I’m just not speaking to this group here. These tapes go everywhere, see, and I must make it clear. Cause, somebody will just get one tape, and then, if they don’t get the rest of them, they’re all hung up, see. God has promised This, see, for this day, for the last, ending up of all these different things that’s gone on and been mixed up. We are…
E-122 We’ve had Elijah’s garments. We’ve had Elijah’s robes. Oh, there’s been people that’s…John Alexander Dowie is buried up there, wrapped in a—a robe. He said he was Elisha. And we’ve had all kinds of things like that. What is it, anyhow? It’s only to take away a Truth that is going to be presented. See? They had false christs before Jesus’ time. See? They always do that. It’s Satan, running out a counterfeit, to upset the minds and the faith of the people, before the thing actually happens. That’s all.
E-123 Didn’t Gamaliel say the same thing to the Jews that day? Said, “Wasn’t there a man raised up and professed to be This? And they took four hundred out in the wilderness. They perished, and so forth.”
E-124 Said, “Every branch that My Heavenly Father hasn’t planted,” Jesus said, “will be rooted up.”
E-125 Gamaliel said, “Let them alone. If they, if it be not of God, won’t it come to naught? But if it be of God, you be found fighting against God.” The man used wisdom. He was a teacher.
E-126 Now notice. Now, to wind up all these mysteries, God has promised that there would be a genuine Elisha rise, some man anointed with that Spirit, and it would reveal. He promised it in Malachi 4. And I got notes and letters that says that that isn’t so, but I’d like to talk to that person. See? Why, you can’t deny it. Any real, good theologian knows that’s to be the Truth, that they’re looking for it.
E-127 But just be the same way like it come by John, the forerunner of the first time of Christ. Why, they didn’t recognize him, because there was such great things prophesied of him. Why, he was to “make all the high places come low, and all the low places go high, all the rough places go smooth.” And, oh, he…The prophets: Isaiah, seven hundred and twelve years before his birth; and Malachi, four hundred years before he come on the scene; all those prophesied of him. And they was expecting some corridor of Heaven to be let down, and this prophet walk right out with his staff in his hand, from God.
E-128 And what happened? A man that you…couldn’t even show a fellowship card. He couldn’t show a credential. Stayed out in the wilderness; not even a common school education. We’re told, by historians, that he left to the wilderness when he was nine years old, after the death of his father and mother. And was raised out…His job was too important, to mess with some seminary. He had—he had to announce the Messiah.
E-129 God couldn’t use a man all stuffed full of theology. He can’t do it, because he’ll always drift right back. That’s his line of learning. He drifts back to that. So, he goes to see something, he tries to drift back to what the teachers had said. Be better if you kept away from them things, and just believe God.
E-130 And we find that they missed him. Even the apostles standing there, missed him. Why, they said, “Why does the Scripture say, the scribes, says that Elias…”
E-131 He said, “Well, he has already come, and you didn’t know him.”
E-132 And that’s where I pattern the resurrection, or the Rapture. It’ll go, and they’ll…I know that sounds strange. But maybe you’ll know a little more after tonight, if the Lord willing, just how it’s going to be, see. It’ll be so secret, nobody will know about it, hardly. The world will just think, just go right on like it always did, see, and just…That’s the way He always does it.
E-133 You know, I doubt whether one—one…I say, one-ninetieth percent of the people on the earth, ever knowed Jesus Christ was here when He was here. You know, when Elijah prophesied, I doubt whether there was hardly anybody knowed that he was the…They knowed there was a crank up there, some old fanatic, but they hated him. Sure. He was what they called the oddball.
E-134 And I think, any born-again Christian is kind of an oddball, to—to the world, because you’ve been changed. You’re from another world. Your Spirit is from across the chasm. And this thing here is such a messed up…Then, you’re—you’re not different, there’s something wrong; you, you’re still too earthbound. You ought to be Heavenly-minded. And Heaven lives by the Word.
E-135 Now, we notice that this—this great thing taken place. Now, we believe that there is to be a coming of the true Spirit of Elisha. It’s predicted it would be, see. And we must remember it’ll be here, in its own season and time. We may be laying a foundation for it now. And it won’t be no organization.
E-136 I—I disagree with a good friend of mine, on that. He says it’ll be a group of people. I want you to show me that by Scripture. God, the unchangeable God, never does change His plans. If He does, then He isn’t God; that’s right, because He’s a mortal, and He knows just like I do, and He makes mistakes.
E-137 God has never changed His plan, since the very time in the garden of Eden. He made a plan for redemption; that was the Blood. And we’ve tried education. We’ve tried dictatorship. We’ve tried psychology. We’ve tried denominationalism. We’ve tried everything, to push everybody together, or love everybody together, and everything else. There is no other place of fellowship but under the Blood, yet, the only ground that God meets man.
E-138 God always deals with one individual. Two men has got two ideas. There never was two major prophets on the earth, prophesying the same time. Look back and see if there was. No, sir. Too much scrupled up! He’s got to get one man completely surrendered, and use that person. He searches for that person.
E-139 But there will be one, sometime, somebody who will listen to Him, Word by Word. I don’t care what anybody else says, they’ll never move from It. That’s right. They’ll wait on THUS SAITH THE LORD. And, then, they won’t move until then. He’ll be properly a vindicated. You’ll…
E-140 Now, the outside world will hate it, but the elected Seed, the predestinated Seed, like there was in the days of Jesus, when that Light flashes, that Seed will come to Life like that. [Brother Branham snaps his finger once—Ed.] They’ll know It. They’ll understand It. You won’t have to say a word about It.
E-141 She said, “Sir, I perceive that You’re a prophet. I know when Messiah comes, He is supposed…”
He said, “I am He.”
E-142 Boy, that, that was enough. She didn’t have to tarry all night, and tarry the next night. She had It right then. She was on her road. She was telling them about It.
E-143 Now remember, now, in the first age was a lion age. That was the Lion of the tribe of Juda, Christ. His Own influence of Life, taken that age. That’s the first Beast, which means “Power,” that answered by human voice.
E-144 The next age was the ox age, or the dark-horse rider’s age. See?
E-145 Now, reason that this first age was a white age, was that… As—as I’ve always heard people say that that first rider, the white, was the power of the church, went forth to conquer. And we found out he was given a crown, that that was it. It was the church. It was the church, but where did he go to? Went to Rome. That’s where he did. He received his crown.
E-146 Now, the second age was a—was a red-horse rider, which was the dark age.
E-147 And now—now, the—the next age, was the—the man, of the age which was the black-horse rider. And he was the age of the reformers, see, when the—the Voice that spoke. Now, the black-horse rider, that was the antichrist. But the One that was speaking in that age was represented as man, and that’s wisdom, smart, shrewd. See? And they didn’t get it, see. They didn’t call…They didn’t name him. See? They just said it went forth.
E-148 But now, when comes forth the eagle age, that’s the one that…God always likens His prophets to eagles. He calls Himself an eagle. The eagle goes so high, there ain’t nothing else can touch him. Not only is he up there, but he’s built for that position. When he gets up there, he can see where he’s at. Some people get up there and can’t see where they’re at, so it don’t do no good to get up there. But if you…
E-149 But you let a crow try to fly with an eagle, or a hawk, either one, he would disintegrate. He’s got to be pressurized for where he goes.
E-150 That’s the trouble today, some of us don’t get pressurized. We explode too quick, you see, when we’re jumping. And, but, we got to be pressurized.
E-151 When you get up there, and have the keen sight of the eagle, to see what’s coming, and know what to do. Now, the eagle age revealed It. Now we find out, that eagle age was promised in Revelation 10:7 and in Malachi…:1, 4. That would be in the last days, see, that’s right, that it would be here. All right. Notice.
E-152 Now, this fellow, we find out that he is riding on a pale horse. Pale! Oh, my! After, notice after…
E-153 “Sixty-eight million Protestants,” as we took from—from Schmucker’s Glorious Reform, of the—of the martyrology of Rome, last night. We find that, up to the 1500 mark, I believe it was, or eighteen-…I don’t remember exactly now. But it was sixty-eight million put to death, to protest the first Roman church, Rome. No wonder, he could impersonate himself in the personified name of…and called Death. He sure was.
E-154 Now, God only knows how many he caused to spiritually die, by his anti-Bible, -Word teaching! This is the one he put sixty-eight million to the sword, and killed them. And probably, literally, billions died spiritually, on his false teaching. No wonder he could take the name of Death!
E-155 See the rider? The first place, as an antichrist, he was death, to begin with; but he was innocent then. Then he received a crown, a triple one; and when he did, then he be united, Satan united his church and state, because he was over both of them then. Antichrist was Satan, in a form of a man.
E-156 And then, also, Saint Matthew, I believe it is, the 4th chapter, tells us that—that. Satan took Jesus, our Lord, up, and showed Him the kingdoms of the world, all of them, in a moment of time, and the glory of them, offered them to Him. And he said…They, they were his.
E-157 So, you see, then, if he can unite his state and his church together, then the red-horse rider could ride, sure enough. See? Truly! Now, then, we find out his mystery here, in his church and state.
E-158 The fourth stage of his ministry, he is called the beast. First he is called the antichrist, see; then he is called the false prophet; and he is called the beast. Now we find him here being called as the beast. Now, I want you to notice, that’s after the fourth horse.
E-159 And in this fourth horse, if you’ll notice, all…The first one was white; and then the next one was red; and the next one was black; and the fourth one, all of these other three was represented in it; because, pale is red and—and white, and so, mixed together. See? He…It—it was all mixed in this one horse. See? And there he become four, or, actually, the three in one. And it was all mixed up in that one thing.
E-160 Now I want you to notice the four of them. Notice the off-mark, of four, of the spiritual mathematics. God is three’s. This is four. He is in four, here. First, antichrist, white; second, false prophet, red; third, vicar of heavens and earth and—and purgatory, black; fourth, the beast, pale horse, Satan being kicked out of Heaven. You want to read that? Revelation 12:13, Satan being kicked out of Heaven. Then in Revelation 13:1, 8, he is incarnate in the person of the beast.
E-161 He is first the antichrist, just—just a teaching called Nicolaitane; then he becomes, from that, to a false prophet. If he’s an antichrist, antichrist is against. Anything that’s against God’s Word is against God, because the Word is God. “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was made flesh, Christ, and dwelt among us.” And now he is against the Word, so he be antichrist. But a spirit cannot be crowned; that’s the reason he didn’t receive a crown. Just a bow, with no arrows.
E-162 And then when he come, the crowning time, then he become the false prophet of his antichrist teaching. Get it? Then he gets a sword, because he unites his powers together, then he don’t have to ask nobody. He is governor of state; he is governor of Heaven. Receives a triple crown. Makes himself an idea called “purgatory.” Where, if—if some of them died back there, and they got some money, want to pay them out, he could pray them out of it. Cause, he’s got the power to do so; he’s a vicar. Certainly, he is. “He takes the place of God, on earth.” If that ain’t as plain as anything!
E-163 We find it, pull it on down, through the Bible, and count his numeral numbers and everything else. Here he is…?…right back here in number four, not number three. Number four, see.
E-164 Now let’s turn, Revelation 12. Let’s just read this just a little bit, ’cause we—we’ll have time to do it. And let’s read Revelation the—the 12th chapter and the 13th verse. “And the same hour there was a great earthquake…” No, I got the—I got the wrong place. The 13th:
And when the dragon saw that he was cast out into the earth, he persecuted the woman which brought forth the man child.
E-165 Now, you see, he was cast out, of the earth, and becomes incarnate, as the antichrist spirit become incarnate into a man. That man changes from one thing to another, from an antichrist spirit to a false prophet, and then the beast comes into him.
E-166 Just exactly like the Church grows; his church went from—from antichrist to false prophet, and, in the great age to come, the beast that is to rise up. So, the Church comes the same way, through justification, sanctification, and the baptism of the Holy Ghost, is Christ being in the people, just exactly. And he’s got the antitype of It over there, the…see, the type of It, rather. There he is, just exactly. That’s him. He’s kicked out of Heaven.
E-167 Now we find out, in Revelation 13:1 to 8.
And I stood upon the sands of the sea, and saw a beast rise up…
E-168 Now, here is 12, where he was kicked out. Now watch.
…saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his head the name of blasphemy.
And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard, and his feet…
E-169 Oh, if we just had time now, we’d take the rest of the night, right on them symbols there, and show, bring it right straight to him again. Any, most all of you know that, from other lessons.
…were…the feet of a bear, and his mouth…the mouth of a lion: and the dragon give him his power,… seat, and…authority.
E-170 Huh! Incarnate Satan! See?
And I saw one of his heads as it…wounded to death;…
E-171 And on down, as we go, if you want to, when you get a chance to read on down. No, let’s—let’s read just a little bit.
And I saw one of his heads as it was wounded…death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast.
E-172 You just watch! Don’t you never watch communism. It’s nothing but a tool, playing in the hands of God, to help you someday to get, “revenge the blood,” as we’ll get tomorrow night. See?
And they worshipped the dragon…
E-173 Who was the dragon? Satan. That right? “The red dragon.” All right.
…which gave power unto the beast (where he get his power, see): and they worshipped the beast, saying, Who is like unto the beast? who is able to make war with him?
And there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things of blasphemy; and power was given to him to continue forty and two months.
And he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God, (There you are, see. All right.)…to blaspheme his name, (give him a title)…his tabernacle (which is the Holy Spirit’s dwelling place),…
E-174 To make it a place in Rome, a Vatican City. You can just go on down:
…and them that dwell in heaven.
E-175 Blasphemed them, by saying they were intercessors.
And it was given unto him to make war with the saints (and he did), and to overcome them (he did):…
E-176 Burned them to the stake! Fed them to the lions! And killed them any way he could!
…and power was given to him over all kindreds,… tongues, and nations.
E-177 It never did become that way in Rome until pagan Rome was converted into papal Rome, and the Catholic power spread the world, made the universal Catholic church.
And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names were not written in the book…
E-178 “Touch not My Oil and wine!” See?
And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names were not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.
If any man has an ear, let him hear.
He that leadeth into captivity shall go into captivity: he that killeth with the sword must be killed with the sword. Here is the patience and…faith of the saints.
E-179 Now, we had him coming, last night, with his great sword, to kill.
E-180 We find out that he gets killed with the sword, too, the sword of the Word. God’s Word, sharp, two-edged sword, slays him, puts him right down. Wait till them Seven Thunders utter Their voices, of that group who really can take the Word of God and hand It there, It’ll slice and cut. And they can close the heavens. They can shut this, or do that, whatever they want to. Glory! He’ll be slayed by the Word that proceeds from His mouth, is sharper than a two-edged sword. They could call for a hundred billion tons of flies if they wanted to. Amen. Whatever they say, is going to happen, because It’s the Word of God coming from the mouth of God. Yeah. Amen. God, always, It’s His Word, but He always uses man to work It.
E-181 God could call for them flies, down at Egypt, but He said, “Moses, that’s your job. I’ll just tell you what to do, and you go do it.” He fully done that. See? He—He could have chosen the—the sun to call them, He could cause the moon to call it, or the wind to call it. But, He—He said, “Moses.” That, that…He chose His man. All right.
E-182 Now we find out here, that this Satan, after being kicked out of Heaven, incarnates himself in the beast. And now he is a beast; antichrist, false prophet, and now beast. And given the name of Death! And Hell follows him! Fully Satan, on his throne! Oh, my! On the earth, he is Satan, representative, on the earth, that he now is head of the kingdoms of the world, the very same kingdoms that he offered to the Lord Jesus in Matthew 4. Satan now becomes a full king.
E-183 Now, this happens later on. He is false prophet now. He will become beast, after a while, when he breaks his covenant there with the Jews. You know how we…All right, notice now, he’ll be given a heart of a beast, at that time, and Satan will incarnate himself. Because, when the Church goes up, Satan is cast out. See? See? It’s done, then, all of his accusing is done. See? Now, as long…
E-184 Look, as long as the Intercessor is still on the Throne, Satan can stand there and accuse, because he is the attorney of the other side. He is the opponent of Christ. And Christ is…He is standing there, the—the—the opponent is standing there, saying, “But, wait! Adam fell! Adam done this! I conquered him. I got his wife to believe a lie. And You said she would be damned by it. I got it!”
E-185 But here is the Mediator standing there, amen, the Kinsman Redeemer, amen, stand there with the Blood that can take the vilest sinner’s heart and change it. The Mediator is on the Throne. Yes, sir.
Satan said, “But they’re guilty!”
He can say, “They’re not.”
E-186 That Clorox was invented, or manufactured, to take stain, take the coloring out of ink or any other stain. They got it. It’ll break it up till you never will find it again. It goes back to gases, and all the way back to cosmic light. And past molecules and everything else, till it turns back to the original where it come from. It’s a creation. Had…A creation had to come from a Creator. But all the chemicals that was manufactured and put together, they’re broke up, and that’s just all there is to it. There’s no more of it. Even the very—the very water substance it is, blends with the Clorox, which is ashes.
E-187 Amen! Glory to God! It’s all clean. That’s what the Blood of Jesus Christ does to the true child of God, when he confesses that sin and stands there, justified in His…Mercy! Goodness! Even it’s so great till God said, “I can’t even remember it anymore. And he is absolutely My son.”
E-188 “Verily, I say unto you, if you say to this mountain ‘be moved,’ and don’t doubt in your heart, but believe in what you’ve said, you…shall come to pass. You can have that what you’ve said would be.” You are a redeemed son. Amen! I know that’s true.
E-189 I’ve seen squirrels to appear yonder, on six different times, that I knew not the one that would be sitting here. Just as, He can create squirrels the same as He can create flies, or frogs, or anything else. He, He is God, the Creator. Right! And when no mortal being…
E-190 But when that sin of that mortal is confessed and dropped into that Clorox, of the bleach of Jesus Christ, It bleaches all sin. He is purely unadulterated, without sin, without fault. “He that’s born of God does not commit sin, for he cannot sin.” The bleach stands between him and God. How could it ever get there, when it breaks it up and sends it right back to the one who perverted it! Amen!
E-191 Whew! I feel religious. I—I tell you, I get stimulations now as this begins to reveal.
E-192 Notice, fully Satan, on his throne. Yes, sir. Offered it to God, offered it to our Lord. Here he is, sitting here, with this beastly heart in him. Now, here is the person, the beast, the incarnate devil. He makes his appearing here on earth, under the false pretense. Oh, my, goodness! Under the false pretense of the true Word, he associates himself with the Word.
E-193 He did just the same thing that his—his type did, which was Judas, two thousand years ago. What did he do? Judas came in, as a believer, being a devil from the beginning. “He was born the son of perdition.” He pulled nothing over on Jesus, ’cause He knowed him from the very beginning; amen, for He was the Word. All right. And, remember, Judas took the place as treasurer, and fell by money.
E-194 So does the church of this day! The Catholic church, as we noticed last night, charging for novenas, charging for prayers, and charging for everything. It’s almost same, and fell the same thing to the daughters of the Catholic church, was the Protestants. The whole thing is wrapped up in money. There is where Judas fell, and here is where he fell, and there is where the Protestants fall.
E-195 Watch, rides a pale horse as he appears on his ride, this last ride. He’s on his last now. Now, that is not in our day. That will be on down. It’s the Seal, foretold. Cause, see, the Church has done gone up when this happens. When Christ appears here on earth, as—as—as…This fellow appears, and becomes completely, completely the devil; from antichrist, all the way down, through false prophet, then into the beast, the devil himself. And he is riding on a pale horse, colored all up, and mixed with all kind of colors, to make him pale and deathly.
E-196 But when our Lord appears here on earth, He’ll be riding on a snow-white horse. And He’ll be completely, fully, the Emmanuel, the Word of God incarnate in a Man. See? That’s just how much different there is in them. That’s the difference of them.
E-197 Notice, the antichrist is on a pale horse, mixed colors. A horse is a beast that represents a power. His power is all mixed up. Why? It’s politics, it’s—it’s national powers, it’s a religious powers, it’s demon powers. It’s all kinds of powers mixed together, a mixed, pale horse was. He’s got all kinds of powers.
E-198 But when Jesus comes, it’s on a one solid-color horse, the Word. Amen!
E-199 This one mixes its colors, of red, white, black; three colors in one, represented in one. And three powers represented in one; the white horse, the black horse, red horse. And three crowns, in one. See? Sure.
E-200 I seen the crown, myself; stood, oh, that close and looked at it. Wouldn’t let me get to it, on account of glass, on it. So there it was, a big lock on it, sitting in a case: triple crown. So I know it’s the truth. Uh-huh. So there he was, triple crown, vicar: heaven, purgatory, and earth.
E-201 Three powers united together, see, all mixed up in a color, pale. Death spoke in the whole thing; political, and—and religious, and—and demon powers, mixed together. Politics, he is the king of politics, Satan is. Smart! Whew! Sure. Don’t try to outwit him. Just—just trust the Lord. That’s all.
E-202 As I’ve, all, went through it before. All smart, educations and things like that, come from the wrong side. Just follow it through the Scripture, find out if that’s right. Follow Cain’s children and see what they become. Then follow Seth’s children, see what they were. Not as I’m supporting ignorance, not at all. No, sir. But you take any persons, hardly, of the Bible, very seldom…
E-203 And there’s one named Paul, that was a smart man, and he said he had to forget everything he knowed, in order to know Christ. He said, “I never come to you with enticing words of wisdom of men, but I come to you in the Power of the resurrection of Christ.” That’s right, Power of the Holy Ghost!
