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It was a paradox when a great soldier of--of God by the name of Jehoshaphat stood in the gates with a backslidden man by the name of Ahab, and said, "Before we go to this battle, is not it a good thing that we consult the Lord?" Now, if that man's heart is hungry to know the will of God, there's got to be a will of God somewhere.
Not always in the multitude of counsel is safety. Ahab says, "I've got all my ministers. They're all prophets. I'll call them up here. And you know, if I bring out four hundred prophets, we'll find the Word of the Lord." Not always you do, not always.
If it's not with the Word, then stay away from it. I don't care how many's there. Stay with that Word. God can't take that Word back.

William Branham, Sermon "Paradox"
