That's the reason God was made flesh in order to die that He could suffer and take the penalty upon Himself. He couldn't do it as long as He was Jehovah in the Spirit. God the Father in Spirit could not do it. But when God was made flesh, and dwelled among us, a human being, then He could taste death, and take the penalty that He had put upon all human beings. He took it upon Himself and paid the price.
Yet His promised Word had promised this resurrection. But they did not understand that it would be so. They couldn't just absolutely get to it. The Word... He was the vindication of His promise. Jesus talking to this Cleopas and his friend, on the road to Emmaus, was the vindication of His promised Word. And yet they did not understand it.
May I say it today? After two thousand years of teaching, believing, still He's alive, and people cannot perceive it. They cannot understand it. The main thing is, they've been so indocumated with other things, too many cares, and too much other stuff. That's the reason they cannot understand it. They were too sad and tore up to understand it.
We find out as they went along the road, one great thing about them, they were talking about Him when He appeared. Now, that's the trouble today. The reason I think He don't appear to so many of us is because we don't talk about Him enough. We've got other things we got to talk about. Our denominational difference, we got to fuss about that. We got to talk about communism. We got all kinds of programs, and everything else, all got us tied up. We don't have time to talk about Him. The church program, who's going to be the elected pastor, who's going to do this and who's going to do that. We are talking about everything else but Him, when we ought to be talking about Him. Always that should be our objective. Our whole life is in Him.
William Branham, Sermon «When Their Eyes Were Opened, They Knew Him»