E-204 Look at the others. Some of them didn’t even know right to left hand. And—and, oh, look down through the age of the prophets, and where they come from, and so forth. See what I mean?
E-205 See, it’s a smart, intellectual, and wisdom. Wisdom is exactly the very thing that takes you away from God.
E-206 He had three powers, or three—three jurisdictions: the earth, Heaven, and purgatory.
E-207 He is, himself, a trinity. That’s what he’s made up of. And he rides in a trinity. His power is in a trinity. His crown is in a trinity. His horse is in a trinity. That what he is, a trinity; a power of trinity, a crown of trinity, a horse (riding) of trinity; that’s of offices, a four again, see, a four again. All right.
E-208 Three stages of his ministry, makes him one person, Satan incarnate. Three stages of the mini-…antichrist, false prophet, and beast. Them three, typing, see. Now there is three types, now, there makes him.
E-209 God, God makes Himself known, too, in water, Blood, Spirit; makes a Christian a son of God, by the Word of God. See? And these three powers makes him a devil. See? Oh, This here, is water, Blood, and Spirit, which is of God. And that’s politics, religion, and demon power, mixed together, makes him the devil.
E-210 Christ’s first coming, a mortal. He comes three times. Christ is in three. See? (Watch how he comes; he’s the four.) Watch Christ. First coming, He come a mortal, to bleed and die. Is that right? That’s His first coming. The second coming is the Rapture; we meet Him in the skies, immortal. His third coming, He is the incarnate God. Amen! [Brother Branham claps his hands together once—Ed.] God, Emmanuel, to reign on earth! That’s right, only three.
E-211 Fourth stage of the rider, watch. The fourth stage of this rider is called Death. Death means “Eternal separation from God.” That’s what death means, to be Eternal separated from God.
E-212 Now, if we have placed this fellow out, class, if we have showed by the Bible, who that fellow is; and we even took the hills, the place and everywhere, just exactly detail, right on down. And now he is called, by the eagle, “Death.” That’s what He calls him. Remember, here, see, death is Eternal separation.
E-213 Remember, saints don’t die. They sleep, not die. “He that heareth My Words, and believeth on Him that sent Me, has Eternal Life.” That’s right. “Shall not come into the judgment; is passed from death unto Life. I am the resurrection and Life,” said Jesus. “He that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live. And whosoever liveth and believeth in Me shall never die.” Lazarus, dead? “He sleepeth.”
E-214 “Fear not, the girl is not dead, but sleepeth.” They laughed Him to scorn. Is that right? Oh, my! See, saints don’t die.
E-215 Separation from God is death, Eternal death. And this fellow is called “Death,” so keep away from him. What is he? An organized, organizational system; the first, number one, church, organized, and when he took the—the understanding of Constantine, at the Nicaea Council.
E-216 We brought them women, last night, and showed how that Eve, the first bride, before her husband ever got to her, she fell, by disbelieving God’s Word in Eden. The spiritual bride that was born on the Day of Pentecost of Christ, before He could get to her, what happened? She fell, at Rome. What? Forfeited her virtue of the Word, for dogma. Amen. Oh, my!
E-217 I—I—I feel stimulation coming again on me, yes, sir, thinking of that’s…I don’t mean to act crazy. I don’t mean that. But I just…You don’t realize what that does to me. I’ve been sitting in this for four days now. Just…and just I have to say something, kind of get me feeling human again. You know what I mean. Yeah. All right. Start talking like that, and you see visions breaking all over the place. That’s right. See, that’s the reason I say something to get myself back again, and shake back again. See?
E-218 Did you ever notice me when I have a discerning line? I’ll say something, will make people laugh; then I’ll say something, make people cry; then I’ll say something, make them angry. I’ve got something spotted out. And I’ll say something, to see how it takes, then I see what kind of a light is over them, what takes place. Then I know where it’s at, and I know whether It’s calling or not. If it isn’t…Sits there, a genuine believer, all right. You call them, then, say, “You, So-and-so.” See.
E-219 And when you get down, Spirit begins to anoint, then begin to see that flashing coming everywhere, see, like that, around, around the room. So, that’s the reason I say something, kind of start back again, start off anew again, see.
E-220 Ever since last Sunday, I just sit right in a room, just praying, that’s all, and under the anointing. And I know This is right. You believe God. I know you do. You just watch at the end of the week. Uh-huh. See? See? All right. See?
E-221 Now, death means Eternal separation from God. And remember, now, saints don’t die.
E-222 Remember, his bride was given a pale horse…I mean, this rider was given a pale horse, to—to go forth with. He was given this—this pale horse, to go forth with. And he rode this pale horse, of death. Now we know what that was. We know what church that was.
E-223 And remember, in last night, she was not only a “whore,” she was “the mother of harlots.”
E-224 And we find out, that what made her a whore, was, a woman that’s that type of a woman. I’m just…It’s a flat word, to say amongst a mixed audience. But the Bible says that, you see. So, then, we realize that that’s a—that’s a woman that lives untrue to her marriage vows. And you see, she is supposed to be, says herself, calls herself, “The Queen of Heaven.” (That would be the Bride of God. God is Christ.) And we find that she is committing fornications, and she’s causing the kings of the earth to commit fornications, and all the rich men, and great men. The whole earth went after her. See?
E-225 And then we find out that she produced some daughters, and they were harlots. What is a harlot but a whore, the same thing; a fornicator, fornications, evil, adulteries, committing. What did they do? Organized, got a system, taught the man-made systems, Pentecost and the whole bunch!
E-226 Now, don’t let your—your conscience drop down in your pocket, Pentecost. Let me tell you something. Let’s look the thing right in the face. We’re too late down the road now, to go to pulling punches. Look at here.
E-227 We are living in the Laodicean Church Age. And that was the most ridiculous church age of all the rest of them, a lukewarm, and the only one that Christ was on the outside, trying to get back in. And that’s the Pentecostal message going, said, “I’m rich!” Boy, you was poor, first. Now you’ve really got rich, see. “Have need of nothing!” And—and, oh, what you was!
E-228 He said, “You’re naked, miserable, blind, poor, wretched, and don’t even know it.”
E-229 Now, if a man was naked, out there on the street, and knowed it, why, he’d try to help himself. But when he—when he don’t know it, and you can’t tell him no different, then he’s in a bad shape. God have mercy upon him. Right. Notice. Oh, my!
E-230 Now, remember, this antichrist, himself, being the man; his bride, which is his church, “was given a space to repent, and she did not do it,” in that church age, Thyatira. You remember it? Can you…
E-231 Well, let’s go back just a minute. It won’t hurt us to go back just a minute. Let’s go back, for 2nd chapter, just a minute. We’ll just read it, 2nd chapter of…now, Thyatira. Now watch this, just right quick now. My, we’re just about closing time, and haven’t got started. But, notice, Thyatira. Now, it begins at the 18th verse of the—of the 2nd chapter.
…unto the angel (that’s the messenger) of the church in Thyatira write; These things saith the Son of God, who has his eyes like unto flames…and his feet are like unto fine brass;
I know thy works, and thy charity, and thy service, and thy faith,…thy patience, and the works; and thou has to be more than the…and the last to be more than the first.
Notwithstanding I have a few things against thee, because thou sufferest that woman Jezebel,…
E-232 There you are. You know her, in the Bible. She was the wife of Ahab. And here is the woman, church, Jezebel, the wife of the false prophet, which is supposed to be the genuine prophet of God, the pope; right, the genuine prophet and his wife, Jezebel. Now, Ahab was supposed to be a genuine Jew, but he was a rascal, you know that, because his wife just led him any way he wanted to. We find out, Jezebel takes her money and leads these the way they want to, too.
…which calleth herself a prophetess, (get it?), to teach and…subdue my servants (see, that Jezebel teaching just swept the country) to commit fornications and…eat things sacrificed to idols.
…I gave her space to repent (see?) of her fornications; and she repented not.
E-233 Watch this next verse.
…I will cast her into a bed (that’s hell), and them that commit adultery with her unto great tribulations,… (That’s going into the great Tribulation. Not the Church, now.)…except they repent of their deeds.
E-234 Now watch out, here.
…I will kill her children (her harlots) with death (spiritual death);…
E-235 You believe it? [Congregation says, “Amen.”—Ed.] That’s the Word. “I will kill them with death.” And if they’re killed, they’re Eternal separated. All right. Remember, He gave her a space to repent.
E-236 Thyatira Age was the dark age. The dark-horse rider rode in that time, when all the masses and everything had to be paid for, and the prayers, and—and the novenas, and so forth. Now see his black horse, then, after he refused to repent in Thyatira, (what?) changes his riding from a black horse to a pale one, death, for his last ministry.
E-237 Now, I might just give the individual a little shake here. To refuse God, to refuse God’s call, you’ll do it the last time sometime. And, just like that church did, it’s over. God, patience, will not always strive with man. See?
E-238 And when she refused It, and refused to accept It, then she changed and went…Now she’s got a name called “Death,” separation. God said, “I’ll even take her children, the Protestants, and every one of them I’ll kill with Eternal separation.” There you are, Thyatira Age, the dark age. His black horse now turns to death, for his last ministry.
E-239 See how the church ages blend in with the Seals? Just perfect. And we know It’s right. The Holy Spirit makes no mistake. He gave us a great a vindication, the last time, when we got the church ages done back there, you know.
E-240 See the loving, longsuffering of God! Before He passed judgment upon her, He gave her a place to repent. And it’s in the Name of the Lord I say this: He has give the Protestant church the same thing, and she won’t do it. The Message has shook everywhere, and she won’t do it. She is going to have her own dogmas and creeds, I don’t care how much you explain It.
E-241 As I said there in Chicago, the other day, ’fore more ministers than there are people sitting here! And there they had me pinned off, about the Doctrine, the serpent’s seed and all this other thing. I said, “Somebody get your Bible, and come here and stand by me then.” And nobody said nothing.
E-242 Tommy Hicks said, “I—I never heard That like that before, Brother Branham. I want three hundred of those tapes. I’m going to send them to all my ministers.”
E-243 There was about fifty, or seventy-five, said, “I’m coming down there to be rebaptized.” Did they come? Not a one of them. Why? He give them space to repent! And He’ll cast your children to death, spiritual death.
E-244 We’ll pick that up tomorrow night, the Lord willing, or Saturday night, on those Plagues that’s passes over. You watch what takes place there.
E-245 Like He give Egypt, He give Egypt place to repent. And what was that last plague? Was death.
E-246 That’s the last plague that’s hit the Pentecostal church, is spiritual death. She is dead. That’s in the Name of the Lord. She is spiritually dead. He gave her a place to repent, and she rejected It. Now she is dead. She’ll never rise again.
E-247 And them people out there, trying to bring in Episcopalians and priests, and so forth, and calling them, “Holy Father So-and-so.” Why, they ought to be ashamed of themself. How blind can man get! Don’t Jesus say? When that sleeping virgin come to buy Oil, she did not get It!
E-248 Everybody, you hear people say, “I got the Holy Ghost. I spoke in tongues.” But they don’t want to come around a church like this. “Oh, you know, I don’t believe I want to go around a place like that.” And then say you got the Holy Ghost?
E-249 But you want your dignified ways. You want to stay in Babylon and still enjoy the blessings of Heaven. You have to make your choice. You can’t stay out there in the world and serve God at the same time. Jesus said you couldn’t serve God and mammon. So if you won’t expect…
E-250 If you really get saved, you’ll enjoy meetings where the Holy Spirit is vindicating Itself and showing that the Word of God is so.
E-251 Someone said, “The people make too much noise. It makes me nervous.” You’ll be nervous if you would get to Heaven. And you just think, when all of them are there, then what about it? Oh, my! How the Lord wants to get…
E-252 He is longsuffering, like He was in the days of Noah. He tried hard. He suffered long, for a hundred and twenty years, to get them to repent. They wouldn’t do it.
E-253 In the days of Egypt, He sent plagues and everything else. They wouldn’t do it.
He sent John. They wouldn’t return.
E-254 He sent Jesus, to die, to save the whole group that would hear the Word.
E-255 And now, in the last days, He promised again that He would send a Message to call Her out, and restore the original Faith back to It, back to the Word. And they won’t receive It. They’re so dogmatic, in their dogmas and creeds, till they don’t want It. Oh, they think if they had a…if an Angel walked down; but God don’t do that.
E-256 He takes something ignorant and stupid, something that don’t know hardly your ABC’s or—or anything. And then He takes that type of a person, ’cause He can take something that’s nothing and then work through it. As long as something thinks they’re something, then they can do nothing with it. He’s always did that. You have to become nothing, to become somebody with God. Oh, my!
E-257 Notice, yet, “He gave her a space to repent, but she didn’t do it.”
E-258 He’s done it again; she won’t do it. Her rejection, a way, makes her…Or, her rejection makes the perfect way for Satan to come into her and be incarnate. That’s right. Incarnate himself right in her, because she rejected the Word. And that’s exactly the same thing that the Protestant church becomes, a harlot, is because she rejects the vindicated Truth of the Word of God, and that gives the devil a place to come right in and incarnate himself. And he’ll make an image unto the beast when they consolidated together, right yonder now, and going just exactly what He said. That’s right. Amen.
E-259 If I had an education, I could bring It out. I haven’t got no education. I’m just expecting the Holy Spirit to reveal It to you. And He will, to those who…That’s right. He’ll do it. Yes. Notice.
E-260 Look how, what she did here. She rejected God’s Message for her to repent. She started off, an antichrist, and that’s what she was. She come, a false prophet, an incarnate devil, and, when she did, with her false teaching. Then, in all of that, God give her space to repent, tried to get her.
E-261 See how longsuffering? What a wonderful love! There’s no love like that! Look at those, even that spit in His face and things, He forgave them. That’s God, see. Don’t…
E-262 Rejects God’s Message! Look, she was asked to repent, go back to where she fell from.
E-263 And where did she fall from? The Word. Right. Where did Eve fall from? [Congregation says, “The Word.”—Ed.] Word! Where did the denomination fall from? [“The Word.”] There you are. See? No other way. Just, every time, comes right back to the Word, right back to the Word. See? And they get into a system that runs them back away from the Word, runs them from the Word instead of to the Word. Notice.
E-264 Look, she was given a space to repent, go back. Repent means to “go back, turn back, about-face.” Repent, “go back.” And she was given a space to go back to where that…
E-265 Now remember, she was the original, pentecostal Church that the Holy Ghost was poured upon, on the Day of Pentecost. How many Bible students knows that? Sure, she was. See where she went from? She fell from the Word, and accepted dogmas. She expect…Instead of the Holy Ghost, she wanted a holy man, “Doctor LL., Ph., Q.U.” and then made him a pope. See? Sure. But, she, that’s what she wanted, somebody to do her praying. Somebody…She just pay her money out, and that’s all she had to do. See?
E-266 Now, it’s the same thing today. Just as long as they got a pew to sit in, pay heavy on the collection plate, that’s good enough. They’re a member of that church. Don’t tell them nothing else about It; they don’t want to know. That’s her daughters.
E-267 Now, where did she fall from? From the original Word of the apostolic apostles and prophets. That’s where she fell from. That’s where the Protestant fell from.
E-268 Repent! Go back! Turn back before it’s too late. It ain’t already too late. One of these days that Lamb will leave His place, and then it’s all over. So is her daughters been asked now, before being judged with her, to “return back.”
E-269 Now, the last Message they get, is when this prophet that I’ve been speaking of. Which, I have been reading many books about it. And I know that real, good, sensible, spiritual-thinking men knows that that’s coming. They know that. They know it’s coming, see. They…But the trouble of it, is, they keep saying, “We need it. It’s going to be.” And when It comes, that they’ll be so humble; they’ll probably miss It just like they did the other time. That’s right. People will write about It, and everything, say, “Oh, yes, it needs to be.” And then let It be showed right before them, and they just go right on, see. So, they always done that.
E-270 Watch now, the original Word. They re-…they…She has to repent, to go back, yet, so her daughters has been asked. To be forced…they will be judged, and throwed into the same bed and killed with her. They’ve been asked to turn back to the original Word, go back to the apostolic Doctrine. But, they’re so tied down with their creeds and things, they won’t do it. They only make fun of It.
E-271 Then what do they do? They finally form up in the image unto the beast, another power; notice, and act, to the Lamb’s Bride, like she did in Revelation 13:14. That’s what they do, just persecute, just the same thing. The churches make just as fun of the true Bride of Christ, as Rome ever did. Just exactly. Yes, sir. Acts to the—the real Lamb’s Bride just exactly like she did in Revelation 13:14.
E-272 Now notice. We see, by God’s Word of promise, He will—He will kill her children, the denominations, her daughters, with spiritual death. Now, that’s Revelation 2:22. Don’t forget it. To kill, is to put to death. And death is “Eternal separation from the Presence of God.” Think of that, friends. Think of that. Don’t you trust in any man-made creeds. Anything that’s contrary to the Word, you keep away from it.
E-273 Now watch, watch in the Bible here. It said his name was Hell, and…I mean:
…his name was Death, and hell followed after him.
E-274 Now, hell always follows death, in the natural. When the natural man dies, hell follows him; that’s the grave, hades, see, that in the natural. But in the spiritual, it’s the Lake of Fire, see, all right, into Eternal separation, where they’re burnt up.
E-275 And—and Malachi 4 said, “Don’t even leave them stubble, or branch, or nothing else.” It’s the way the world has of purifying itself again, for the Millennium. See?
E-276 Have you noticed, the rider is a “he”? And “he” had in “his” hand; “man,” false prophet. But his bride is called the church, “she,” Jezebel. Ahab; Jezebel. Why, it’s just as perfect as anything. See? See?
E-277 Daughters is “she,” also, but never receive one man headship; Protestants, to that, but still harlot in principle, of their doctrine, denomination, systems. That’s just…That’s what it says.
E-278 Notice. What is this all coming to? Now, we just got about twelve, fourteen minutes here, I guess. Look what this is all coming to. What is it? It’s going right back the way it did, and started in Heaven. It’s coming to the end-time battle.
E-279 The first thing, in Heaven, was a battle. Lucifer was kicked out, and come to the earth. Then he polluted Eden; then he’s been polluting ever since. And now, from the battle in Heaven, it’s coming to the battle on earth; and it is to be finished at, on earth, at the end time, in a battle called Armageddon. Now, anyone knows that. The battle started in Heaven, holy, and so they kicked him out. Michael and His Angels overthrowed him, was run out. And when they did, dropped right down to Eden, and here started the battle down here. Met…
E-280 God had His children all fortified up by His Word. And Eve stuck her neck out, said, “I believe you’re right, maybe.” And there it went. And it’s been, ever since. Then God come down, and now He’s got to…He come down to redeem those who would come down.
E-281 As I said, God is like a big contractor. He lays out all His material on the earth, and then He builds His buildings. Now remember, before there was a grain of—of seed on the earth, before there was a sun that ever struck the earth, your body was laying on the earth, ’cause you are the dust of the earth. See? You are. God is the contractor.
E-282 Now, the way He was going to do it, was reach down and get (like He did Adam) a little bunch of calcium, potash, and cosmic light, and, “Whew!” Say, “There is My other son.” See? Then He’d bring up some more, and, “Whew!” “There’s another one.”
E-283 But what did Eve do? She corrupted that way. And she brought it through a sexual act, then death struck it.
E-284 Now what is God doing? He’s got so many of those seeds down through there, that’s predestinated; so much, the predestinated. And then, at the end time, He won’t say, “Eve, come bear another child.” He’ll (“Whew!”) call, and I’ll answer. That’s all. That’s it. That’s the idea. When that last one is brought in, that settles it.
E-285 Now, the battle started in Heaven. It’ll be finished on earth, in the form of Armageddon.
E-286 Now let’s watch and see it unfold. And maybe we can unfold it. The Lord help us right now to do this now. Watch it unfold.
E-287 The mysterious rider, watch what he does now; “opposed,” refused to repent and to go back to the original Blood Word. The Word became Blood and flesh. See? He refused to go back to It. Is antichrist! The true Word Bride, is opp-…he is opposed to the true Word Bride. Takes his own bride! He opposes this true Bride, too. And he takes his own bride, and brings her to him, in a form of religion called creeds and dogmas. See? And now, seeing the holy Bride, he is against Her. But he forms his own bride, called antichrist, by an antichrist teaching, which is contrary to Christ. See how shrewd he is? And now, instead of having a unity of love, controlling, worship under Blood, he has got a denomination. Instead of having the Word, he took creeds, dogmas, and so forth.
E-288 Like, and the Protestant says, “The Apostles’ Creed.” I want you to find a word of it in the Bible. Apostle, there ain’t no Apostles’ Creed in the Bible.
E-289 As I said here, now, not long ago, or somewhere. If the apostles had a creed, it’s Acts 2:38. Just exactly all I know he ever had. That’s what they called everybody to do. When he found one of them that looked like they were Christians, he said, “Have you received the Holy Ghost since you believed?”
Said, “We know not whether there be…”
Said, “Then how was you baptized?”
E-290 Now, being baptized in the Jesus Name, or in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ, rather, that, that’s all right, but that’s not all of it yet. No, sir. You could be baptized fifty times, like that, and don’t do a bit of good until that heart is changed by the Holy Spirit. It all has to go together. Notice, it’s—it’s Christ!
