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The first doctrine of Jesus was, "You Must Be Born Again." That was His first doctrine.
And we--we find out that there is so many different meanings that people put to it. Nearly all churches say that you must be born again, but each one has their--their different interpretations to that, what it means to be born again. I might go to the Methodist church this morning; they say, "We believe that you must be born again." How do you interpret it? I go to the Baptist church, "And we believe you must be born again." How do you interpret it? And I would go to each church, and we'd find, if we went to all the nine hundred different denomination of churches, there'd be nine hundred different interpretations. So seeing that there is so many different interpretations, and yet a Bible doctrine, there must be, and is, a truth somewhere.
So now, remember it didn't say, "You ought to be born again," but, "you must."

Now, to begin with, to base back, the reason we have to be born again is because the Bible teaches us that we were all born in sin, shaped in iniquity, and come to this world speaking lies. Then that shows us that our nature, to begin with, is sinful to start with.

We're no good to begin with. So we cannot claim anything by our shrewdness, our sincerity, or how great we are, how little we are, or--or whatevermore, we are altogether wrong to begin with. And there is nothing at all that we can do about it.

Now remember, I believe that Jesus Christ says this to every human being on His first doctrine, "Except a man be born of the water (That's the Word, washing of the water by the Word.) and of the Spirit (which is the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit confirming the Word), he cannot see the Kingdom of heaven." Do you believe that?

See? Of the water, washing of the water by the Word, Word and Truth, He is the Truth. Water and Spirit, the Spirit coming with the Word to confirm the Word, making God live in me... See? We cannot understand the Kingdom of heaven till that's happened. Then when that begins to happen, that we see the Word in us, born of the Word and of the Spirit, manifesting Itself, leading me not away from the Word; the Spirit leads me to the Word, and the Word living in me, making God manifest in your life, you'll never understand the Kingdom of God and can no wise enter into it. God bless you.

William Branham, Sermon "You Must Be Born Again"
