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Do you realize, old men, when we were boys, our boys has got ten times the temptation that we had? Sister, do you realize that your daughter has ten times the temptation you had when you was a girl? What will her daughter have? Look at the things, the pictures the devil's a painting. Oh, how we need to pray.
Now, we'll go back to you again. Brother, do you realize we don't pray half as much as our fathers did? Pastor, do you know we don't put as much time on our knees as the pastors before us did? Women, do you realize you don't instruct your daughter and pray with her at night like your mother did you? Then what about it? Who's guilty? We're guilty. There's no way around it; we're guilty. I'm guilty. I'm guilty of not doing the job of God like I should do. I'm confessing it that I'm wrong. I'm asking God to be merciful to me.

I know God's program; it's written out here in the Bible. And I'm ashamed of myself as a minister of the Gospel. One million souls won, I ought to have ten million souls won. I'm a way behind.
What about you? How many souls you won since you've been to Christ? Christianity just goes from one to another. How many souls you won since you've been a Christian? If you're not winning souls, you're guilty. You're barren; you've brought shame on the church and the Gospel. How many people you get out for Wednesday night prayer meeting? If you're not doing it, you ought to be ashamed of yourself before Christ. You're guilty, and your place is at the altar. I invite you to come with me for repentance. And will you bow your heads and keep it bowed a minute while I feel my guilt and would like to repent. Just bow your head.

William Branham, Sermon "A Blushing Prophet"