E-291 The antichrist refuses the true Bride Doctrine, and therefore he takes his own bride now and builds her up, under a creed of his own. Takes his own bride and makes her a denomination! She gives birth to other denominations, as quoted in this Holy Scriptures; gives birth to daughters. And she don’t…She becomes just like her mother, natural, worldly, denominational; opposing the spiritual Bride, the Word.
E-292 They don’t say they don’t belong to church. You talk to a denominational person. “Sure, I belong to church.” Are you a Christian? “I belong to church!” That don’t have one thing to do with It! They say…You don’t belong to Chur-…You, you might belong to what’s called a church, see, belong to a church. That’s not a Church. Them is not Churches. Them is lodges where people get together, and people like, “birds of a feather.”
E-293 But you’re only one Church, and that’s the mystical Body of Christ. And you don’t join That. You’re born in It.
E-294 As I’ve always said, I’ve been with the Branham family fifty-three years, and never did join it. I was born in it. See?
E-295 Now notice. It’s just typed beautifully. I—I got a…the Scripture wrote down here, but I…we ain’t got time to get to it; as Esau and Jacob.
E-296 Now, Esau was a religious man. He didn’t claim to be an unbeliever. He believed in the same God Jacob did, same God his daddy did. But he was just a shyster, or excuse the expression, just…He was just no good. He—He was, now, as far as being morally, he was really a—a better moral-acting man than Jacob was. But, you see, he didn’t think… “Oh, what’s that birthright got to do with It?” And he sold his birthright to Jacob. See?
E-297 But, Jacob, he didn’t have big things, and like Esau did. He didn’t have the inheritance he did. But there was one thing Jacob wanted, was that birthright. He didn’t care how he had to get it; he was going to get it. And God had respect to him.
E-298 And, then, that’s the same thing today, with the natural man, carnal mind, worldly-minded. “Well, I belong to the state church. I belong to this church. I belong to that.” That don’t have one thing to do with It, not a thing.
E-299 Watch, gathers them now on his mixed-colored horse. He is gathering them together, on his mixed-colored horse, ’cause he’s got political power.
E-300 You don’t believe he has? How did this President get in just now? How did that ever slip up? Uh-huh! Come over here for freedom of religion; and you bunch of democrats that would sell your birthrights out to politics! I ain’t got…Democrat party is all right; they’re both rotten. I’m talking about Christianity. But you sell your birthrights, on a democrat ticket, to put something like that in. Shame on you!
E-301 Don’t you realize that this nation, exactly, is in the pattern of Israel? What did Israel do? She come over to a strange land, and took the occupants out and killed them off, and went in and possessed the land. That’s what we did; the Indians. That’s the only true American there is, is our Indian friends.
E-302 And then what did they do? Israel had a few great men. First thing you know…They had David, and they had Solomon. They had great men. And finally they got a renegade up there, Ahab, that married a Jezebel, an unbeliever.
E-303 Well, that’s the same thing we did. We had a Washington and a Lincoln, but look what we got now. And the very thing of it, is, he is married, and soused down and dyed-in-the-wool to Jezebel. He might be a pretty good sort of a fellow, but she is going to run the business. And you see it right now, the whole family is coming in.
E-304 What did the Holy Spirit tell me, about thirty-five years ago? And all you old-timers know it, of seven things that would happen before the end. And this is the last, next to the last thing, coming up. Everything else hit just exactly on the dot, to the wars and everything else. See? And now she is right in the hands, a woman, to rule the nation. Jezebel! See?
E-305 But, remember, in the days of Jezebel, someone really told them their colors. See?
E-306 The gathering, on their mixed-colored horse. And, see, he is gathering this thing together, mixed with creeds, denomination, man-made doctrines. Is that right? [Congregation says, “Amen.”—Ed.] Sure, a mixed color, the mixed color of the dead, pale horse of the world! Now, that’s right. Mixed colors of the dead, worldly form of the pale horse, oh, my, no holy Blood of the Word, at all !
E-307 And watch. From corner… “From the four corners of the earth, they gather them; gathers them to Armageddon,” the Bible said. I’m trying to think of the Scriptures, as I got them wrote down here. I ain’t calling them; but just where they’re written down, see what they are. “Gathers them together, to the great day of the battle of the Lord God.” Watch. Now, on this mixed-colored, worldly, pale, sick horse, just think of it; you know, that’s a bad thing. Now watch where he gathers them, “From the four corners of the earth.” They are gathering now for the showdown. The showdown will be at “Armageddon,” according to the Word. See?
E-308 On the pale horse, riding on it, with a “Death” tacked… with the name tacked on him, “Death,” the antichrist! Listen. Antichrist, first denomination (that can’t be disputed); with his Jezebel, a prostitute to the Word; with her daughters, with her, Protestants; gathering themselves together now in unity!
E-309 Did you hear the Baptist people speak the other day over here, you know? Huh? “Oh, we won’t join up with them, but we’ll—we’ll be friendly and kind of click with them. We won’t have to join their church, but…” There you are. There you are, just exactly what the Word said. See? See? Old harlot, in the first place, see.
E-310 Now here they are, joining themselves together, coming to that showdown, to Armageddon, and riding on a mixed-colored horse; with one horse of white, one horse of red, one horse of black. The three, different: political—political power, spiritual power, controlled by demon power, which is the antichrist. Mixing that all together, and you got a pale, sickly-looking thing he is riding on. Right. Now notice. Look what he is riding on, this pale-looking, grizzled-colored horse, mixed with black, red, and white; coming to the battle, gathering his subjects from every nation under Heaven! Did not Daniel interpret the dream, and seen that streak of iron run into every kingdom, of Rome? Here they come, gathering.
Now sit still for the close, just a minute, and listen close.
E-311 They are gathering in now to do it, bringing his subjects from the four corner of the earth; riding a pale, sickly, three-colored, mixed horse. Same man!
E-312 Now, in Revelation 19, not only is he getting ready, but Christ is getting ready to meet him. The battle is going to be hot and heavy. Christ, in Revelation 19. Christ is gathered His, not from the four corners of the earth, because there’s going to be a little bitty remnant. What’s He doing? He is gathering them from the four corners of Heaven. We’ll get them, “souls under the altar,” tomorrow night, and you’ll see whether it’s right, or not. Four corners of Heaven; on a snow-white horse!
E-313 He also has a Name, not death, but, “The Word of God,” Life. Amen. Got wrote right on His thigh here, “The Word of God.” That’s the only Life, because God is the only source of Eternal Life there is. Zoe! That right? [Congregation says, “Amen.”—Ed.]
E-314 And He has got wrote, “Life,” riding on a white horse; and here is a man with three different powers mixed up, called “Death.” Gathering his earthbound delegates; and Christ is gathering His Heaven-born subjects, saints. He has got “Death” wrote on him; Christ got “Life” wrote on Him.
E-315 Those with Him are on white horses, also, and they are called, “The chosen before the foundation of the world.” Amen! And they are faithful to the Word. Amen! Whew! I like that one. “Called, chosen, before the foundation of the world.” And then, faithful to the Word, by their choosing, all stimulated with new wine and Oil, just riding right along, coming down to meet him. They know the Thunders will issue the thing for us, pretty soon. See?
E-316 Watch. How does he do? So, if He is the Word, and His Name is the Word, then the Word is Life. The antichrist; anything anti is “against,” so anti is “against” the Christ, the Word. So, it’s got to be a creed, or a denomination, which is against the Word.
E-317 Why, I don’t see how you going to miss it. If you—you understand it, how could you miss it? I don’t know how you’re going to.
E-318 And that’s true. Anti is “against.” Isn’t that right? “Take away from.” That’s what he was. He’s riding his mixed-up horse. We seen it right here in the Word of God.
E-319 We seen it right there in the seven church ages. Here He brings it right back in the Seals, open up and showing them things that went on, under the church ages.
E-320 Anti is “against” the Word. See why, creeds, why we’re so against the creeds and denominations? Because they’re against the Word. See?
E-321 Here we see Life and death coming to the final struggle. The white horse, of true Life; the pale-horse, of mixed creed. They see the thing coming to the—to the real showdown.
E-322 Now I want to say something here. You might not believe this. But I looked it up, to be sure. There is only one original color, and that’s white. How many knows that? There is only one original color. Anything else, is mixed.
E-323 Christ is on a solid-white, unadulterated Word, from the beginning. Amen! Amen! Every color would be white if some chemistry hadn’t broke into it. Amen! Glory! Every church would be standing on the apostolic Doctrine of the Word of God, and God confirming It, if he didn’t have creeds or denominations mixed into It. There you are.
Oh, Brother Evans, I feel good right now! Yes, sir. Yes, sir.
E-324 Only one original color, that’s white. It never—it never mixed with denominations or creeds. No, sir.
E-325 And, remember, His saints are clothed in white robes, not mixed with denomination and creeds. Now we find out, the denomination creeds, here is where you get your mixed color. But this is the original color He is riding. The original color is on His people. And they’ve been dipped in Blood, that cleansed that garment, and sent it right back yonder. See? That’s right.
Those that mixed, turned pale and go to death.
E-326 It is a perverting, a perversion, to mix colors with white; you pervert the original color. That right? If the original color, only color, is white, and you mix something with it, you pervert its real cause. Amen. Is that right?
E-327 And, when, if He is the white horse, and He is the Word; then, to mix anything with That, any kind of a creed, add one word to It, take one Word away from It, is to pervert the whole thing. Oh, my! Keep me with the Word, Lord!
E-328 Truth and error! Oh, my! No matter how good that it’s… Truth and error cannot mix. It cannot mix. It’s either the THUS SAITH THE LORD or it’s wrong. No matter what holy father said it, Saint Bonifer, or—or the archbishop of Canterbury; I don’t know who said it. If it’s contrary to the Word, it’s perversion. It won’t mix. Say, “Why, this fellow done…” I don’t care what he done, how much holy he is, or anything like that. This is the only direct Truth that we have. No church, no creed, has no Truth, if it’s outside of This.
E-329 And show me one that’s got It. Just, I want you to tell me. I’ll turn a page in the Bible, and show you something. See? Just call the one. You say, “Pentecostal.” Oh, my! I just caught that thought from somebody there. That’s the reason I said that. Better leave it alone, right now, ’cause I seen that started a sore spot right there. I didn’t—didn’t want to hurt you, but I—I just wanted you to know I know what you was thinking about. See?
E-330 Those that mixed, turned (the anti) to death. They turns the death color, when you mix any kind of anything with the original.
E-331 It is like Christ said about the mustard seed. Yet, it’s the smallest of all seeds, but it won’t mix with nothing. Mustard won’t mix. He’s genuine mustard. So if you just got that much of faith, just hold to it.
E-332 Notice. Life followed, rider on white horse, Who was the Word, Life, vindicated by His resurrected saints that He had with Him. Now how is the battle going to go?
E-333 Jesus said, “He that believeth in Me, though he were dead, yet shall he live.” He said, “If you believe in Me, though you—you were dead, yet shall you live. And whosoever liveth and believeth in Me shall never die.” Again, He said, “He that believes in Me…He’ll will give him Eternal Life, rise him up at the last days.” That’s His promised Scripture.
E-334 Here comes Satan, with all four corners of the earth, with his Protestants and with his—his Catholics, and all together, marching right up to the Battle of Armageddon. All right.
E-335 And here comes Jesus, coming down from Heaven, with resurrected saints, vindicated Word.
E-336 I said, if God speaks, or sends you, He’s…He—He backs up what you say. See? Notice, if you’re an ambassador from Heaven, all Heaven is behind you. And Heaven is consisted of the Word. Uh-huh.
E-337 Notice, now, He’s come with resurrected saints, vindicating that His Word is true.
E-338 So Satan knows, then, the bottomless pits is ready for him. See? Oh, my! While, death rode the pale-horse, mixed creed and denominations, and followed him, oh, my, to Eternal separation from God. That’s where he rode them to, to Eternal separation.
Christ rode His Church right into Glory, in the resurrection.
E-339 Notice verse 8 now, just right…the last part of verse 8, while we’re closing, see.
…power was given unto them…
E-340 Who is “them”? See? All right. Antichrist, called “Death.” “Hell followed.” Watch his four-point scheme.
E-341 Antichrist, white horse; kills by spirit, being antichrist; spiritual kill.
E-342 Number two, red horse; kills by sword; political power, when church and state united.
E-343 Black horse; souls, when he give out his doctrine, and she did there with her fornications. And he weighed out their food, by a…sold their…what they give for food, for a balance, and the pennies, and so forth.
E-344 Fourth, a pale horse; Eternal separation from God. Again, four, see. Oh, my!
Praise be to God!
E-345 Now, last, here in closing. To those…Have you got…I’m past time, but will you give me about ten more minutes? [Congregation says, “Amen.”—Ed.] I got so many calls, today, about—about me speaking here.
E-346 There had been so much fanaticism start out, about Elijah, till that’s just…It’s—it’s hammered to death. And you can…Well, just let…Just may God help me to help you to see what I’m looking at. Will you? Let’s just try to, see.
E-347 Now here is, in closing, to those who don’t believe that the last messenger to the church age is Elijah the prophet, a man anointed in that line.
E-348 After death…Watch. After death, of this last church age…Now, you notice what happened, see. After death, their dead bodies are destroyed by wild beasts. You know that. Now, that’s true. Like theirs, had the type of Jezebel.
E-349 Now turn to Revelation 2:18 and 20. I believe we got that just a few minutes ago. Didn’t we? Yeah, I believe we just got that. I had it wrote down here for some…Yes. The time of moral decay, that’s what it was. See how it was, how Jezebel had come in. Now, Jezebel is the churches, this modern church; not Bride, now. Jezebel, in the Old Testament, is a type of the church today, according to the Word of God, of Revelation 2:18, 20.
…thou sufferest that woman Jezebel, who called herself a prophetess,…
E-350 See? Is that right? [Congregation says, “Amen.”—Ed.] Now, it’s typed perfectly to Jezebel. Now, the first…
E-351 We could just give you Scripture after Scripture, see, that the last age is a prophetic Message to the Church, calling them back to the original Word. Now notice. Is that right? [Congregation says, “Amen.”—Ed.] Malachi 4 said so, and others, Revelation 10:7, and on down. See? Jesus Himself predicted it, down, down, down. “As it was in the days of Lot,” and so forth like that, and on down. It just keeps coming on down.
E-352 Jezebel is the type of the modern church today ’cause Catholic and Protestant are joined together now. There—there is no getting around it. They’re both denominations, so it’s just—it’s just mother and sister, that’s all. They fuss and argue with one another, but they’re the same thing, both harlots. Now, I’m not saying that myself. I’m quoting from THUS SAITH THE LORD. See? All right.
E-353 Now we notice, killed by a command of God, was Jezebel, was killed because God had Jehu to go down there and have her throwed out of the window, and kill Jezebel. And the dogs eat her flesh, (is that right?) literal Jezebel. [Congregation says, “Amen.”—Ed.] Ahab, her king, head; dogs licked his blood, as the first Elijah predicted. See where we’re going, don’t you?
E-354 Why? The first Elijah was a rejected man, by the churches. And Jezebel and Ahab was the head of them churches, church and state, all together. And Elisha revealed Ahab’s sins to him, and commanded the whole church to turn back to the true Word.
E-355 If that ain’t exactly what the second Elijah is supposed to do when he comes to this church in this day, “restore back the original Faith”! I don’t see how you’re going to squeeze away from It. That’s right. Turn back to the true Word! That’s right.
E-356 Now if you want to see their bodies, let’s turn over here to Revelation 19, after—after the Word slays them. Now, the Word is going to kill them. You know that. All right. Now you just watch and see what happens when Christ’s Coming, in Revelation 19, beginning with the 17th verse.
And I saw an angel standing in the sun;…
E-357 Now, that’s right after, look above here, “And His vesture was dipped with blood. And He is called KING OF KING, AND LORD OF LORD.” In the 13th verse, “He is called the Word of God.” See? Now, here He is, “KING OF KING, AND LORD OF LORDS.”
And I saw an angel…
E-358 Now watch. He goes forth.
And out of his mouth goeth a sharp sword, that with it he should smite the nations:…
E-359 “Out of His mouth,” like from God’s mouth to Moses’ mouth. See?
…and he shall rule them with a rod of iron: and… tread the winepress—press of the fierceness and the wrath of Almighty God.
And he has on his vesture a name…on his thigh a name written, KING OF KING, AND LORD OF LORDS.
And I saw an angel…
E-360 Now watch. Now He comes forth, smiting. Who is He smiting? Jezebel and her Ahab, false prophet.
And I saw an angel standing in the sun; and he cried with a loud voice, saying to all the fowls of the air in the midst of heaven, Come and gather yourselves together to the supper of the great God;
E-361 He feeds them to the beasts and birds. Now watch over here in the other chapter here, of the Book of Revelation. And, just a minute, “Kill with a sword, and death, and beasts of the earth.” See? The Jezebel church, her (actually) body, is to be eaten by fowls and beasts of the earth. Just exactly like Ahab and Jezebel was, in the natural, so are they to be, in the spiritual form, a church. Do you see what I mean? [Congregation says, “Amen.”—Ed.] All right.
E-362 Elijah’s…Oh! Elijah was the prophet in the days of Ahab and Jezebel, natural. And he is promised to do the same thing, according to THUS SAITH THE LORD, in the Word, to the Jezebel, spiritual; his Spirit-form of ministry.
E-363 Watch. Elijah, though, in his day, properly and profoundly vindicated, could not turn them back to the Word. Is that right? Though, Elijah tried, with everything. He did everything. He—he showed them signs and wonders; and they laughed in his face. Same thing they’ll do with the spiritual here, see. He could not turn them back to the Word. Out of the millions…
E-364 Now listen, church, close now, you that’s a little bit confused on this.
E-365 Out of the millions in the world, in the days of Elijah, when Jezebel and Ahab was reigning, in—in type of the antitype today; out of the whole world, there was only seven hundred saved, of Elijah’s preaching. Is that right? That’s exactly.
E-366 Look, Elijah never knew even one of them was that way. He thought he was the only one saved, until God opened one of the Seals and showed him the mystery in the Book, that He had seven hundred that never bowed down to them creeds that they had. When God opened His Book to Elijah, said, “Now wait a minute, son. I got seven hundred that’s tucked around, out there, has got their names on the Book since the foundation of the world. They’re Mine.” Whew! God opened the Seals.
E-367 That’s the reason I think John was doing a lot of shouting the other night. He must have seen his name on There, you see. See?
One day God opened…
E-368 Elisha, he had preached. He had done everything, and—and—and preached his heart out. He done everything he could, and still they just “hawed” him, called him everything, and said, “You’re the cause of all of this. You’re a spiritualist. You’re the one who makes all this trouble to come. You are guilty,” and everything like that. He said everything to him. Jezebel threatened to cut his head off, and everything else. That’s right. Everybody was against him.
E-369 And then he said, “Lord, after I’ve done that, all You told me to do! I’ve stayed exactly with Your Word. When You told me anything, I was fearless. I walked right into the king’s face, and everything else, and told them, ‘THUS SAITH THE LORD.’ And You haven’t told me a thing, and I have not told them one thing, but what happened. And now here am I, the only one left, out of the whole bunch. I’m the only one left, and they’re trying to kill me.”
E-370 God said, “I’m going to open up one of the Seals and show you something.” He said, “You know, I got seven hundred back there, that ain’t never bowed a knee to…joined any of them creeds yet, denominations. There is seven hundred of them ready for the Rapture, see.” Oh! Oh! He said to His prophet, who He reveals His Word to, see, through the Scripture. “I have seven hundred prepared names yet, out of this generation; seven hundred of them. They have not bowed their knees to any” (if I’d say it in this day) “religious organizations, and come creeded up, in them.”
E-371 You see what I mean? Then, it simply has to be. It’s just got to be. And it’s according to the Word. When the man arrives on the scene, he’ll be a prophet. Just as certain as I’m standing in this pulpit. See? And he’ll stay right with that Word. He will not take down for nobody’s creed or nothing else. That’s right. He’ll be a woodsman type of a fellow, like Elisha was, he…and like John came. He’ll—he’ll hate women, (boy!) immoral women! Whew! Boy, he’ll wade in on them! Elijah did, and so did John. See? See? And he’ll be right straight with that Word. He’ll be—be against organizations. Organization? “Think not to say within yourselves, ‘We have Abraham to our father,’ for I say God is able of these stones to rise children to Abraham.” See? Sure did.
E-372 Now, there you are, friends. Here is the Fourth Seal, opened. And the riders of the four horses is revealed, to the best of my knowledge. Now, this is all that took place on earth.
E-373 Next Seal, we see, is in Heaven, where souls are under the altar.
E-374 Now, just in closing, I want to say these couple…just a few words, right here, I got wrote down. We have skipped about, on these four Seals, first four Seals.
E-375 Now, tomorrow night, we—we change the scene, from the earth things going on. He looks up here and sees the souls under the altar, the sacrificed, altar.
The next night, the judgment strikes.
E-376 And the fourth night, or the last night, Sunday night, I don’t know what. I don’t know what these others mean. I just read them, as you did. But, “There was silence for a half hour,” but there’s something took place. I’m expecting Him to reveal It. He’ll do it. I’m satisfied He will.
E-377 We had to go, of different places of the Scripture, to Revelation 19, to show the Coming of Christ will slay the antichrist. That’s the reason I had to leave these, just take them two verses. I had to go to different parts of the Scriptures, to prove these things. So that’s the reason I went to Revelation 19, to show the end of antichrist, will be the slaying; of Christ, when He comes, He will slay the antichrist.
