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And when we look at Christ, you see the penalty. The only One, God Himself made flesh, God coming to the earth, and took on Him the sin of all of us, and the judgment and wrath of Almighty God was poured out upon His body, and there it was rivened at the cross. That's the real judgment. He tread the winepress of the wrath of God alone. Alone He walked the road. Alone He died with not no help from an Angel, from a man, from His Church, from His mother, from His brethren, from His Father. And forsaken by God, man, and nature, He died alone to show us that even nature itself can't help us in the hour of death. There's no friend, no priest, no pope, no pastor... It's death. But there was One Who took it for us.

William Branham, Sermon "You Must Be Born Again"
