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We don't have to worry. You forget that there's a God. We'll all stew up and think, "Oh well, if I can't do this, if I can act like this, and I can't join this..." Keep still and wait for God to speak to you. That's the thing. Say for instance... What if--what if the rabbit... What if he had to hop from the north woods to Florida to live. Why, he'd never--he'd never make it with his little lopes along like that. Well, what if somebody'd say, "Now wait, we'll get scientific about this, boy. If you stay here, there's going to be thirty foot of snow. You'll set right down under that snow and smother." You know, the rabbit just survives where he's at, and God makes him a pair of snowshoes and hops over, and he just hops right on top of the snow. God feeds him on top of the snow. Because something tells him, "Stay there and wait." He ain't got no shoes yet, but God will provide the shoes, if he will just wait. The snowshoe rabbit dances right around on top the ground eating fine tender buds off the top of the trees and stays home. Certainly.
What of a little deer, the little deer would have to run down through Chicago, and get on this outer drive here, and take down to Florida as hard as he could. Well, he'd be in danger. God knows that. So He just makes him satisfied the way he is, and gives him two little sharp hoofs. And he digs right down through that thirty foot of snow, and eats all the moss off the ground, and gets fat as he can be through the winter. See? God takes care of him. What of the poor old bear, clumsy as he is, what if God... What if somebody says, "What if God growed you some snowshoes, boy, what would you do with them? Why, you're so heavy, you'd mash on down anyhow." He don't weary. There's something telling him just to wait. When winter come--time comes, God will take care of the situation. He don't have to get jumping up and getting all flusterated and saying, "Oh, my, the birds are all going south. I'd better try." Why, he'd kill himself, or somebody'd kill him going down.

William Branham, Sermon "What Hearest Thou, Elijah?"