E-378 To Revelation 10, to show that the seventh angel’s Message will be a person, in this last days, anointed of God for a ministry just like Elijah the prophet has, as is predicted in Malachi 4, to reveal the true Word of (original) God in this generation, the original Word of God in this generation. Like he did to the natural Jezebel, so will this man do it to spiritual Jezebel, the denominational churches. I had to go to the 7th chapter…the 10th chapter, 1 to 7 verses, to prove that it was right. And over to Malachi, and Amos, and so forth, to prove that.
E-379 Elijah was a prophet that prophesied and condemned Jezebel, in that particular generation.
E-380 And Elijah never died. He certainly didn’t. He appeared again, some eight hundred years later, by the side of Jesus Christ, on Mount Transfiguration. He isn’t dead.
E-381 Now, we find out that his Spirit is to anoint a man, according to the promise of God, in the last days; promised to do the same in spirit Jezebel, as it did in natural Jezebel, in the last age.
E-382 That’s why I—I went to so much of the Bible, to prove it, so it won’t be left a question in your mind. If there is, you let me know. Well, write me a letter or a little note.
E-383 And it so perfectly blends, even to the beasts destroying their natural bodies in the last day, consuming them as they did then.
E-384 To the best of my revelation, that was give to me by God and foretold that it would be done, this is the Truth of the four horse riders, to the best that I know.
E-385 What do you think about Jesus? [Congregation rejoices—Ed.]
I love Him, I love Him
Because He first loved me
And purchased my salvation
On Calvary’s tree.
E-386 Now remember, with no…(That’s it; go ahead; that’s good.) With no bad feelings towards any people in any organization! Cause, God has got children in the Catholic system. He has got children in the Methodist system. He has got children in the Baptist system. How many of those, all them different systems, is represented here tonight, that come out of it when you seen Light? Let’s see your hands. [Congregation says, “Amen.”—Ed.] Now, remember, there is people out there just like you. But it’s the system that kills, see. It’s the antichrist spirit that finally gets them to a place till they won’t hear no Truth.
E-387 And remember the other night, when I went through the sealing? If a man heard the jubilee call, and he refused to go free, he was taken to the post and an awl marked his ear. Ear is where you hear. “And faith cometh by hearing.” Then if he hears It, and refuse to accept his freedom, then he’s…has to serve his denominational master the rest of his life. Amen.
E-388 Oh! Oh, my! Isn’t He wonderful? [Congregation says, “Amen.”—Ed.]
I love Him, I…
Let’s just raise our hands now and worship Him.
Because He first loved me (Glory!)
And purchased my salvation
On Calvary’s tree.
E-389 [Brother Branham begins humming I Love Him—Ed.] Now just bow your head, and let’s worship Him now as we hum it. [Brother Branham continues humming I Love Him.]
E-390 Lord, how thankful we are! I’m so glad, Lord, so happy for You and Your people. O Lord, You purchased our salvation on Calvary. We gladly accept it, Lord.
E-391 Now try us, Lord, by Your Spirit. And if there be any evil among us, Lord, any unbelief of the Word, any persons here, Father, that would not punctuate every promise of God with an “amen”; may the Holy Spirit come down now, the white-horse Rider, while His Spirit, Spirit of Christ, in the face of antichrist, and call His Own. Call them out, Lord.
E-392 May now they repent, come quickly to You and be filled with the Oil and the wine; and be changed from that denominational robe of Cain’s death, unto a snow-white robe of Eternal Life, given out by the Bridegroom. And then they’ll go to the Wedding Supper someday, in the vindicated Word of the resurrection. Grant it, Lord. Search the hearts, while the people wait on You. Through Jesus’ Name!
[Brother Branham begins humming I Love Him—Ed.]
E-393 Now, just search your heart, my brother, my sister, my friend. I’ve been with you a long time. This is about thirty-three years. Have I ever told you anything in the Name of the Lord but what come to pass? [Congregation says, “No.”—Ed.] Search Christ now while you have a chance to. It may come pretty soon where you can’t do it. See? He may leave the seat, anytime, of His intercession; then you could cry with all your heart, you could stomp, you could speak in tongues, you could run up-and-down the floor, you could do anything you wanted to, and join every church in the world, there is nothing, no more bleach for your—your sin. Then what do you, where are you then?
E-394 Well, I believe, with all my heart, the seat is still open. I believe He is still on the Throne of God. But soon He’s going to rise now, and come forth, to claim what He has redeemed. He is doing the work of Kinsman Redeemer, while Ruth is waiting.
E-395 But soon, you know, after Boaz done the kinsman work, then he come and claimed his possession. And that’s exactly what the Bible said He done, “He come forth and took the Book.” Then intercession is over; He is off the Throne; there is no more Blood on the Mercy Seat. And then what is it? Judgment Seat.
E-396 Don’t let it be said, some of these days, “I thought the Rapture was supposed to come.” And hear the Voice say, back, “It’s in the past.” God help you!
Now let’s bow our heads.
E-397 Brother Neville, come, for dismissing or whatever you have to do. God bless you, till tomorrow night.
E-2 Our Gracious and Heavenly Father, we are approaching Thee again tonight, now, in the Name of the Lord Jesus, to give Thee thanks for another day. And we are asking now for Your blessings on the service tonight. Let the Holy Spirit come and give us the interpretation of these things that we’re so diligently seeking. O God, may it be so precious that we can all fellowship around the Word in such a way, that, when we leave, we’ll be able to say, “Did not our hearts burn within us as He talked to us along the way?” We thank You for what He has been to us, and trusting that He will remain with us as we journey on, for we ask it in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
E-3 So happy to be back in the house of the Lord, tonight, in the service again! And we are glad. I’m so happy that…
E-4 Just thought this One wouldn’t come, but It finally did. And so I’m so thankful, that being the last of those four horse riders, which I think is one of the main Messages to the Church at this time.
E-5 I don’t know what the other One is. I’m just taking it day by day, just as He reveals It. I’m trying to—to give It, by…as He gives It to me.
E-6 Are you enjoying the—the blessing? [Congregation says, “Amen.”—Ed.] Have you noticed how It just, in collaboration with them church ages, just how It just exactly fits in just perfectly with them? That’s how it…To me, it shows that it’s—it’s the same Holy Spirit that give the church ages, same Holy Spirit then giving This, you see, ’cause it’s blended together; all one big act of God, showing Himself in different ways.
E-7 You notice, when He showed Himself to Daniel, in the visions, there would be a representation of one thing, like a—a goat in this place, or maybe a tree; and the next place it would be a statue. And—and—and things He did, making it, same thing all the time, just be sure that we don’t miss it.
E-8 Now, I was certainly thrilled just a few moments ago, I talking to a little lady sitting here, about eighty-five years old. And she…
E-9 Not long, just before I left to go out west, why, there was a—a little girl up in Ohio, that was, I think so, that was dying with the last stage of leukemia. Now, leukemia is cancer in the blood stream. And, oh, the little thing was, you know, such an awful condition, that there was no more hope for her at all. They were feeding her by the veins, the operation. And so they was a real poor family. And they…
E-10 Mrs. Kidd, here, and Brother Kidd, they told them about the Lord answering prayer so much. And they got together, I think, and hired someone, and brought the little girl down. And she was very pretty little girl, about, oh, six, seven years old. [A sister says, “Nine years.”—Ed.] Nine years. And—and she was back there in the room. And the…
E-11 And when we went before the Lord, the Holy Spirit gave a word to her. And they have to take her, and have to take her and feed her, you know, that way. And when she left, she was crying for a hamburger, and, so, taking her food by mouth. And they gave her the hamburger, and just went ahead feeding her natural.
E-12 In a short time, a few days, they taken her back to the doctor. And they…The doctor just simply couldn’t understand. He said, “Like it wasn’t, even wasn’t the same girl.” He said, “Why, there—there is not even one trace of leukemia about it, nowhere, nowhere at all.” So, and, she was dying. They had done give her up; just feeding her through her veins. She had done turned yellow. You know how they get. And so they…And now she is at school, playing with the other children, just as happy as can be.
E-13 Reminds me of another case of that. One day, I just come home, there was a…If I’m not mistaken, they were either Episcopalians or Presbyterian people, that had brought a little girl from Kansas. And the doctors had give her up, with leukemia. And they gave her, I believe, four days to live; she had gotten so bad. So they said they just spend those four days coming over here, through the snowdrifts and things, across the country, to have her prayed for. And the grandfather, a very fine-looking, elderly man, was gray-haired.
E-14 And they had had her, already, two days, down here in a little motel. I—I guess it isn’t standing there now, this side of Silver Creek. And so I went down that night to pray for her. It was early in the morning. I come in that night, from out of town, and went down. And the elderly father…grandfather was walking in the floor. And, the mother, trying to take care of the child.
E-15 And while I knelt to pray, the Holy Spirit revealed to me a secret that was between the—the mother and the father, of something they done. I called them to side and asked them about it. They started crying, said, “That’s right.”
E-16 Then I looked back, and I seen the little girl skipping a rope, going, playing. And now the little child…In about three weeks time, they sent me the picture of the little girl, back in school, skipping a rope, and had no leukemia, at all.
E-17 Now, now, those testimonies are absolutely bona fide truth, see. So, our God is so real, you see. We just serve Him and—and believe Him. And—and I—I know He is real.
E-18 Now, I’m trying my best now, and while something, inner, in among us, is working Its way through. And now we’re going to try, tonight, by the grace of God, to take this Fourth Seal, and see what the Holy Spirit will have to say to us, in It.
E-19 Now I’m going to read the—the Revelation, the 6th chapter, and beginning with the 7th verse; 7th and 8th. There’s always two verses; the first is the announcement, and the second verse is what he saw.
And when he had opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth—fourth beast say, Come and see.
And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him (that sat) was Death, and Hell followed… him. And power was given unto them over the four parts of the earth, to kill with the sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with…beasts of the earth.
E-20 Now, the Lord help us now to understand This. It’s a mystery.
E-21 Now, just a little preview, to back up, as we did the church ages, these riders and these breaking of these Seals. Now, so we just get it in our mind, talk a little until we feel that it’s appropriate time to speak.
E-22 Now, we have noticed now, that, the breaking of the Seals, it’s the sealed Book of Redemption. And then the Book is rolled up like a scroll, just like the old way was.
E-23 [Brother Branham illustrates the rolling and sealing of a scroll, by using sheets of paper—Ed.] It wasn’t a book of this type; ’cause this is just recently come in, these kind of books, in the last, oh, I guess a hundred and fifty years, or something, two hundred. And then they would roll it up, then leave the end loose. As I told you how it was done, and Scriptures, where to find it, and in Jeremiah, and so forth. Then the next was rolled around, then the end left loose, and it like that.
E-24 And each one was a Seal. And it was a seven-sealed Book, and it was a…No one…When they was…It was the seven-sealed Book of Redemption. Pardon me.
E-25 And, then, no one in Heaven or in earth, or beneath the earth, was worthy to open It or even to look upon It. And John wept, because he could find no man…Because, if that Book was not taken out of the hand of the original Owner…Where, It had been lost by Adam and Eve, and went back, after they forfeited their rights of the Word, the promises, their inheritance.
E-26 They, remember, they control the earth. He was a—he was an amateur god, for he was a son of God. And a son of God is a—a—an amateur god. Now, that ain’t contrary to the Scripture. I know that sounds strange.
E-27 But Jesus said, “If you call them, who the Word of God came to…” And what does the Word of God come to? [Congregation says, “Prophets.”—Ed.] The prophets. “If you call them, who the Word of God come to, ‘gods,’ how can you condemn Me when I say I’m the Son of God?” See?
And, now, they were gods.
E-28 And man, if you become born in the family of your family name, you are a son, and part of your father.
E-29 And then—then when sin came in, we found out the man crossed the chasm. And—and the blood of bulls and goats, covered, but did not remit. Until, the real Bleach came, that could take the stain of sin and break it completely to pieces, and send it back upon its original perverter, that was Satan.
E-30 When it got back to Satan, he waits his time of Eternal annihilation. Now, that shows what we believe. We believe that he will absolutely be done completely away and annihilated.
E-31 I believe that sin will be broke up. And when it’s confessed, upon the basis of the Blood of Jesus Christ, it’s like dropping a drop of black ink in a bunch of Clorox bleach. It just breaks it into the chemicals, and sends it plumb back to where it come from. See? And that’s the way the Blood of Jesus Christ does.
E-32 Then, that sets a man across the chasm again, as a son of God. See? And then he—then he becomes a—a…Why, even he…The creative power of God is in him. And, at least, whenever God can command it to be done, it’ll be done. And we get back. That when the—the…
E-33 Moses, under the blood of bulls; and when he met that Light, the Pillar of Fire in that burning bush. And he stood, down there, on a commission God had give him. And he was a prophet. And when the Word of the Lord came to him, he spoke, and even things created by the Word. See?
E-34 Now, if it’ll do that under that, the blood of bulls, what about the Blood of Jesus? Not covered; but remitted it, altogether. And you stand in the Presence of God, as a redeemed son. Now, see, the Church is far beyond its standard of living. And I think, too many times, we are progging instead of really coming out and facing the issue.
I got something I want to say, and I—I will at the time.
E-35 And now notice that there is something wrong somewhere in the churches. And I think it’s the denominational systems that’s twisted the people’s minds, and so forth, until they don’t know how to do it. That’s right.
E-36 But we’re promised that It would be revealed. And now there is Seven Seals that this Book is sealed with. And those Seven Seals now…
E-37 And then after these Seven Seals are completed, we find, in Revelation 10, there was seven mysterious Thunders that John was commissioned to write, but then forbidden to write those. And at the time of those Thunders, we find Christ, or, “The Angel come down with a rainbow, and put His feet on the land and sea, and swore that time had run out, at that time.”
E-38 And then we find—find out, that in the revealing of the Seals, that the—the Lamb had left His mediatorial work as an Intercessor, and had come forth now to claim His rights, all that He had redeemed by His death.
E-39 And, then, no one could open the Book. No one understood It. It was a Book of Redemption. And God the Father, Spirit, had It in His hand, because Christ was at the Throne as a Mediator, the only Mediator. Therefore, there could be no saint, no Mary, no Joseph, no nothing else, on that altar, because it was Blood. And only the Blood of Jesus could make the atonement, so nothing else could be standing as a Mediator. That’s right. There was nothing else.
E-40 So all this idea of interceding with Jude for politics, and interceding with Saint Cecilia for something else, that’s nonsense. That’s not…I—I don’t say them people are not honest and sincere. I don’t say you’re not sincere in you doing it, if you do. But, you’re wrong, you’re—you’re sincerely wrong. And anything…
E-41 They say, “Well, this—this Angel, this—this appeared to Saint Bonifer and said this, that, and the other. And they should say this.” I don’t doubt that a bit, in my mind, but what somebody seen the vision. I—I don’t doubt but what Joseph Smith saw the vision, but it wasn’t according to the rest of the Word. So therefore, to me, it’s wrong. See? It has to come with the rest of the Word.
E-42 That’s the way the church ages, and Seals, and all the rest of It. And when anybody thinks that he has those Seven Thunders, if it don’t compare with the rest of the Word, there is something wrong. See? It’s got to come, THUS SAITH THE LORD, for This is the Book. This is the Revelation of Jesus Christ, in Its entirety.
Now, I—I believe then that the Lamb came forth.
E-43 They didn’t know. John was weeping. He couldn’t find nobody, in Heaven, in earth, ’cause all was other side of the chasm, see, sin. There was no man…And an Angel, course, He would be worthy, but, after all, it had to be a Kinsman. It had to be human being. And there was no such a thing, ’cause every man had been born by sex.
E-44 Had to take Him One born without it. So God Himself took that, in the virgin birth, and become Emmanuel. His Blood was the One that was worthy. Then when He crossed this chasm, Hisself, and paid the price and bridged the way for the rest of us, then He set down, to be Mediator. And He’s been sitting there.
E-45 And the Book has actually been closed, all that time. It’s there, but It’s still in symbols. They seen It. John even saw It. The announcement, when the first come forth, he said, “A white horse went forth; he had a rider on him; had a bow in his hand.” That’s a symbol. That isn’t revealed. No. It’s just a symbol. And, as far as any man upon the earth, that’s all he could say. That’s right. He might stumble and stagger, no doubt, hit somewhere here or there, and after a while.
E-46 But we find out, then, that in the Book of the Revelation, “At the seventh angel’s Message, the mysteries (all the mysteries of It) should already be revealed by that time.” Now, that’s Revelation 10:1-7, that It should be revealed according to that time, at that time when He did.
E-47 Then the Seven Thunders utter their strange voices, and John was going to write. But, John knew what It was, but he—he didn’t write It ’cause he was forbidden to write It. That’s absolutely, and altogether, a mystery. It’s not even in symbol or nothing. We just know He…It thundered, that’s all.
E-48 And now in studying this now, don’t forget, now, Sunday, or Sunday morning, we omitted the healing service because of having the answers to the—to the people’s question. Now, I want you to have a question on these Seven Seals, if it’s bothering you, something that you don’t understand. Let’s have it on the Seven Seals. Then I can tell, by Saturday night, whether it’s enough to—to answer them, or not, you see. And then just now, just say, well, about something else, or, “Should I do this?” Or—or, might had a dream. Them, them is all worthy things, now, remember. They’re worthy things. But let’s stay right with the Seven Seals. That’s what we’re right on. Let’s…That’s what the—the meeting is designated to, the Seven Seals. Let’s stay right with That.
E-49 I got to go home, got to have a few meetings out in the west. I’ll be back again then, in little over a month or two, or something like that, and maybe the Lord will permit that we can have something else on that, maybe a healing service or something then, or whatever we’re…whatever it is.
E-50 Then we got Seven Trumpets here, to come forth yet, you see. And them all comes in there, too. And the Seven Vials, see, to be poured out. So, and it’ll all blend right in here, but it’s all mysterious yet.
E-51 Now, last night…We find that the First Seal went forth, and the rider…And the Lord…So help me, I never knew it before. None of these things have I ever knowed before. That’s right. And I just don’t.
E-52 Just go up there, and take the Bible and sit down, and sit there until when It goes to breaking forth like that. I just pick up my pen and start writing. And just stay there, maybe for hours, till It gets—It gets finished.
E-53 Then I go back, and I find out, as I see where He said This. I thought, “Well, looks like I’ve seen that somewhere.” I get my concordance, go to looking back. “Is there something like That? And here It is right here. And then here It is over here again. And here It is back here, and down here, and over here.” Then I just tie It right in. I know that’s God, as long as It’s comparing Scripture with Scripture. That’s the way It has to do. Just like putting a building together, the stones has to fit, stone by stone.
E-54 Now, last night we had the opening of the—of the Third Seal. First was a white horse, and the next was a red horse, and then a black horse. And we find out that the riders were the same rider, all the time; and that was the antichrist, to start with. He didn’t have no—no crown, but he received one later on. And then we find out that then he was given a sword, to take peace from the earth, and we find out that he did that. Then he come in with the dogmas of giving, the church with money, by weighing a penny for this, and two pennies for that. But he was forbidden to touch the Oil and the wine, which was a little that was left.
E-55 And then we give, left off last night, with the illustration of what the Oil and wine was, and what the effects that It had. And we…It might have sounded a little rude, but I…it just exactly the Truth. See? Now, we left off on…Let’s, just a few moments, review of that now. And then we left off, on the power of the wine, what the Oil represented, Spirit. Now, I guess you all got it all down. You’ll find it on the tape, if you didn’t. And where to find the Scriptures, that, the oil always symbolizes the Holy Spirit. Like the foolish virgins with no Oil, wise virgins with Oil, which is the Holy Spirit. And then on back, in—in the—the prophets, and so forth. And now I…
E-56 Course, I don’t try to pull out every Scripture in there. And there’s things that you can’t even speak about; take too much time. But I try to place out here, with Scriptures and so forth, just enough to give the people so it’ll let them know and see the picture of It. But if you’d sit down with one of them Seals, why, my, you could take a month’s sermons every night, right on that Seal, and still not even touch It, see, on one of Them. And that’s how—how much there is to It. But, just hit the high spots of It, then you can—you can see what It’s all about.
E-57 Now, as oil symbolized the Holy Spirit. Then we find out that oil and wine is connected in worship, see, always connected in worship.
E-58 And the wine, I said, which come to me, that the wine symbolizes that it was the power of—it was the power of stimulation by revelation. See? And that’s when something has been revealed. It gives stimulation to the believer, because it’s presented by revelation. See? It’s something that God has said. It’s a mystery; they can’t understand It, see. And, after a while, God comes down and reveals It, and then vindicates It.
E-59 Remember, if the Truth is revealed, the Truth is also vindicated. God, constantly, no matter how smart the person might be, how brilliant he might be in his mind; if God don’t back up what he’s saying, there’s something wrong. See? Right. Cause, it’s the Word.
E-60 Now, when Moses went out there under the inspiration of God, said, “Let flies come.” Flies come. Said, “Let frogs come.” Frogs come.
E-61 See, what if he said, “Let flies come,” and they didn’t come? See, then he—he didn’t speak the Word of the Lord, see; he only spoke, he spoke his own word. He might have thought there ought to be flies. But, there—there didn’t any flies come, because God hadn’t told him so.
