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And when they went over across the little river Jordan, went over into the promised land and begin to look around, to see whether it was lean or whether it was good, or whether it was grapes or whether it was the fruits. When they come back, they climbed up and cut down a bunch of grapes that taken two men to pack them. What a bunch of grapes. I think if a land with a curse on it will grow something like that, what will it grow when the curse is off of it?
Here they come back, but when they looked over into the land and seen all the Philistines and the Amorites and the Hivites, and the Perizzites, and all of those fellows all walled up and sitting in their big kingdoms and so forth, they quivered in their boots.
They come back and said, ?€?Oh.?€? When they called a counsel, brought all the children of Israel out-beautiful type now. And they stood up and said, ?€?The land is beautiful. It?€™s wonderful. It would be good if we could have a revival like that. But we just can?€™t do it, that?€™s all.?€? Said, ?€?Oh, we?€™re just prey to them.?€? Said, ?€?My,?€? said, ?€?well, they?€™re way bigger. Why, they?€™re giants and so forth. And they?€™re walled in. And it?€™s impossible for us to take them. Oh, why did you bring us out of our churches, out into this kind of a land??€?
I want you to notice, this come in my mind just then. When Moses sent those ten spies over, it was in harvest of grape time. Perfect type of Pentecost. First fruits, Pentecost was the ingathering, the first harvest. And when they was at Kadesh-barnea, at judgment, then it would be determined on whether they could go on over and get the Holy Spirit or not, into the land of promise, where they?€™d promised.
You say, ?€?Is that a promise??€?
Yes, Peter said, ?€?Repent, be baptized everyone of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of your sins, you shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. For the promise is unto you, and to your children, to them that?€™s far off, even (Chicago) as many as the Lord our God shall call.?€? We got too many people today saying, ?€?It?€™s too hard, we can?€™t do it.?€? We can. Harvest time.
That?€™s the reason they got this big bunch of grapes and brought it back, for an evidence. I can see Caleb and Joshua, with that on their shoulders, marching down through there, just singing the jubilee songs. Sure, they had the evidence. They could prove that it was a good land. They brought it back and give all the children a grape if they wanted one, off of one cluster. Just look what a bunch of grapes they had.
Now, Joshua and Caleb, when they heard all these murmuring-the people saying, ?€?Oh, it can?€™t be done, it can?€™t be done,?€?-Caleb run out in the midst of the people and quietened them, said, ?€?Yes, it can be.?€?

William Branham, Sermon "The Great Warrior Joshua"
