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You can’t go east and west at the same time. You’re either going one way or the other. You’re either pointed towards God this morning, with all you got, looking to Him, or you’re pointed the other way.
You think sometime you’re going right, when you’re going wrong, but you can’t go to the right and to the left at the same time. You got…You’ll come out…If you’re headed left, you’re going left, and you’ll come out left. If you’re headed right, you’ll come out right, you can’t keep from coming right. It may seem like you’re going wrong, but you’re going right.

Follow the Compass, and the Compass is the Holy Spirit. The magnetic pole of the north holds that compass exactly north. Isn’t it wonderful? That’s the electronics of the air.
I was standing near the North Pole, here a few years ago. And, here, see them northern lights a sweeping, and the yellow and green flashes in the dark midnight, would make it as light as it is in this room, to walk by. I thought, “Way down yonder in Central America, anywhere, that compass will point right straight to that magnetic pole. It’ll guide you north, every time.”

And how glorious that is, that we’ve got a magnetic system in Glory. And every man that has been made a compass to guide through this life, will point towards Jesus Christ, just as certain as we’re sitting in the church today.

William Branham, Sermon "Why Are People So Tossed About?"