E-62 And when God tells you anything, and says, “You go do this, and I’ll be right with it, for this is My Word,” and He shows it in the Bible, then God stands right behind that. And if it’s not written in the Bible, God stands behind it, anyhow, if it’s God’s Word. See?
E-63 And then if it’s outside of that, it’s revealed to prophets. We realize that all the mysteries of God is made known to prophets, and them alone. See, Amos 3:7.
E-64 Now, now, the power of revelation brings stimulation to the believer. For, the power of wine, natural wine, is to stimulate. See? It’s to—to bring a person, that’s all slumped down, to a stimulation. See? See? Well, then, now, there is a power of the revelation of the Word, gives stimulation of joy to the believer, stimulation of satisfaction, the stimulation that It’s vindicated, It’s proved.
E-65 It’s called, in the Scripture, as we want to refer to it, as “new wine.” We always refer to it like that, as, “These are drunk on new wine.” See? All right. Or, “spiritual wine,” I think, the best interpretation would be. It would be, on “spiritual wine.” As the natural wine reveals itself in stimulated power, so does the new wine, as It reveals the Word of God, which is Spirit. Oh! Now there’s a…that’s a…See, the Word Itself is Spirit. You believe that? [Congregation says, “Amen.”—Ed.]
E-66 Let’s read it. Let’s read it, Saint John 6. Let’s just…Yeah, then you—then you—you won’t say, “Well, now, somebody said that.” Let’s—let’s see Who said it, and then we’ll know whether it’s Truth, or not. Saint John, the 6th chapter. And the 6th chapter, and I believe it’s the sixty-…63rd verse, all right, I think this it. Yes.
It is the spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profit nothing: the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life.
E-67 The Word Itself is Spirit. It is Spirit in Word form. And then, you see, when It is quickened, or brought to life, the Spirit of the Word goes to work and acts. See? Because that…
E-68 Now look here. A thought has to be a thought before it can be a word. And then when a thought is presented, it is a word. Now, this is the God’s thought that He has placed in the Word. And then when we receive It from Him, It becomes a Word.
E-69 God revealed to Moses what to do. Moses spoke it, and it happened. See? That’s it, when it’s really comes from God.
E-70 Now we find out, that—that It—It stimulates and It gives joy, because It is God’s Word. And the new wine, the new wine stimulates the…when It reveals the Word. Then, brings joy beyond measure, sometimes. We went through that, that it brings such joy till you get over-flooded.
E-71 Now, I know there’s a lot of fanaticism, and people carrying on. I know sometimes they do it when the music is jumping up-and-down, and everything. And I know that goes. And I—I believe that, too. But I’ve seen people in the day when, as long as the music is playing, everybody was jumping and screaming; but when the music stopped, it stopped. See? I believe…Well, that, that’s still all right, as far as I’m concerned, you see, as long as people lives right. And…
E-72 But, now, what, you start bringing the Word! Now, that’s the thing that actually brings Life, is the Word, and that brings the joy of stimulation of new wine. See? Yes. And that’s what it was on Pentecost, when the Word was vindicated.
E-73 Now look. Now, Jesus told them, Luke 24:49, “Behold, I send the promise of My Father upon you; but you go up to Jerusalem and wait until.” What was the promise of the Father? Joel 2:28, why, we find out, He’s going to “pour out the Spirit.” In Isaiah 28:19, how there would be “stammering lips, and other tongues,” and all these things.
E-74 They went up there. And as we went through it, maybe one said, “Well, I believe we waited long enough. Let’s just accept it by faith.” That was a good Baptist doctrine, but it didn’t work with them brothers.
E-75 So then, the first thing you know, it had to become a reality. And they waited on their ministry, for the Word to be vindicated. And when you come to seek the Holy Spirit, you do the same.
E-76 Yes, you can accept it by faith. You have to accept Christ by faith. That’s exactly right. And you accept the Holy Spirit by faith; but then let the Holy Spirit come and give the circumcision, as a witness that He has accepted your faith, you see. Then, see, “Abraham believed God, and it was imputed to him for righteousness.” But God give him the sign of circumcision, as a confirmation He had accepted his faith.
E-77 So that’s the same thing we must do. We must wait on the Holy Spirit till It’s done something; not necessarily ’cause we spoke in tongues, not because we’ve danced, or we got emotional, we shouted. Until we were changed; until something actually happened! I don’t care what form it comes in. Just so it happened, that’s the main thing. See?
E-78 And I believe that speaking in tongues and all these other things are all right, but just that in itself won’t work. And you know it won’t work. So, it doesn’t do it.
E-79 I’ve seen witches speak in tongues, seen wizards speak in tongues and dance in the spirit. Sure. Lay a pencil down and it write in unknown tongues. And somebody interpret it, that’s right, and tell the truth. That’s right. Wrote just exactly what had happened, and it was just exactly that way. See them throw dust on their head, and cut themselves with knives, and cover it all over with the blood of a wildebeest or something, and—and, sure, see, and call on the devil. So, you see, that don’t…
E-80 Speak in tongues doesn’t do it. “Though I speak with tongue of men and Angels, and have not charity, it profit me nothing. See, though I could do it!” See? So those things doesn’t mean that you have the Holy Spirit.
E-81 But when He, the Person, the—the immortal Spirit of Christ becomes your personal Saviour, and changes you, and throws your views right straight into Calvary and to this Word, something has happened. Yes, sir. Something has happened. No one will have to tell you about it. You’ll know it when it happens.
E-82 And the new wine, when it brings revelation, then It—It’s revealed.
E-83 And that’s the way it was at Pentecost. They knowed that—that there was supposed to be a Spirit poured out upon them, and they waited till this happened. And when the vindication of the revelation took place, then stimulation was on them. They sure did. They steamed up, too. They, right out into the streets; where, they was afraid, and had the doors shut. And they were out in the streets; where, they had been afraid of a group of people; a preaching the Gospel to them! That’s right. See? Something had happened, because the true Word of promise was vindicated.
E-84 Now let’s stop here a minute. If that brought such positive to them men, that they—they…Nearly every one of them sealed their testimony with their blood. No matter what come along, as long as they lived, they never got over It. It stayed there, because it was the true Word of promise, vindicated. The revelation become a vindicated. And they died, sealing their testimony with their own blood.
E-85 Now look at the promise of the last days. And here we see it vindicated right before us, the—the present coming of the Holy Spirit and the works that He was supposed to do, and we find it right among us. See? Oh, we should…Oh, my! How can we hear? Something takes place, I tell you, friend! When the real, true, sincere, predestinated believer, when that Light strikes upon that seed, something bursts forth to a new Life. That little woman at the well!
E-86 When, those scholared priests had said, “Well, that’s the devil. He’s a fortuneteller. He’s—He’s just telling those people their fortune. And He’s—He’s a devil.”
E-87 But, when, that little woman with that predestinated seed! Now you think that’s not right? But Jesus said, “No man can come, except My Father draws him; and all the Father has given Me will come.” And He…
E-88 And the antichrist, the last days, is going to be able…That antichrist spirit that we’re studying, in denominationalism, and proven that denominationalism is antichrist. Now, beyond, any man could walk away from here like that, he, there’s something wrong, and still believe that the denominational system isn’t antichrist. When, it’s absolutely proved, from history, from everything there is, plumb through God’s Bible and everything else, it’s antichrist. And Rome is the head of it. And the daughter churches follow right along. And both of them are cast into hell. That’s right. So we see this thing, antichrist, the spirit of it.
E-89 And the day that we’re living in, and, why, it should bring “joy unspeakable and full of glory.” That little old woman, as soon as that struck her, my, the seed burst forth!
E-90 Now, remember, the Bible says, that in the last day, that this antichrist would “deceive the whole world.”
E-91 There’d only be a small number, whose names were put on the Lamb’s Book of Life before the foundation of the world. And when that true vindication of the revealed Truth of God’s Word strikes that heart, he’ll strike the water, and out yonder with the Holy Ghost, just as hard as he can. And you can’t stop him from doing it, because the new Life worked forth.
E-92 I was talking to a person, not long ago, was trying to discuss with me, and saying, “Aren’t you ashamed to say that ‘God created the heavens and earth in three days…or in six days’?”
I said, “That’s what the Bible said.”
E-93 Said, “Well, we got evidence and can prove that the world is millions of years old.”
E-94 I said, “That didn’t have anything to do with it. In Genesis 1:1, It said, ‘In the beginning God created the heavens and earth.’ Period! That’s all, see. ‘Now the world was without form, and void.’” And I said, “I believe every seed was laying right there, from some other civilization or something. And as soon as the water lifted off, and the light struck it, up come the trees and everything.”
E-95 And the same thing with a human being, is a type. When all the—the—the mist had moved away, and the revealed Truth to that real seed laying there, is still germitized, and the Light of the Gospel can strike it by true a vindication of the Word, it’ll live. It’s got Life in it. It’ll believe. Outside of that, it can’t live; it hasn’t got no Life in it.
E-96 Them names were put on the Lamb’s Book of Life before the foundation of the world, will come forth just as certain as anything. And that’s why Jesus sits right There and waits with His mediatorial work, until that last seed. And He’ll know exactly when it strikes.
E-97 As Dr. Lee Vayle…I guess he’s still in the meeting somewhere. I haven’t seen him for days. I don’t believe I seen him. [A brother says, “He is here.”—Ed.] He is here. Well, the other day he sent me this slip, about what Irenaeus said. Well, I picked Irenaeus, from a long ways, to be the angel of the age that he was. But he said, “When that last member of the Body has come in,” in this last age, “should be…the thing would be revealed at that time.” And here it is. It’s exactly right. See? We’re in the day. All right.
E-98 Then, Pentecostal had beyond joy. They was really stimulated. I think, it does anyone.
E-99 Let’s just take just a moment. Let’s think about David. He—he got all stimulated, too. He said, “My cup is running over.” I believe he really had a—a great event in his life. What, what caused him to do that? When he was in the Spirit…For, he was a prophet. We know he was. The Bible said so. Prophet David, now, for he was a prophet, and he was in the Spirit, and he seen the resurrection. If you’d like to read it, it’s in Psalm 16:8 to 11. He said, “Moreover my flesh was made glad. My! I—I rest in hope, because You’ll not leave my soul in hell; neither will You suffer Your Holy One to see corruption.” And I tell you, his cup got to running over, ’cause he seen. No matter what it was; oh, he seen the resurrection, and he was really…and his cup run over.
E-100 Again, David had another cup running over, in Second Samuel, (being that you got your pencils out), Second Samuel 6:14. There had been a dry spell.
E-101 They had took the ark. The enemy had come in and got the ark of the Lord, and they had took it down and set it up before Dagon, and Dagon fell on his face. And took it to another city, and plagues broke out. It was…That was the hottest thing they ever had on their hands, down there. And they couldn’t get rid of it, ’cause it was out of its place.
E-102 Now, when they put it on the ox cart, and started back. And when David saw the ark coming, you know what he did? He—he got so full, and his cup got to running over; the stimulation! When he seen the Word being revealed back into Israel again, he danced in the Spirit, all around, around, around, around, around, like that. Yeah. His cup got to running over, you see. Why? He saw the Word returning.
E-103 And I think that would make anybody get a little stimulated when they see, after all these years; and then the true Word, by the promise that it would be, being brought forth and vindicated. What a time! What a time!
E-104 Now let’s read. I—I get all talking, I won’t get to this, and I’ll have you all here till ten-thirty. I let you out early last night, so I ought to keep you a good long time tonight. [Congregation says, “Amen.”—Ed.] Yeah. Yeah. No, I was just teasing you. See? I’m…We just want just as the Lord will lead now.
And when he had opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth beast say, Come…see.
E-105 Now, “When the Lamb had opened the Fourth Seal.” Let’s stop there now. The Fourth Seal, now, Who opened It? The Lamb. Was anybody else worthy? No one else could do it. No. The Lamb opened the Fourth Seal.
E-106 And the—the fourth Beast, the living Creature like an eagle, said to John, “Come, see what the fourth mystery of the plan of redemption, has been hid in this Book,” ’cause the Lamb was opening It. In other words, that’s what he was saying. “There is a fourth mystery here. I’ve showed you, in symbol. Now, John, I don’t know whether you understood It, or not.” But, he wrote down what he saw, but it was a mystery. So, he wrote what he saw.
E-107 The Lamb was breaking the Seals, and God still wasn’t going to reveal It. It was left for the last days. See? Now, we had symbols, and we’ve probed at it, and done very good sometimes, see. But we know It’s moved right on. But now, in the last days, we can look back and see where It has been. And that is supposed to be done, that, at the end of the church age, just before the Rapture.
E-108 How anyone can get the Church going through the Tribulation, I don’t know. But what’s It got to go through the Tribulation for, when It hasn’t got—hasn’t got a sin? I mean…I don’t mean the church; the church will go through the Tribulation. But I’m talking about the Bride. The Bride, no, It hasn’t got a sin against It, at all. It’s done been bleached out, and there’s not even a—a…There’s not even a smell of it, and nothing left. They’re perfect, before God. So what’s any Tribulation to purify them? But the others do. The church does go through the Tribulation, but not the Bride.
E-109 Now, now we just took it in all kind of symbols now. Like the—the church, Noah, the carried-over type, went on out into sin. See, now, they did go over. But, Enoch went first, that was the type of the saints that would go in, and before the Tribulation period.
Now we find out, this Lamb opened the Seal.
E-110 Now, the first Beast we find, if you notice, the first Beast we find, was a…The first Beast was a lion, a living Creature; found that in the book of the sea-…of the church ages. And then the second Beast, I believe, was the—the face of an ox, or a calf. And the third Beast was the face of a man. But the fourth Beast was the face of an eagle. Now that’s exactly the way we got them, rotating just exactly like that. And that’s exactly the way they’re even placed in the Book here.
E-111 And then as a great teacher, at one time in Florida, teaching, saying that—that the…that, “The Book of Acts was just merely a—a scaffold work for the—for the Church. The Church was found in the four Gospels.”
E-112 And we find, vice versa from that, that it’s the four Gospels that guards the Book of Acts. It’s from those four Gospels that the Book of Acts is written, the acts of the Holy Spirit in the apostles. And we find, over in the Book, that them guards was sitting there watching; east, north, west, and south. Remember how we drawed it out here? And how beautifully and perfectly everything hit just to its spot!
E-113 Now I want you to notice. Said, “Come and see.” John… Now I want you to notice again, before this. Now, this here is the last of the riders, to reveal the working of the antichrist.
Tomorrow night, strikes the souls under the altar.
The next night, the judgments.
E-114 The next night, the going away, of the—of the end of the age, end of time, of all things, see, when She is taken up. Therefore, right in that Seventh Seal there, pours out Vials, and everything else are poured out. What they are, I don’t know.
E-115 Notice. But now, on this here, we find that this fellow here is an eagle, this man that…or this living Creature that’s poured forth here now. Or, in other words, there is four different ages of It. There was an age of the lion. And, we find out, this being the fourth age.
E-116 And he said, “Come and see the fourth mystery of the Book of Redemption, that’s been hidden in this Book. Come, see.” And John went to see, and he saw a pale horse. And, again, the same rider upon this pale horse.
E-117 Now he has a name called Death. Now notice. None of the other rider, none of the other horses, or no time that this rider ever rode, they didn’t have; that man had no name. But now he is called Death. It’s not mentioned. See? He is revealed now. What he is is death.
E-118 Well, how we could linger on that for a sermon, and make it real plain! But anything that’s anti, that’s against the real, has to be death. Because, there’s only two subjects, that’s, Life and death. And that proves that the Holy Spirit’s revelation of this, in this day, is exactly the Truth. The anti, he is death. Because, the Word, as we’ll see later here, is Life. See?
E-119 And this man is called Death. Now, it was not mentioned of the other times, of this rider. But, since, now it is mentioned, that he’s called Death.
E-120 But under the revelation of the lion…Now watch. Now I want to read this close, so I’d be sure; wrote down, place, stand here. Under, not under the revelation of the lion’s age, or of the first age, the early age, This wasn’t revealed. The next age was the age of the ox, which is the dark age, the middle age, it wasn’t revealed as what It was. Nor the man-like Beast, of wisdom, representing the reformers, Luther and Wesley and so forth, It wasn’t revealed. But in the eagle age, the last age, the prophetic age, where there is to rise prophetic utterance, see, to whom the secrets always comes! Now there is where we just…
E-121 We’re going to linger on that a little while, tonight, so that you’ll thoroughly understand. Now, in most times, you realize, these…I’m just not speaking to this group here. These tapes go everywhere, see, and I must make it clear. Cause, somebody will just get one tape, and then, if they don’t get the rest of them, they’re all hung up, see. God has promised This, see, for this day, for the last, ending up of all these different things that’s gone on and been mixed up. We are…
E-122 We’ve had Elijah’s garments. We’ve had Elijah’s robes. Oh, there’s been people that’s…John Alexander Dowie is buried up there, wrapped in a—a robe. He said he was Elisha. And we’ve had all kinds of things like that. What is it, anyhow? It’s only to take away a Truth that is going to be presented. See? They had false christs before Jesus’ time. See? They always do that. It’s Satan, running out a counterfeit, to upset the minds and the faith of the people, before the thing actually happens. That’s all.
E-123 Didn’t Gamaliel say the same thing to the Jews that day? Said, “Wasn’t there a man raised up and professed to be This? And they took four hundred out in the wilderness. They perished, and so forth.”
E-124 Said, “Every branch that My Heavenly Father hasn’t planted,” Jesus said, “will be rooted up.”
E-125 Gamaliel said, “Let them alone. If they, if it be not of God, won’t it come to naught? But if it be of God, you be found fighting against God.” The man used wisdom. He was a teacher.
E-126 Now notice. Now, to wind up all these mysteries, God has promised that there would be a genuine Elisha rise, some man anointed with that Spirit, and it would reveal. He promised it in Malachi 4. And I got notes and letters that says that that isn’t so, but I’d like to talk to that person. See? Why, you can’t deny it. Any real, good theologian knows that’s to be the Truth, that they’re looking for it.
E-127 But just be the same way like it come by John, the forerunner of the first time of Christ. Why, they didn’t recognize him, because there was such great things prophesied of him. Why, he was to “make all the high places come low, and all the low places go high, all the rough places go smooth.” And, oh, he…The prophets: Isaiah, seven hundred and twelve years before his birth; and Malachi, four hundred years before he come on the scene; all those prophesied of him. And they was expecting some corridor of Heaven to be let down, and this prophet walk right out with his staff in his hand, from God.
E-128 And what happened? A man that you…couldn’t even show a fellowship card. He couldn’t show a credential. Stayed out in the wilderness; not even a common school education. We’re told, by historians, that he left to the wilderness when he was nine years old, after the death of his father and mother. And was raised out…His job was too important, to mess with some seminary. He had—he had to announce the Messiah.
E-129 God couldn’t use a man all stuffed full of theology. He can’t do it, because he’ll always drift right back. That’s his line of learning. He drifts back to that. So, he goes to see something, he tries to drift back to what the teachers had said. Be better if you kept away from them things, and just believe God.
E-130 And we find that they missed him. Even the apostles standing there, missed him. Why, they said, “Why does the Scripture say, the scribes, says that Elias…”
E-131 He said, “Well, he has already come, and you didn’t know him.”
E-132 And that’s where I pattern the resurrection, or the Rapture. It’ll go, and they’ll…I know that sounds strange. But maybe you’ll know a little more after tonight, if the Lord willing, just how it’s going to be, see. It’ll be so secret, nobody will know about it, hardly. The world will just think, just go right on like it always did, see, and just…That’s the way He always does it.
E-133 You know, I doubt whether one—one…I say, one-ninetieth percent of the people on the earth, ever knowed Jesus Christ was here when He was here. You know, when Elijah prophesied, I doubt whether there was hardly anybody knowed that he was the…They knowed there was a crank up there, some old fanatic, but they hated him. Sure. He was what they called the oddball.
E-134 And I think, any born-again Christian is kind of an oddball, to—to the world, because you’ve been changed. You’re from another world. Your Spirit is from across the chasm. And this thing here is such a messed up…Then, you’re—you’re not different, there’s something wrong; you, you’re still too earthbound. You ought to be Heavenly-minded. And Heaven lives by the Word.
E-135 Now, we notice that this—this great thing taken place. Now, we believe that there is to be a coming of the true Spirit of Elisha. It’s predicted it would be, see. And we must remember it’ll be here, in its own season and time. We may be laying a foundation for it now. And it won’t be no organization.
E-136 I—I disagree with a good friend of mine, on that. He says it’ll be a group of people. I want you to show me that by Scripture. God, the unchangeable God, never does change His plans. If He does, then He isn’t God; that’s right, because He’s a mortal, and He knows just like I do, and He makes mistakes.
E-137 God has never changed His plan, since the very time in the garden of Eden. He made a plan for redemption; that was the Blood. And we’ve tried education. We’ve tried dictatorship. We’ve tried psychology. We’ve tried denominationalism. We’ve tried everything, to push everybody together, or love everybody together, and everything else. There is no other place of fellowship but under the Blood, yet, the only ground that God meets man.
E-138 God always deals with one individual. Two men has got two ideas. There never was two major prophets on the earth, prophesying the same time. Look back and see if there was. No, sir. Too much scrupled up! He’s got to get one man completely surrendered, and use that person. He searches for that person.
