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If I ask, "How many has the Holy Ghost?" All of you raise up your hand. I'd say, "All right, I'll see if you have." The Bible said that they that had the Holy Ghost sighed and cried day and night for the abominations done in the city. Now, how many hands would go up? How many of you can't rest at night, so full of joy and the power of God, and so sad for the people that's lost, that day and night you weep and cry for the abominations? You won't... See? Who would be that in the city? How many of that's in the church? That's what the Bible said the Holy Spirit evidence was.

He told the sealing Angels (Ezekiel 9, that's right), He said, "Take... Go through the city and set a mark upon those who sigh and cry for the abominations did in the city. The rest of them, let the destroying Angel destroy them." No matter how much members they was and how many of the things they done, said, "Put a..." And a man with--a ink horn writer, dressed in white (which represented the Holy Spirit) came forth and put a mark upon all them that sighed and cried for the abominations done in the city. Now, you say... And watch what he said in there also. "slay utterly, little children, old women, babies, kill them all." Little children? Yes.

That was the Holy Spirit come forth to mark the people, and said to the destroying Angel, "Go forth and destroy everything that doesn't have that mark upon them." And the mark of God is the Holy Ghost; is a Seal of God.
Now, where is them people that's that interested? I can show you people that jump up-and-down and cry in a church; I can show you people that shout and run all over the building; I can show you people that prophesy, and it comes to pass; I can show you those who speak in tongues, and--and run up and down the buildings, and say things that actually interpret and it comes to pass; but where is that person that sighs and cries for the abominations that's did in the city? Where's that burdened soul? You could turn some new leaves on that.

William Branham, Sermon "Questions And Answershttps://en.branham.ru/sermons/64-0830M‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌
