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David said, "That's the way my soul thirsts for Thee. Oh, I must have You, Lord, or I'll perish." If you only knew, sinner friend, that the hounds of hell is right behind you, crippled and wounded by sin, and you've got to find Christ or perish. When that sort of a desire gets into a man's heart, he will find Christ, when you get in that shape.
"As the hart panteth for the water brook. I must have it. I'm wounded. If I don't have it, I'm gone." And when you get to a place that you want Christ so bad, you must have Him or perish, you can't sleep at night; you can't eat; you've just got to find Him; blessed are you when you hunger and thirst after righteousness, you'll find Eternal Life.
May God help you this afternoon to have that thirst for that Life, for there's only one Life that'll last forever; that's Eternal Life, and given only by knowing Jesus Christ in the forgiveness of your sin. "He that heareth My Word and believeth on Him that sent Me, hath passed from death unto Life, and shall never come to the judgment." You've done passed from death to Life. What it means...

William Branham, Sermon "The Greatest Gift In The Bible"