E-139 But there will be one, sometime, somebody who will listen to Him, Word by Word. I don’t care what anybody else says, they’ll never move from It. That’s right. They’ll wait on THUS SAITH THE LORD. And, then, they won’t move until then. He’ll be properly a vindicated. You’ll…
E-140 Now, the outside world will hate it, but the elected Seed, the predestinated Seed, like there was in the days of Jesus, when that Light flashes, that Seed will come to Life like that. [Brother Branham snaps his finger once—Ed.] They’ll know It. They’ll understand It. You won’t have to say a word about It.
E-141 She said, “Sir, I perceive that You’re a prophet. I know when Messiah comes, He is supposed…”
He said, “I am He.”
E-142 Boy, that, that was enough. She didn’t have to tarry all night, and tarry the next night. She had It right then. She was on her road. She was telling them about It.
E-143 Now remember, now, in the first age was a lion age. That was the Lion of the tribe of Juda, Christ. His Own influence of Life, taken that age. That’s the first Beast, which means “Power,” that answered by human voice.
E-144 The next age was the ox age, or the dark-horse rider’s age. See?
E-145 Now, reason that this first age was a white age, was that… As—as I’ve always heard people say that that first rider, the white, was the power of the church, went forth to conquer. And we found out he was given a crown, that that was it. It was the church. It was the church, but where did he go to? Went to Rome. That’s where he did. He received his crown.
E-146 Now, the second age was a—was a red-horse rider, which was the dark age.
E-147 And now—now, the—the next age, was the—the man, of the age which was the black-horse rider. And he was the age of the reformers, see, when the—the Voice that spoke. Now, the black-horse rider, that was the antichrist. But the One that was speaking in that age was represented as man, and that’s wisdom, smart, shrewd. See? And they didn’t get it, see. They didn’t call…They didn’t name him. See? They just said it went forth.
E-148 But now, when comes forth the eagle age, that’s the one that…God always likens His prophets to eagles. He calls Himself an eagle. The eagle goes so high, there ain’t nothing else can touch him. Not only is he up there, but he’s built for that position. When he gets up there, he can see where he’s at. Some people get up there and can’t see where they’re at, so it don’t do no good to get up there. But if you…
E-149 But you let a crow try to fly with an eagle, or a hawk, either one, he would disintegrate. He’s got to be pressurized for where he goes.
E-150 That’s the trouble today, some of us don’t get pressurized. We explode too quick, you see, when we’re jumping. And, but, we got to be pressurized.
E-151 When you get up there, and have the keen sight of the eagle, to see what’s coming, and know what to do. Now, the eagle age revealed It. Now we find out, that eagle age was promised in Revelation 10:7 and in Malachi…:1, 4. That would be in the last days, see, that’s right, that it would be here. All right. Notice.
E-152 Now, this fellow, we find out that he is riding on a pale horse. Pale! Oh, my! After, notice after…
E-153 “Sixty-eight million Protestants,” as we took from—from Schmucker’s Glorious Reform, of the—of the martyrology of Rome, last night. We find that, up to the 1500 mark, I believe it was, or eighteen-…I don’t remember exactly now. But it was sixty-eight million put to death, to protest the first Roman church, Rome. No wonder, he could impersonate himself in the personified name of…and called Death. He sure was.
E-154 Now, God only knows how many he caused to spiritually die, by his anti-Bible, -Word teaching! This is the one he put sixty-eight million to the sword, and killed them. And probably, literally, billions died spiritually, on his false teaching. No wonder he could take the name of Death!
E-155 See the rider? The first place, as an antichrist, he was death, to begin with; but he was innocent then. Then he received a crown, a triple one; and when he did, then he be united, Satan united his church and state, because he was over both of them then. Antichrist was Satan, in a form of a man.
E-156 And then, also, Saint Matthew, I believe it is, the 4th chapter, tells us that—that. Satan took Jesus, our Lord, up, and showed Him the kingdoms of the world, all of them, in a moment of time, and the glory of them, offered them to Him. And he said…They, they were his.
E-157 So, you see, then, if he can unite his state and his church together, then the red-horse rider could ride, sure enough. See? Truly! Now, then, we find out his mystery here, in his church and state.
E-158 The fourth stage of his ministry, he is called the beast. First he is called the antichrist, see; then he is called the false prophet; and he is called the beast. Now we find him here being called as the beast. Now, I want you to notice, that’s after the fourth horse.
E-159 And in this fourth horse, if you’ll notice, all…The first one was white; and then the next one was red; and the next one was black; and the fourth one, all of these other three was represented in it; because, pale is red and—and white, and so, mixed together. See? He…It—it was all mixed in this one horse. See? And there he become four, or, actually, the three in one. And it was all mixed up in that one thing.
E-160 Now I want you to notice the four of them. Notice the off-mark, of four, of the spiritual mathematics. God is three’s. This is four. He is in four, here. First, antichrist, white; second, false prophet, red; third, vicar of heavens and earth and—and purgatory, black; fourth, the beast, pale horse, Satan being kicked out of Heaven. You want to read that? Revelation 12:13, Satan being kicked out of Heaven. Then in Revelation 13:1, 8, he is incarnate in the person of the beast.
E-161 He is first the antichrist, just—just a teaching called Nicolaitane; then he becomes, from that, to a false prophet. If he’s an antichrist, antichrist is against. Anything that’s against God’s Word is against God, because the Word is God. “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was made flesh, Christ, and dwelt among us.” And now he is against the Word, so he be antichrist. But a spirit cannot be crowned; that’s the reason he didn’t receive a crown. Just a bow, with no arrows.
E-162 And then when he come, the crowning time, then he become the false prophet of his antichrist teaching. Get it? Then he gets a sword, because he unites his powers together, then he don’t have to ask nobody. He is governor of state; he is governor of Heaven. Receives a triple crown. Makes himself an idea called “purgatory.” Where, if—if some of them died back there, and they got some money, want to pay them out, he could pray them out of it. Cause, he’s got the power to do so; he’s a vicar. Certainly, he is. “He takes the place of God, on earth.” If that ain’t as plain as anything!
E-163 We find it, pull it on down, through the Bible, and count his numeral numbers and everything else. Here he is…?…right back here in number four, not number three. Number four, see.
E-164 Now let’s turn, Revelation 12. Let’s just read this just a little bit, ’cause we—we’ll have time to do it. And let’s read Revelation the—the 12th chapter and the 13th verse. “And the same hour there was a great earthquake…” No, I got the—I got the wrong place. The 13th:
And when the dragon saw that he was cast out into the earth, he persecuted the woman which brought forth the man child.
E-165 Now, you see, he was cast out, of the earth, and becomes incarnate, as the antichrist spirit become incarnate into a man. That man changes from one thing to another, from an antichrist spirit to a false prophet, and then the beast comes into him.
E-166 Just exactly like the Church grows; his church went from—from antichrist to false prophet, and, in the great age to come, the beast that is to rise up. So, the Church comes the same way, through justification, sanctification, and the baptism of the Holy Ghost, is Christ being in the people, just exactly. And he’s got the antitype of It over there, the…see, the type of It, rather. There he is, just exactly. That’s him. He’s kicked out of Heaven.
E-167 Now we find out, in Revelation 13:1 to 8.
And I stood upon the sands of the sea, and saw a beast rise up…
E-168 Now, here is 12, where he was kicked out. Now watch.
…saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his head the name of blasphemy.
And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard, and his feet…
E-169 Oh, if we just had time now, we’d take the rest of the night, right on them symbols there, and show, bring it right straight to him again. Any, most all of you know that, from other lessons.
…were…the feet of a bear, and his mouth…the mouth of a lion: and the dragon give him his power,… seat, and…authority.
E-170 Huh! Incarnate Satan! See?
And I saw one of his heads as it…wounded to death;…
E-171 And on down, as we go, if you want to, when you get a chance to read on down. No, let’s—let’s read just a little bit.
And I saw one of his heads as it was wounded…death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast.
E-172 You just watch! Don’t you never watch communism. It’s nothing but a tool, playing in the hands of God, to help you someday to get, “revenge the blood,” as we’ll get tomorrow night. See?
And they worshipped the dragon…
E-173 Who was the dragon? Satan. That right? “The red dragon.” All right.
…which gave power unto the beast (where he get his power, see): and they worshipped the beast, saying, Who is like unto the beast? who is able to make war with him?
And there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things of blasphemy; and power was given to him to continue forty and two months.
And he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God, (There you are, see. All right.)…to blaspheme his name, (give him a title)…his tabernacle (which is the Holy Spirit’s dwelling place),…
E-174 To make it a place in Rome, a Vatican City. You can just go on down:
…and them that dwell in heaven.
E-175 Blasphemed them, by saying they were intercessors.
And it was given unto him to make war with the saints (and he did), and to overcome them (he did):…
E-176 Burned them to the stake! Fed them to the lions! And killed them any way he could!
…and power was given to him over all kindreds,… tongues, and nations.
E-177 It never did become that way in Rome until pagan Rome was converted into papal Rome, and the Catholic power spread the world, made the universal Catholic church.
And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names were not written in the book…
E-178 “Touch not My Oil and wine!” See?
And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names were not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.
If any man has an ear, let him hear.
He that leadeth into captivity shall go into captivity: he that killeth with the sword must be killed with the sword. Here is the patience and…faith of the saints.
E-179 Now, we had him coming, last night, with his great sword, to kill.
E-180 We find out that he gets killed with the sword, too, the sword of the Word. God’s Word, sharp, two-edged sword, slays him, puts him right down. Wait till them Seven Thunders utter Their voices, of that group who really can take the Word of God and hand It there, It’ll slice and cut. And they can close the heavens. They can shut this, or do that, whatever they want to. Glory! He’ll be slayed by the Word that proceeds from His mouth, is sharper than a two-edged sword. They could call for a hundred billion tons of flies if they wanted to. Amen. Whatever they say, is going to happen, because It’s the Word of God coming from the mouth of God. Yeah. Amen. God, always, It’s His Word, but He always uses man to work It.
E-181 God could call for them flies, down at Egypt, but He said, “Moses, that’s your job. I’ll just tell you what to do, and you go do it.” He fully done that. See? He—He could have chosen the—the sun to call them, He could cause the moon to call it, or the wind to call it. But, He—He said, “Moses.” That, that…He chose His man. All right.
E-182 Now we find out here, that this Satan, after being kicked out of Heaven, incarnates himself in the beast. And now he is a beast; antichrist, false prophet, and now beast. And given the name of Death! And Hell follows him! Fully Satan, on his throne! Oh, my! On the earth, he is Satan, representative, on the earth, that he now is head of the kingdoms of the world, the very same kingdoms that he offered to the Lord Jesus in Matthew 4. Satan now becomes a full king.
E-183 Now, this happens later on. He is false prophet now. He will become beast, after a while, when he breaks his covenant there with the Jews. You know how we…All right, notice now, he’ll be given a heart of a beast, at that time, and Satan will incarnate himself. Because, when the Church goes up, Satan is cast out. See? See? It’s done, then, all of his accusing is done. See? Now, as long…
E-184 Look, as long as the Intercessor is still on the Throne, Satan can stand there and accuse, because he is the attorney of the other side. He is the opponent of Christ. And Christ is…He is standing there, the—the—the opponent is standing there, saying, “But, wait! Adam fell! Adam done this! I conquered him. I got his wife to believe a lie. And You said she would be damned by it. I got it!”
E-185 But here is the Mediator standing there, amen, the Kinsman Redeemer, amen, stand there with the Blood that can take the vilest sinner’s heart and change it. The Mediator is on the Throne. Yes, sir.
Satan said, “But they’re guilty!”
He can say, “They’re not.”
E-186 That Clorox was invented, or manufactured, to take stain, take the coloring out of ink or any other stain. They got it. It’ll break it up till you never will find it again. It goes back to gases, and all the way back to cosmic light. And past molecules and everything else, till it turns back to the original where it come from. It’s a creation. Had…A creation had to come from a Creator. But all the chemicals that was manufactured and put together, they’re broke up, and that’s just all there is to it. There’s no more of it. Even the very—the very water substance it is, blends with the Clorox, which is ashes.
E-187 Amen! Glory to God! It’s all clean. That’s what the Blood of Jesus Christ does to the true child of God, when he confesses that sin and stands there, justified in His…Mercy! Goodness! Even it’s so great till God said, “I can’t even remember it anymore. And he is absolutely My son.”
E-188 “Verily, I say unto you, if you say to this mountain ‘be moved,’ and don’t doubt in your heart, but believe in what you’ve said, you…shall come to pass. You can have that what you’ve said would be.” You are a redeemed son. Amen! I know that’s true.
E-189 I’ve seen squirrels to appear yonder, on six different times, that I knew not the one that would be sitting here. Just as, He can create squirrels the same as He can create flies, or frogs, or anything else. He, He is God, the Creator. Right! And when no mortal being…
E-190 But when that sin of that mortal is confessed and dropped into that Clorox, of the bleach of Jesus Christ, It bleaches all sin. He is purely unadulterated, without sin, without fault. “He that’s born of God does not commit sin, for he cannot sin.” The bleach stands between him and God. How could it ever get there, when it breaks it up and sends it right back to the one who perverted it! Amen!
E-191 Whew! I feel religious. I—I tell you, I get stimulations now as this begins to reveal.
E-192 Notice, fully Satan, on his throne. Yes, sir. Offered it to God, offered it to our Lord. Here he is, sitting here, with this beastly heart in him. Now, here is the person, the beast, the incarnate devil. He makes his appearing here on earth, under the false pretense. Oh, my, goodness! Under the false pretense of the true Word, he associates himself with the Word.
E-193 He did just the same thing that his—his type did, which was Judas, two thousand years ago. What did he do? Judas came in, as a believer, being a devil from the beginning. “He was born the son of perdition.” He pulled nothing over on Jesus, ’cause He knowed him from the very beginning; amen, for He was the Word. All right. And, remember, Judas took the place as treasurer, and fell by money.
E-194 So does the church of this day! The Catholic church, as we noticed last night, charging for novenas, charging for prayers, and charging for everything. It’s almost same, and fell the same thing to the daughters of the Catholic church, was the Protestants. The whole thing is wrapped up in money. There is where Judas fell, and here is where he fell, and there is where the Protestants fall.
E-195 Watch, rides a pale horse as he appears on his ride, this last ride. He’s on his last now. Now, that is not in our day. That will be on down. It’s the Seal, foretold. Cause, see, the Church has done gone up when this happens. When Christ appears here on earth, as—as—as…This fellow appears, and becomes completely, completely the devil; from antichrist, all the way down, through false prophet, then into the beast, the devil himself. And he is riding on a pale horse, colored all up, and mixed with all kind of colors, to make him pale and deathly.
E-196 But when our Lord appears here on earth, He’ll be riding on a snow-white horse. And He’ll be completely, fully, the Emmanuel, the Word of God incarnate in a Man. See? That’s just how much different there is in them. That’s the difference of them.
E-197 Notice, the antichrist is on a pale horse, mixed colors. A horse is a beast that represents a power. His power is all mixed up. Why? It’s politics, it’s—it’s national powers, it’s a religious powers, it’s demon powers. It’s all kinds of powers mixed together, a mixed, pale horse was. He’s got all kinds of powers.
E-198 But when Jesus comes, it’s on a one solid-color horse, the Word. Amen!
E-199 This one mixes its colors, of red, white, black; three colors in one, represented in one. And three powers represented in one; the white horse, the black horse, red horse. And three crowns, in one. See? Sure.
E-200 I seen the crown, myself; stood, oh, that close and looked at it. Wouldn’t let me get to it, on account of glass, on it. So there it was, a big lock on it, sitting in a case: triple crown. So I know it’s the truth. Uh-huh. So there he was, triple crown, vicar: heaven, purgatory, and earth.
E-201 Three powers united together, see, all mixed up in a color, pale. Death spoke in the whole thing; political, and—and religious, and—and demon powers, mixed together. Politics, he is the king of politics, Satan is. Smart! Whew! Sure. Don’t try to outwit him. Just—just trust the Lord. That’s all.
E-202 As I’ve, all, went through it before. All smart, educations and things like that, come from the wrong side. Just follow it through the Scripture, find out if that’s right. Follow Cain’s children and see what they become. Then follow Seth’s children, see what they were. Not as I’m supporting ignorance, not at all. No, sir. But you take any persons, hardly, of the Bible, very seldom…
E-203 And there’s one named Paul, that was a smart man, and he said he had to forget everything he knowed, in order to know Christ. He said, “I never come to you with enticing words of wisdom of men, but I come to you in the Power of the resurrection of Christ.” That’s right, Power of the Holy Ghost!
E-204 Look at the others. Some of them didn’t even know right to left hand. And—and, oh, look down through the age of the prophets, and where they come from, and so forth. See what I mean?
E-205 See, it’s a smart, intellectual, and wisdom. Wisdom is exactly the very thing that takes you away from God.
E-206 He had three powers, or three—three jurisdictions: the earth, Heaven, and purgatory.
E-207 He is, himself, a trinity. That’s what he’s made up of. And he rides in a trinity. His power is in a trinity. His crown is in a trinity. His horse is in a trinity. That what he is, a trinity; a power of trinity, a crown of trinity, a horse (riding) of trinity; that’s of offices, a four again, see, a four again. All right.
E-208 Three stages of his ministry, makes him one person, Satan incarnate. Three stages of the mini-…antichrist, false prophet, and beast. Them three, typing, see. Now there is three types, now, there makes him.
E-209 God, God makes Himself known, too, in water, Blood, Spirit; makes a Christian a son of God, by the Word of God. See? And these three powers makes him a devil. See? Oh, This here, is water, Blood, and Spirit, which is of God. And that’s politics, religion, and demon power, mixed together, makes him the devil.
E-210 Christ’s first coming, a mortal. He comes three times. Christ is in three. See? (Watch how he comes; he’s the four.) Watch Christ. First coming, He come a mortal, to bleed and die. Is that right? That’s His first coming. The second coming is the Rapture; we meet Him in the skies, immortal. His third coming, He is the incarnate God. Amen! [Brother Branham claps his hands together once—Ed.] God, Emmanuel, to reign on earth! That’s right, only three.
E-211 Fourth stage of the rider, watch. The fourth stage of this rider is called Death. Death means “Eternal separation from God.” That’s what death means, to be Eternal separated from God.
E-212 Now, if we have placed this fellow out, class, if we have showed by the Bible, who that fellow is; and we even took the hills, the place and everywhere, just exactly detail, right on down. And now he is called, by the eagle, “Death.” That’s what He calls him. Remember, here, see, death is Eternal separation.
E-213 Remember, saints don’t die. They sleep, not die. “He that heareth My Words, and believeth on Him that sent Me, has Eternal Life.” That’s right. “Shall not come into the judgment; is passed from death unto Life. I am the resurrection and Life,” said Jesus. “He that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live. And whosoever liveth and believeth in Me shall never die.” Lazarus, dead? “He sleepeth.”
E-214 “Fear not, the girl is not dead, but sleepeth.” They laughed Him to scorn. Is that right? Oh, my! See, saints don’t die.
E-215 Separation from God is death, Eternal death. And this fellow is called “Death,” so keep away from him. What is he? An organized, organizational system; the first, number one, church, organized, and when he took the—the understanding of Constantine, at the Nicaea Council.
E-216 We brought them women, last night, and showed how that Eve, the first bride, before her husband ever got to her, she fell, by disbelieving God’s Word in Eden. The spiritual bride that was born on the Day of Pentecost of Christ, before He could get to her, what happened? She fell, at Rome. What? Forfeited her virtue of the Word, for dogma. Amen. Oh, my!
E-217 I—I—I feel stimulation coming again on me, yes, sir, thinking of that’s…I don’t mean to act crazy. I don’t mean that. But I just…You don’t realize what that does to me. I’ve been sitting in this for four days now. Just…and just I have to say something, kind of get me feeling human again. You know what I mean. Yeah. All right. Start talking like that, and you see visions breaking all over the place. That’s right. See, that’s the reason I say something to get myself back again, and shake back again. See?
E-218 Did you ever notice me when I have a discerning line? I’ll say something, will make people laugh; then I’ll say something, make people cry; then I’ll say something, make them angry. I’ve got something spotted out. And I’ll say something, to see how it takes, then I see what kind of a light is over them, what takes place. Then I know where it’s at, and I know whether It’s calling or not. If it isn’t…Sits there, a genuine believer, all right. You call them, then, say, “You, So-and-so.” See.
E-219 And when you get down, Spirit begins to anoint, then begin to see that flashing coming everywhere, see, like that, around, around the room. So, that’s the reason I say something, kind of start back again, start off anew again, see.
E-220 Ever since last Sunday, I just sit right in a room, just praying, that’s all, and under the anointing. And I know This is right. You believe God. I know you do. You just watch at the end of the week. Uh-huh. See? See? All right. See?
E-221 Now, death means Eternal separation from God. And remember, now, saints don’t die.
E-222 Remember, his bride was given a pale horse…I mean, this rider was given a pale horse, to—to go forth with. He was given this—this pale horse, to go forth with. And he rode this pale horse, of death. Now we know what that was. We know what church that was.
E-223 And remember, in last night, she was not only a “whore,” she was “the mother of harlots.”
E-224 And we find out, that what made her a whore, was, a woman that’s that type of a woman. I’m just…It’s a flat word, to say amongst a mixed audience. But the Bible says that, you see. So, then, we realize that that’s a—that’s a woman that lives untrue to her marriage vows. And you see, she is supposed to be, says herself, calls herself, “The Queen of Heaven.” (That would be the Bride of God. God is Christ.) And we find that she is committing fornications, and she’s causing the kings of the earth to commit fornications, and all the rich men, and great men. The whole earth went after her. See?
