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Here some time ago up in Finland, I was up there right after the war. The battlefields was used for battle grounds, and they didn't get a chance to get their crops in. Now, they almost exist on wheat and barley, and it was getting along in the late fall, and they was... The women was out there. They could--didn't have tractors; they were very poor. And the men and women would hook themselves into harness and was pulling the harrows, like something on order of a little harrow hook, something looks like a little disc, little wheels a rolling, just enough to kick the ground up. They didn't have time to plow it, because the fall snow comes, and then there's no more--see the ground no more till spring.

And they were just scratching the ground any way, scratching, hurrying. When nighttime come, no, no stop. Plow all night long. And even little children, like these little boys setting here in front, run along in front their mother packing a lantern, and maybe a little girl at the other end of the row out there somewhere watching the baby. And her mother in a harness a pulling the harrows, scratching the ground, little boy running in front packing a lantern at nighttime: day and night, scratching the ground just enough to get the seed in. For if they didn't get the seed in before the snow fell, there'd be no crop the next year, and it'd be starve--starvation. They'd die.
And I looked at that and wondered, and looked, I thought, "O God, what a revelation it ought to be to the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ." We got to scratch the ground everywhere. Maybe we haven't got time for full time revivals around the country. Scratch the ground somewhere and get the Word in, because the night cometh when no man can work. If we don't get the seed in now, there'll be no crop for tomorrow. Upon this thought then, let's bow our heads and pray.

William Branham, Sermon «Spiritual Inspiration»