E-225 And then we find out that she produced some daughters, and they were harlots. What is a harlot but a whore, the same thing; a fornicator, fornications, evil, adulteries, committing. What did they do? Organized, got a system, taught the man-made systems, Pentecost and the whole bunch!
E-226 Now, don’t let your—your conscience drop down in your pocket, Pentecost. Let me tell you something. Let’s look the thing right in the face. We’re too late down the road now, to go to pulling punches. Look at here.
E-227 We are living in the Laodicean Church Age. And that was the most ridiculous church age of all the rest of them, a lukewarm, and the only one that Christ was on the outside, trying to get back in. And that’s the Pentecostal message going, said, “I’m rich!” Boy, you was poor, first. Now you’ve really got rich, see. “Have need of nothing!” And—and, oh, what you was!
E-228 He said, “You’re naked, miserable, blind, poor, wretched, and don’t even know it.”
E-229 Now, if a man was naked, out there on the street, and knowed it, why, he’d try to help himself. But when he—when he don’t know it, and you can’t tell him no different, then he’s in a bad shape. God have mercy upon him. Right. Notice. Oh, my!
E-230 Now, remember, this antichrist, himself, being the man; his bride, which is his church, “was given a space to repent, and she did not do it,” in that church age, Thyatira. You remember it? Can you…
E-231 Well, let’s go back just a minute. It won’t hurt us to go back just a minute. Let’s go back, for 2nd chapter, just a minute. We’ll just read it, 2nd chapter of…now, Thyatira. Now watch this, just right quick now. My, we’re just about closing time, and haven’t got started. But, notice, Thyatira. Now, it begins at the 18th verse of the—of the 2nd chapter.
…unto the angel (that’s the messenger) of the church in Thyatira write; These things saith the Son of God, who has his eyes like unto flames…and his feet are like unto fine brass;
I know thy works, and thy charity, and thy service, and thy faith,…thy patience, and the works; and thou has to be more than the…and the last to be more than the first.
Notwithstanding I have a few things against thee, because thou sufferest that woman Jezebel,…
E-232 There you are. You know her, in the Bible. She was the wife of Ahab. And here is the woman, church, Jezebel, the wife of the false prophet, which is supposed to be the genuine prophet of God, the pope; right, the genuine prophet and his wife, Jezebel. Now, Ahab was supposed to be a genuine Jew, but he was a rascal, you know that, because his wife just led him any way he wanted to. We find out, Jezebel takes her money and leads these the way they want to, too.
…which calleth herself a prophetess, (get it?), to teach and…subdue my servants (see, that Jezebel teaching just swept the country) to commit fornications and…eat things sacrificed to idols.
…I gave her space to repent (see?) of her fornications; and she repented not.
E-233 Watch this next verse.
…I will cast her into a bed (that’s hell), and them that commit adultery with her unto great tribulations,… (That’s going into the great Tribulation. Not the Church, now.)…except they repent of their deeds.
E-234 Now watch out, here.
…I will kill her children (her harlots) with death (spiritual death);…
E-235 You believe it? [Congregation says, “Amen.”—Ed.] That’s the Word. “I will kill them with death.” And if they’re killed, they’re Eternal separated. All right. Remember, He gave her a space to repent.
E-236 Thyatira Age was the dark age. The dark-horse rider rode in that time, when all the masses and everything had to be paid for, and the prayers, and—and the novenas, and so forth. Now see his black horse, then, after he refused to repent in Thyatira, (what?) changes his riding from a black horse to a pale one, death, for his last ministry.
E-237 Now, I might just give the individual a little shake here. To refuse God, to refuse God’s call, you’ll do it the last time sometime. And, just like that church did, it’s over. God, patience, will not always strive with man. See?
E-238 And when she refused It, and refused to accept It, then she changed and went…Now she’s got a name called “Death,” separation. God said, “I’ll even take her children, the Protestants, and every one of them I’ll kill with Eternal separation.” There you are, Thyatira Age, the dark age. His black horse now turns to death, for his last ministry.
E-239 See how the church ages blend in with the Seals? Just perfect. And we know It’s right. The Holy Spirit makes no mistake. He gave us a great a vindication, the last time, when we got the church ages done back there, you know.
E-240 See the loving, longsuffering of God! Before He passed judgment upon her, He gave her a place to repent. And it’s in the Name of the Lord I say this: He has give the Protestant church the same thing, and she won’t do it. The Message has shook everywhere, and she won’t do it. She is going to have her own dogmas and creeds, I don’t care how much you explain It.
E-241 As I said there in Chicago, the other day, ’fore more ministers than there are people sitting here! And there they had me pinned off, about the Doctrine, the serpent’s seed and all this other thing. I said, “Somebody get your Bible, and come here and stand by me then.” And nobody said nothing.
E-242 Tommy Hicks said, “I—I never heard That like that before, Brother Branham. I want three hundred of those tapes. I’m going to send them to all my ministers.”
E-243 There was about fifty, or seventy-five, said, “I’m coming down there to be rebaptized.” Did they come? Not a one of them. Why? He give them space to repent! And He’ll cast your children to death, spiritual death.
E-244 We’ll pick that up tomorrow night, the Lord willing, or Saturday night, on those Plagues that’s passes over. You watch what takes place there.
E-245 Like He give Egypt, He give Egypt place to repent. And what was that last plague? Was death.
E-246 That’s the last plague that’s hit the Pentecostal church, is spiritual death. She is dead. That’s in the Name of the Lord. She is spiritually dead. He gave her a place to repent, and she rejected It. Now she is dead. She’ll never rise again.
E-247 And them people out there, trying to bring in Episcopalians and priests, and so forth, and calling them, “Holy Father So-and-so.” Why, they ought to be ashamed of themself. How blind can man get! Don’t Jesus say? When that sleeping virgin come to buy Oil, she did not get It!
E-248 Everybody, you hear people say, “I got the Holy Ghost. I spoke in tongues.” But they don’t want to come around a church like this. “Oh, you know, I don’t believe I want to go around a place like that.” And then say you got the Holy Ghost?
E-249 But you want your dignified ways. You want to stay in Babylon and still enjoy the blessings of Heaven. You have to make your choice. You can’t stay out there in the world and serve God at the same time. Jesus said you couldn’t serve God and mammon. So if you won’t expect…
E-250 If you really get saved, you’ll enjoy meetings where the Holy Spirit is vindicating Itself and showing that the Word of God is so.
E-251 Someone said, “The people make too much noise. It makes me nervous.” You’ll be nervous if you would get to Heaven. And you just think, when all of them are there, then what about it? Oh, my! How the Lord wants to get…
E-252 He is longsuffering, like He was in the days of Noah. He tried hard. He suffered long, for a hundred and twenty years, to get them to repent. They wouldn’t do it.
E-253 In the days of Egypt, He sent plagues and everything else. They wouldn’t do it.
He sent John. They wouldn’t return.
E-254 He sent Jesus, to die, to save the whole group that would hear the Word.
E-255 And now, in the last days, He promised again that He would send a Message to call Her out, and restore the original Faith back to It, back to the Word. And they won’t receive It. They’re so dogmatic, in their dogmas and creeds, till they don’t want It. Oh, they think if they had a…if an Angel walked down; but God don’t do that.
E-256 He takes something ignorant and stupid, something that don’t know hardly your ABC’s or—or anything. And then He takes that type of a person, ’cause He can take something that’s nothing and then work through it. As long as something thinks they’re something, then they can do nothing with it. He’s always did that. You have to become nothing, to become somebody with God. Oh, my!
E-257 Notice, yet, “He gave her a space to repent, but she didn’t do it.”
E-258 He’s done it again; she won’t do it. Her rejection, a way, makes her…Or, her rejection makes the perfect way for Satan to come into her and be incarnate. That’s right. Incarnate himself right in her, because she rejected the Word. And that’s exactly the same thing that the Protestant church becomes, a harlot, is because she rejects the vindicated Truth of the Word of God, and that gives the devil a place to come right in and incarnate himself. And he’ll make an image unto the beast when they consolidated together, right yonder now, and going just exactly what He said. That’s right. Amen.
E-259 If I had an education, I could bring It out. I haven’t got no education. I’m just expecting the Holy Spirit to reveal It to you. And He will, to those who…That’s right. He’ll do it. Yes. Notice.
E-260 Look how, what she did here. She rejected God’s Message for her to repent. She started off, an antichrist, and that’s what she was. She come, a false prophet, an incarnate devil, and, when she did, with her false teaching. Then, in all of that, God give her space to repent, tried to get her.
E-261 See how longsuffering? What a wonderful love! There’s no love like that! Look at those, even that spit in His face and things, He forgave them. That’s God, see. Don’t…
E-262 Rejects God’s Message! Look, she was asked to repent, go back to where she fell from.
E-263 And where did she fall from? The Word. Right. Where did Eve fall from? [Congregation says, “The Word.”—Ed.] Word! Where did the denomination fall from? [“The Word.”] There you are. See? No other way. Just, every time, comes right back to the Word, right back to the Word. See? And they get into a system that runs them back away from the Word, runs them from the Word instead of to the Word. Notice.
E-264 Look, she was given a space to repent, go back. Repent means to “go back, turn back, about-face.” Repent, “go back.” And she was given a space to go back to where that…
E-265 Now remember, she was the original, pentecostal Church that the Holy Ghost was poured upon, on the Day of Pentecost. How many Bible students knows that? Sure, she was. See where she went from? She fell from the Word, and accepted dogmas. She expect…Instead of the Holy Ghost, she wanted a holy man, “Doctor LL., Ph., Q.U.” and then made him a pope. See? Sure. But, she, that’s what she wanted, somebody to do her praying. Somebody…She just pay her money out, and that’s all she had to do. See?
E-266 Now, it’s the same thing today. Just as long as they got a pew to sit in, pay heavy on the collection plate, that’s good enough. They’re a member of that church. Don’t tell them nothing else about It; they don’t want to know. That’s her daughters.
E-267 Now, where did she fall from? From the original Word of the apostolic apostles and prophets. That’s where she fell from. That’s where the Protestant fell from.
E-268 Repent! Go back! Turn back before it’s too late. It ain’t already too late. One of these days that Lamb will leave His place, and then it’s all over. So is her daughters been asked now, before being judged with her, to “return back.”
E-269 Now, the last Message they get, is when this prophet that I’ve been speaking of. Which, I have been reading many books about it. And I know that real, good, sensible, spiritual-thinking men knows that that’s coming. They know that. They know it’s coming, see. They…But the trouble of it, is, they keep saying, “We need it. It’s going to be.” And when It comes, that they’ll be so humble; they’ll probably miss It just like they did the other time. That’s right. People will write about It, and everything, say, “Oh, yes, it needs to be.” And then let It be showed right before them, and they just go right on, see. So, they always done that.
E-270 Watch now, the original Word. They re-…they…She has to repent, to go back, yet, so her daughters has been asked. To be forced…they will be judged, and throwed into the same bed and killed with her. They’ve been asked to turn back to the original Word, go back to the apostolic Doctrine. But, they’re so tied down with their creeds and things, they won’t do it. They only make fun of It.
E-271 Then what do they do? They finally form up in the image unto the beast, another power; notice, and act, to the Lamb’s Bride, like she did in Revelation 13:14. That’s what they do, just persecute, just the same thing. The churches make just as fun of the true Bride of Christ, as Rome ever did. Just exactly. Yes, sir. Acts to the—the real Lamb’s Bride just exactly like she did in Revelation 13:14.
E-272 Now notice. We see, by God’s Word of promise, He will—He will kill her children, the denominations, her daughters, with spiritual death. Now, that’s Revelation 2:22. Don’t forget it. To kill, is to put to death. And death is “Eternal separation from the Presence of God.” Think of that, friends. Think of that. Don’t you trust in any man-made creeds. Anything that’s contrary to the Word, you keep away from it.
E-273 Now watch, watch in the Bible here. It said his name was Hell, and…I mean:
…his name was Death, and hell followed after him.
E-274 Now, hell always follows death, in the natural. When the natural man dies, hell follows him; that’s the grave, hades, see, that in the natural. But in the spiritual, it’s the Lake of Fire, see, all right, into Eternal separation, where they’re burnt up.
E-275 And—and Malachi 4 said, “Don’t even leave them stubble, or branch, or nothing else.” It’s the way the world has of purifying itself again, for the Millennium. See?
E-276 Have you noticed, the rider is a “he”? And “he” had in “his” hand; “man,” false prophet. But his bride is called the church, “she,” Jezebel. Ahab; Jezebel. Why, it’s just as perfect as anything. See? See?
E-277 Daughters is “she,” also, but never receive one man headship; Protestants, to that, but still harlot in principle, of their doctrine, denomination, systems. That’s just…That’s what it says.
E-278 Notice. What is this all coming to? Now, we just got about twelve, fourteen minutes here, I guess. Look what this is all coming to. What is it? It’s going right back the way it did, and started in Heaven. It’s coming to the end-time battle.
E-279 The first thing, in Heaven, was a battle. Lucifer was kicked out, and come to the earth. Then he polluted Eden; then he’s been polluting ever since. And now, from the battle in Heaven, it’s coming to the battle on earth; and it is to be finished at, on earth, at the end time, in a battle called Armageddon. Now, anyone knows that. The battle started in Heaven, holy, and so they kicked him out. Michael and His Angels overthrowed him, was run out. And when they did, dropped right down to Eden, and here started the battle down here. Met…
E-280 God had His children all fortified up by His Word. And Eve stuck her neck out, said, “I believe you’re right, maybe.” And there it went. And it’s been, ever since. Then God come down, and now He’s got to…He come down to redeem those who would come down.
E-281 As I said, God is like a big contractor. He lays out all His material on the earth, and then He builds His buildings. Now remember, before there was a grain of—of seed on the earth, before there was a sun that ever struck the earth, your body was laying on the earth, ’cause you are the dust of the earth. See? You are. God is the contractor.
E-282 Now, the way He was going to do it, was reach down and get (like He did Adam) a little bunch of calcium, potash, and cosmic light, and, “Whew!” Say, “There is My other son.” See? Then He’d bring up some more, and, “Whew!” “There’s another one.”
E-283 But what did Eve do? She corrupted that way. And she brought it through a sexual act, then death struck it.
E-284 Now what is God doing? He’s got so many of those seeds down through there, that’s predestinated; so much, the predestinated. And then, at the end time, He won’t say, “Eve, come bear another child.” He’ll (“Whew!”) call, and I’ll answer. That’s all. That’s it. That’s the idea. When that last one is brought in, that settles it.
E-285 Now, the battle started in Heaven. It’ll be finished on earth, in the form of Armageddon.
E-286 Now let’s watch and see it unfold. And maybe we can unfold it. The Lord help us right now to do this now. Watch it unfold.
E-287 The mysterious rider, watch what he does now; “opposed,” refused to repent and to go back to the original Blood Word. The Word became Blood and flesh. See? He refused to go back to It. Is antichrist! The true Word Bride, is opp-…he is opposed to the true Word Bride. Takes his own bride! He opposes this true Bride, too. And he takes his own bride, and brings her to him, in a form of religion called creeds and dogmas. See? And now, seeing the holy Bride, he is against Her. But he forms his own bride, called antichrist, by an antichrist teaching, which is contrary to Christ. See how shrewd he is? And now, instead of having a unity of love, controlling, worship under Blood, he has got a denomination. Instead of having the Word, he took creeds, dogmas, and so forth.
E-288 Like, and the Protestant says, “The Apostles’ Creed.” I want you to find a word of it in the Bible. Apostle, there ain’t no Apostles’ Creed in the Bible.
E-289 As I said here, now, not long ago, or somewhere. If the apostles had a creed, it’s Acts 2:38. Just exactly all I know he ever had. That’s what they called everybody to do. When he found one of them that looked like they were Christians, he said, “Have you received the Holy Ghost since you believed?”
Said, “We know not whether there be…”
Said, “Then how was you baptized?”
E-290 Now, being baptized in the Jesus Name, or in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ, rather, that, that’s all right, but that’s not all of it yet. No, sir. You could be baptized fifty times, like that, and don’t do a bit of good until that heart is changed by the Holy Spirit. It all has to go together. Notice, it’s—it’s Christ!
E-291 The antichrist refuses the true Bride Doctrine, and therefore he takes his own bride now and builds her up, under a creed of his own. Takes his own bride and makes her a denomination! She gives birth to other denominations, as quoted in this Holy Scriptures; gives birth to daughters. And she don’t…She becomes just like her mother, natural, worldly, denominational; opposing the spiritual Bride, the Word.
E-292 They don’t say they don’t belong to church. You talk to a denominational person. “Sure, I belong to church.” Are you a Christian? “I belong to church!” That don’t have one thing to do with It! They say…You don’t belong to Chur-…You, you might belong to what’s called a church, see, belong to a church. That’s not a Church. Them is not Churches. Them is lodges where people get together, and people like, “birds of a feather.”
E-293 But you’re only one Church, and that’s the mystical Body of Christ. And you don’t join That. You’re born in It.
E-294 As I’ve always said, I’ve been with the Branham family fifty-three years, and never did join it. I was born in it. See?
E-295 Now notice. It’s just typed beautifully. I—I got a…the Scripture wrote down here, but I…we ain’t got time to get to it; as Esau and Jacob.
E-296 Now, Esau was a religious man. He didn’t claim to be an unbeliever. He believed in the same God Jacob did, same God his daddy did. But he was just a shyster, or excuse the expression, just…He was just no good. He—He was, now, as far as being morally, he was really a—a better moral-acting man than Jacob was. But, you see, he didn’t think… “Oh, what’s that birthright got to do with It?” And he sold his birthright to Jacob. See?
E-297 But, Jacob, he didn’t have big things, and like Esau did. He didn’t have the inheritance he did. But there was one thing Jacob wanted, was that birthright. He didn’t care how he had to get it; he was going to get it. And God had respect to him.
E-298 And, then, that’s the same thing today, with the natural man, carnal mind, worldly-minded. “Well, I belong to the state church. I belong to this church. I belong to that.” That don’t have one thing to do with It, not a thing.
E-299 Watch, gathers them now on his mixed-colored horse. He is gathering them together, on his mixed-colored horse, ’cause he’s got political power.
E-300 You don’t believe he has? How did this President get in just now? How did that ever slip up? Uh-huh! Come over here for freedom of religion; and you bunch of democrats that would sell your birthrights out to politics! I ain’t got…Democrat party is all right; they’re both rotten. I’m talking about Christianity. But you sell your birthrights, on a democrat ticket, to put something like that in. Shame on you!
E-301 Don’t you realize that this nation, exactly, is in the pattern of Israel? What did Israel do? She come over to a strange land, and took the occupants out and killed them off, and went in and possessed the land. That’s what we did; the Indians. That’s the only true American there is, is our Indian friends.
E-302 And then what did they do? Israel had a few great men. First thing you know…They had David, and they had Solomon. They had great men. And finally they got a renegade up there, Ahab, that married a Jezebel, an unbeliever.
E-303 Well, that’s the same thing we did. We had a Washington and a Lincoln, but look what we got now. And the very thing of it, is, he is married, and soused down and dyed-in-the-wool to Jezebel. He might be a pretty good sort of a fellow, but she is going to run the business. And you see it right now, the whole family is coming in.
E-304 What did the Holy Spirit tell me, about thirty-five years ago? And all you old-timers know it, of seven things that would happen before the end. And this is the last, next to the last thing, coming up. Everything else hit just exactly on the dot, to the wars and everything else. See? And now she is right in the hands, a woman, to rule the nation. Jezebel! See?
E-305 But, remember, in the days of Jezebel, someone really told them their colors. See?
E-306 The gathering, on their mixed-colored horse. And, see, he is gathering this thing together, mixed with creeds, denomination, man-made doctrines. Is that right? [Congregation says, “Amen.”—Ed.] Sure, a mixed color, the mixed color of the dead, pale horse of the world! Now, that’s right. Mixed colors of the dead, worldly form of the pale horse, oh, my, no holy Blood of the Word, at all !
E-307 And watch. From corner… “From the four corners of the earth, they gather them; gathers them to Armageddon,” the Bible said. I’m trying to think of the Scriptures, as I got them wrote down here. I ain’t calling them; but just where they’re written down, see what they are. “Gathers them together, to the great day of the battle of the Lord God.” Watch. Now, on this mixed-colored, worldly, pale, sick horse, just think of it; you know, that’s a bad thing. Now watch where he gathers them, “From the four corners of the earth.” They are gathering now for the showdown. The showdown will be at “Armageddon,” according to the Word. See?
E-308 On the pale horse, riding on it, with a “Death” tacked… with the name tacked on him, “Death,” the antichrist! Listen. Antichrist, first denomination (that can’t be disputed); with his Jezebel, a prostitute to the Word; with her daughters, with her, Protestants; gathering themselves together now in unity!
E-309 Did you hear the Baptist people speak the other day over here, you know? Huh? “Oh, we won’t join up with them, but we’ll—we’ll be friendly and kind of click with them. We won’t have to join their church, but…” There you are. There you are, just exactly what the Word said. See? See? Old harlot, in the first place, see.
E-310 Now here they are, joining themselves together, coming to that showdown, to Armageddon, and riding on a mixed-colored horse; with one horse of white, one horse of red, one horse of black. The three, different: political—political power, spiritual power, controlled by demon power, which is the antichrist. Mixing that all together, and you got a pale, sickly-looking thing he is riding on. Right. Now notice. Look what he is riding on, this pale-looking, grizzled-colored horse, mixed with black, red, and white; coming to the battle, gathering his subjects from every nation under Heaven! Did not Daniel interpret the dream, and seen that streak of iron run into every kingdom, of Rome? Here they come, gathering.
Now sit still for the close, just a minute, and listen close.
E-311 They are gathering in now to do it, bringing his subjects from the four corner of the earth; riding a pale, sickly, three-colored, mixed horse. Same man!
E-312 Now, in Revelation 19, not only is he getting ready, but Christ is getting ready to meet him. The battle is going to be hot and heavy. Christ, in Revelation 19. Christ is gathered His, not from the four corners of the earth, because there’s going to be a little bitty remnant. What’s He doing? He is gathering them from the four corners of Heaven. We’ll get them, “souls under the altar,” tomorrow night, and you’ll see whether it’s right, or not. Four corners of Heaven; on a snow-white horse!
E-313 He also has a Name, not death, but, “The Word of God,” Life. Amen. Got wrote right on His thigh here, “The Word of God.” That’s the only Life, because God is the only source of Eternal Life there is. Zoe! That right? [Congregation says, “Amen.”—Ed.]
E-314 And He has got wrote, “Life,” riding on a white horse; and here is a man with three different powers mixed up, called “Death.” Gathering his earthbound delegates; and Christ is gathering His Heaven-born subjects, saints. He has got “Death” wrote on him; Christ got “Life” wrote on Him.
E-315 Those with Him are on white horses, also, and they are called, “The chosen before the foundation of the world.” Amen! And they are faithful to the Word. Amen! Whew! I like that one. “Called, chosen, before the foundation of the world.” And then, faithful to the Word, by their choosing, all stimulated with new wine and Oil, just riding right along, coming down to meet him. They know the Thunders will issue the thing for us, pretty soon. See?
E-316 Watch. How does he do? So, if He is the Word, and His Name is the Word, then the Word is Life. The antichrist; anything anti is “against,” so anti is “against” the Christ, the Word. So, it’s got to be a creed, or a denomination, which is against the Word.
E-317 Why, I don’t see how you going to miss it. If you—you understand it, how could you miss it? I don’t know how you’re going to.
E-318 And that’s true. Anti is “against.” Isn’t that right? “Take away from.” That’s what he was. He’s riding his mixed-up horse. We seen it right here in the Word of God.
E-319 We seen it right there in the seven church ages. Here He brings it right back in the Seals, open up and showing them things that went on, under the church ages.
E-320 Anti is “against” the Word. See why, creeds, why we’re so against the creeds and denominations? Because they’re against the Word. See?
E-321 Here we see Life and death coming to the final struggle. The white horse, of true Life; the pale-horse, of mixed creed. They see the thing coming to the—to the real showdown.
E-322 Now I want to say something here. You might not believe this. But I looked it up, to be sure. There is only one original color, and that’s white. How many knows that? There is only one original color. Anything else, is mixed.
E-323 Christ is on a solid-white, unadulterated Word, from the beginning. Amen! Amen! Every color would be white if some chemistry hadn’t broke into it. Amen! Glory! Every church would be standing on the apostolic Doctrine of the Word of God, and God confirming It, if he didn’t have creeds or denominations mixed into It. There you are.
Oh, Brother Evans, I feel good right now! Yes, sir. Yes, sir.
E-324 Only one original color, that’s white. It never—it never mixed with denominations or creeds. No, sir.
E-325 And, remember, His saints are clothed in white robes, not mixed with denomination and creeds. Now we find out, the denomination creeds, here is where you get your mixed color. But this is the original color He is riding. The original color is on His people. And they’ve been dipped in Blood, that cleansed that garment, and sent it right back yonder. See? That’s right.
Those that mixed, turned pale and go to death.
E-326 It is a perverting, a perversion, to mix colors with white; you pervert the original color. That right? If the original color, only color, is white, and you mix something with it, you pervert its real cause. Amen. Is that right?
E-327 And, when, if He is the white horse, and He is the Word; then, to mix anything with That, any kind of a creed, add one word to It, take one Word away from It, is to pervert the whole thing. Oh, my! Keep me with the Word, Lord!
E-328 Truth and error! Oh, my! No matter how good that it’s… Truth and error cannot mix. It cannot mix. It’s either the THUS SAITH THE LORD or it’s wrong. No matter what holy father said it, Saint Bonifer, or—or the archbishop of Canterbury; I don’t know who said it. If it’s contrary to the Word, it’s perversion. It won’t mix. Say, “Why, this fellow done…” I don’t care what he done, how much holy he is, or anything like that. This is the only direct Truth that we have. No church, no creed, has no Truth, if it’s outside of This.
E-329 And show me one that’s got It. Just, I want you to tell me. I’ll turn a page in the Bible, and show you something. See? Just call the one. You say, “Pentecostal.” Oh, my! I just caught that thought from somebody there. That’s the reason I said that. Better leave it alone, right now, ’cause I seen that started a sore spot right there. I didn’t—didn’t want to hurt you, but I—I just wanted you to know I know what you was thinking about. See?
E-330 Those that mixed, turned (the anti) to death. They turns the death color, when you mix any kind of anything with the original.
E-331 It is like Christ said about the mustard seed. Yet, it’s the smallest of all seeds, but it won’t mix with nothing. Mustard won’t mix. He’s genuine mustard. So if you just got that much of faith, just hold to it.
E-332 Notice. Life followed, rider on white horse, Who was the Word, Life, vindicated by His resurrected saints that He had with Him. Now how is the battle going to go?
E-333 Jesus said, “He that believeth in Me, though he were dead, yet shall he live.” He said, “If you believe in Me, though you—you were dead, yet shall you live. And whosoever liveth and believeth in Me shall never die.” Again, He said, “He that believes in Me…He’ll will give him Eternal Life, rise him up at the last days.” That’s His promised Scripture.
E-334 Here comes Satan, with all four corners of the earth, with his Protestants and with his—his Catholics, and all together, marching right up to the Battle of Armageddon. All right.
E-335 And here comes Jesus, coming down from Heaven, with resurrected saints, vindicated Word.
E-336 I said, if God speaks, or sends you, He’s…He—He backs up what you say. See? Notice, if you’re an ambassador from Heaven, all Heaven is behind you. And Heaven is consisted of the Word. Uh-huh.
E-337 Notice, now, He’s come with resurrected saints, vindicating that His Word is true.
E-338 So Satan knows, then, the bottomless pits is ready for him. See? Oh, my! While, death rode the pale-horse, mixed creed and denominations, and followed him, oh, my, to Eternal separation from God. That’s where he rode them to, to Eternal separation.
Christ rode His Church right into Glory, in the resurrection.
E-339 Notice verse 8 now, just right…the last part of verse 8, while we’re closing, see.
…power was given unto them…
E-340 Who is “them”? See? All right. Antichrist, called “Death.” “Hell followed.” Watch his four-point scheme.
E-341 Antichrist, white horse; kills by spirit, being antichrist; spiritual kill.
E-342 Number two, red horse; kills by sword; political power, when church and state united.
E-343 Black horse; souls, when he give out his doctrine, and she did there with her fornications. And he weighed out their food, by a…sold their…what they give for food, for a balance, and the pennies, and so forth.
E-344 Fourth, a pale horse; Eternal separation from God. Again, four, see. Oh, my!
Praise be to God!
E-345 Now, last, here in closing. To those…Have you got…I’m past time, but will you give me about ten more minutes? [Congregation says, “Amen.”—Ed.] I got so many calls, today, about—about me speaking here.
E-346 There had been so much fanaticism start out, about Elijah, till that’s just…It’s—it’s hammered to death. And you can…Well, just let…Just may God help me to help you to see what I’m looking at. Will you? Let’s just try to, see.
E-347 Now here is, in closing, to those who don’t believe that the last messenger to the church age is Elijah the prophet, a man anointed in that line.
E-348 After death…Watch. After death, of this last church age…Now, you notice what happened, see. After death, their dead bodies are destroyed by wild beasts. You know that. Now, that’s true. Like theirs, had the type of Jezebel.
E-349 Now turn to Revelation 2:18 and 20. I believe we got that just a few minutes ago. Didn’t we? Yeah, I believe we just got that. I had it wrote down here for some…Yes. The time of moral decay, that’s what it was. See how it was, how Jezebel had come in. Now, Jezebel is the churches, this modern church; not Bride, now. Jezebel, in the Old Testament, is a type of the church today, according to the Word of God, of Revelation 2:18, 20.
…thou sufferest that woman Jezebel, who called herself a prophetess,…
E-350 See? Is that right? [Congregation says, “Amen.”—Ed.] Now, it’s typed perfectly to Jezebel. Now, the first…
E-351 We could just give you Scripture after Scripture, see, that the last age is a prophetic Message to the Church, calling them back to the original Word. Now notice. Is that right? [Congregation says, “Amen.”—Ed.] Malachi 4 said so, and others, Revelation 10:7, and on down. See? Jesus Himself predicted it, down, down, down. “As it was in the days of Lot,” and so forth like that, and on down. It just keeps coming on down.
E-352 Jezebel is the type of the modern church today ’cause Catholic and Protestant are joined together now. There—there is no getting around it. They’re both denominations, so it’s just—it’s just mother and sister, that’s all. They fuss and argue with one another, but they’re the same thing, both harlots. Now, I’m not saying that myself. I’m quoting from THUS SAITH THE LORD. See? All right.
E-353 Now we notice, killed by a command of God, was Jezebel, was killed because God had Jehu to go down there and have her throwed out of the window, and kill Jezebel. And the dogs eat her flesh, (is that right?) literal Jezebel. [Congregation says, “Amen.”—Ed.] Ahab, her king, head; dogs licked his blood, as the first Elijah predicted. See where we’re going, don’t you?
E-354 Why? The first Elijah was a rejected man, by the churches. And Jezebel and Ahab was the head of them churches, church and state, all together. And Elisha revealed Ahab’s sins to him, and commanded the whole church to turn back to the true Word.
E-355 If that ain’t exactly what the second Elijah is supposed to do when he comes to this church in this day, “restore back the original Faith”! I don’t see how you’re going to squeeze away from It. That’s right. Turn back to the true Word! That’s right.
E-356 Now if you want to see their bodies, let’s turn over here to Revelation 19, after—after the Word slays them. Now, the Word is going to kill them. You know that. All right. Now you just watch and see what happens when Christ’s Coming, in Revelation 19, beginning with the 17th verse.
And I saw an angel standing in the sun;…
E-357 Now, that’s right after, look above here, “And His vesture was dipped with blood. And He is called KING OF KING, AND LORD OF LORD.” In the 13th verse, “He is called the Word of God.” See? Now, here He is, “KING OF KING, AND LORD OF LORDS.”
And I saw an angel…
E-358 Now watch. He goes forth.
And out of his mouth goeth a sharp sword, that with it he should smite the nations:…
E-359 “Out of His mouth,” like from God’s mouth to Moses’ mouth. See?
…and he shall rule them with a rod of iron: and… tread the winepress—press of the fierceness and the wrath of Almighty God.
And he has on his vesture a name…on his thigh a name written, KING OF KING, AND LORD OF LORDS.
And I saw an angel…
E-360 Now watch. Now He comes forth, smiting. Who is He smiting? Jezebel and her Ahab, false prophet.
And I saw an angel standing in the sun; and he cried with a loud voice, saying to all the fowls of the air in the midst of heaven, Come and gather yourselves together to the supper of the great God;
E-361 He feeds them to the beasts and birds. Now watch over here in the other chapter here, of the Book of Revelation. And, just a minute, “Kill with a sword, and death, and beasts of the earth.” See? The Jezebel church, her (actually) body, is to be eaten by fowls and beasts of the earth. Just exactly like Ahab and Jezebel was, in the natural, so are they to be, in the spiritual form, a church. Do you see what I mean? [Congregation says, “Amen.”—Ed.] All right.
E-362 Elijah’s…Oh! Elijah was the prophet in the days of Ahab and Jezebel, natural. And he is promised to do the same thing, according to THUS SAITH THE LORD, in the Word, to the Jezebel, spiritual; his Spirit-form of ministry.
E-363 Watch. Elijah, though, in his day, properly and profoundly vindicated, could not turn them back to the Word. Is that right? Though, Elijah tried, with everything. He did everything. He—he showed them signs and wonders; and they laughed in his face. Same thing they’ll do with the spiritual here, see. He could not turn them back to the Word. Out of the millions…
E-364 Now listen, church, close now, you that’s a little bit confused on this.
E-365 Out of the millions in the world, in the days of Elijah, when Jezebel and Ahab was reigning, in—in type of the antitype today; out of the whole world, there was only seven hundred saved, of Elijah’s preaching. Is that right? That’s exactly.
E-366 Look, Elijah never knew even one of them was that way. He thought he was the only one saved, until God opened one of the Seals and showed him the mystery in the Book, that He had seven hundred that never bowed down to them creeds that they had. When God opened His Book to Elijah, said, “Now wait a minute, son. I got seven hundred that’s tucked around, out there, has got their names on the Book since the foundation of the world. They’re Mine.” Whew! God opened the Seals.
E-367 That’s the reason I think John was doing a lot of shouting the other night. He must have seen his name on There, you see. See?
One day God opened…
E-368 Elisha, he had preached. He had done everything, and—and—and preached his heart out. He done everything he could, and still they just “hawed” him, called him everything, and said, “You’re the cause of all of this. You’re a spiritualist. You’re the one who makes all this trouble to come. You are guilty,” and everything like that. He said everything to him. Jezebel threatened to cut his head off, and everything else. That’s right. Everybody was against him.
E-369 And then he said, “Lord, after I’ve done that, all You told me to do! I’ve stayed exactly with Your Word. When You told me anything, I was fearless. I walked right into the king’s face, and everything else, and told them, ‘THUS SAITH THE LORD.’ And You haven’t told me a thing, and I have not told them one thing, but what happened. And now here am I, the only one left, out of the whole bunch. I’m the only one left, and they’re trying to kill me.”
E-370 God said, “I’m going to open up one of the Seals and show you something.” He said, “You know, I got seven hundred back there, that ain’t never bowed a knee to…joined any of them creeds yet, denominations. There is seven hundred of them ready for the Rapture, see.” Oh! Oh! He said to His prophet, who He reveals His Word to, see, through the Scripture. “I have seven hundred prepared names yet, out of this generation; seven hundred of them. They have not bowed their knees to any” (if I’d say it in this day) “religious organizations, and come creeded up, in them.”
E-371 You see what I mean? Then, it simply has to be. It’s just got to be. And it’s according to the Word. When the man arrives on the scene, he’ll be a prophet. Just as certain as I’m standing in this pulpit. See? And he’ll stay right with that Word. He will not take down for nobody’s creed or nothing else. That’s right. He’ll be a woodsman type of a fellow, like Elisha was, he…and like John came. He’ll—he’ll hate women, (boy!) immoral women! Whew! Boy, he’ll wade in on them! Elijah did, and so did John. See? See? And he’ll be right straight with that Word. He’ll be—be against organizations. Organization? “Think not to say within yourselves, ‘We have Abraham to our father,’ for I say God is able of these stones to rise children to Abraham.” See? Sure did.
E-372 Now, there you are, friends. Here is the Fourth Seal, opened. And the riders of the four horses is revealed, to the best of my knowledge. Now, this is all that took place on earth.
E-373 Next Seal, we see, is in Heaven, where souls are under the altar.
E-374 Now, just in closing, I want to say these couple…just a few words, right here, I got wrote down. We have skipped about, on these four Seals, first four Seals.
E-375 Now, tomorrow night, we—we change the scene, from the earth things going on. He looks up here and sees the souls under the altar, the sacrificed, altar.
The next night, the judgment strikes.
E-376 And the fourth night, or the last night, Sunday night, I don’t know what. I don’t know what these others mean. I just read them, as you did. But, “There was silence for a half hour,” but there’s something took place. I’m expecting Him to reveal It. He’ll do it. I’m satisfied He will.
E-377 We had to go, of different places of the Scripture, to Revelation 19, to show the Coming of Christ will slay the antichrist. That’s the reason I had to leave these, just take them two verses. I had to go to different parts of the Scriptures, to prove these things. So that’s the reason I went to Revelation 19, to show the end of antichrist, will be the slaying; of Christ, when He comes, He will slay the antichrist.
E-378 To Revelation 10, to show that the seventh angel’s Message will be a person, in this last days, anointed of God for a ministry just like Elijah the prophet has, as is predicted in Malachi 4, to reveal the true Word of (original) God in this generation, the original Word of God in this generation. Like he did to the natural Jezebel, so will this man do it to spiritual Jezebel, the denominational churches. I had to go to the 7th chapter…the 10th chapter, 1 to 7 verses, to prove that it was right. And over to Malachi, and Amos, and so forth, to prove that.
E-379 Elijah was a prophet that prophesied and condemned Jezebel, in that particular generation.
E-380 And Elijah never died. He certainly didn’t. He appeared again, some eight hundred years later, by the side of Jesus Christ, on Mount Transfiguration. He isn’t dead.
E-381 Now, we find out that his Spirit is to anoint a man, according to the promise of God, in the last days; promised to do the same in spirit Jezebel, as it did in natural Jezebel, in the last age.
E-382 That’s why I—I went to so much of the Bible, to prove it, so it won’t be left a question in your mind. If there is, you let me know. Well, write me a letter or a little note.
E-383 And it so perfectly blends, even to the beasts destroying their natural bodies in the last day, consuming them as they did then.
E-384 To the best of my revelation, that was give to me by God and foretold that it would be done, this is the Truth of the four horse riders, to the best that I know.
E-385 What do you think about Jesus? [Congregation rejoices—Ed.]
I love Him, I love Him
Because He first loved me
And purchased my salvation
On Calvary’s tree.
E-386 Now remember, with no…(That’s it; go ahead; that’s good.) With no bad feelings towards any people in any organization! Cause, God has got children in the Catholic system. He has got children in the Methodist system. He has got children in the Baptist system. How many of those, all them different systems, is represented here tonight, that come out of it when you seen Light? Let’s see your hands. [Congregation says, “Amen.”—Ed.] Now, remember, there is people out there just like you. But it’s the system that kills, see. It’s the antichrist spirit that finally gets them to a place till they won’t hear no Truth.
E-387 And remember the other night, when I went through the sealing? If a man heard the jubilee call, and he refused to go free, he was taken to the post and an awl marked his ear. Ear is where you hear. “And faith cometh by hearing.” Then if he hears It, and refuse to accept his freedom, then he’s…has to serve his denominational master the rest of his life. Amen.
E-388 Oh! Oh, my! Isn’t He wonderful? [Congregation says, “Amen.”—Ed.]
I love Him, I…
Let’s just raise our hands now and worship Him.
Because He first loved me (Glory!)
And purchased my salvation
On Calvary’s tree.
E-389 [Brother Branham begins humming I Love Him—Ed.] Now just bow your head, and let’s worship Him now as we hum it. [Brother Branham continues humming I Love Him.]
E-390 Lord, how thankful we are! I’m so glad, Lord, so happy for You and Your people. O Lord, You purchased our salvation on Calvary. We gladly accept it, Lord.
E-391 Now try us, Lord, by Your Spirit. And if there be any evil among us, Lord, any unbelief of the Word, any persons here, Father, that would not punctuate every promise of God with an “amen”; may the Holy Spirit come down now, the white-horse Rider, while His Spirit, Spirit of Christ, in the face of antichrist, and call His Own. Call them out, Lord.
E-392 May now they repent, come quickly to You and be filled with the Oil and the wine; and be changed from that denominational robe of Cain’s death, unto a snow-white robe of Eternal Life, given out by the Bridegroom. And then they’ll go to the Wedding Supper someday, in the vindicated Word of the resurrection. Grant it, Lord. Search the hearts, while the people wait on You. Through Jesus’ Name!
[Brother Branham begins humming I Love Him—Ed.]
E-393 Now, just search your heart, my brother, my sister, my friend. I’ve been with you a long time. This is about thirty-three years. Have I ever told you anything in the Name of the Lord but what come to pass? [Congregation says, “No.”—Ed.] Search Christ now while you have a chance to. It may come pretty soon where you can’t do it. See? He may leave the seat, anytime, of His intercession; then you could cry with all your heart, you could stomp, you could speak in tongues, you could run up-and-down the floor, you could do anything you wanted to, and join every church in the world, there is nothing, no more bleach for your—your sin. Then what do you, where are you then?
E-394 Well, I believe, with all my heart, the seat is still open. I believe He is still on the Throne of God. But soon He’s going to rise now, and come forth, to claim what He has redeemed. He is doing the work of Kinsman Redeemer, while Ruth is waiting.
E-395 But soon, you know, after Boaz done the kinsman work, then he come and claimed his possession. And that’s exactly what the Bible said He done, “He come forth and took the Book.” Then intercession is over; He is off the Throne; there is no more Blood on the Mercy Seat. And then what is it? Judgment Seat.
E-396 Don’t let it be said, some of these days, “I thought the Rapture was supposed to come.” And hear the Voice say, back, “It’s in the past.” God help you!
Now let’s bow our heads.
E-397 Brother Neville, come, for dismissing or whatever you have to do. God bless you, till tomorrow night.